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India, China Agree On 3-Step Disengagement Plan In Pangong: Report

China continues with its salami slicing and India keeps ceding more and more land.
Bumping the thread one month since it’s original posting. Surely the PLA has retreated to Finger 8 by now as the Bahkts have promised.
After the Finger 8 retreat promise that made by the Indian media (on behalf of PLA), PLA decides to deploy exoskeleton for its troops in the front line; that's must because the route from finger 4 to 8 is so difficult that exoskeleton is a must-have to PLA to complete the retreat.

This was a fake news from Bharat Mata, Modi still begging chinqa to pleaj shtap killing we cant even release causalities, never knew 56" ki aur bhi phat sakti hai....
This was a fake news from Bharat Mata, Modi still begging chinqa to pleaj shtap killing we cant even release causalities, never knew 56" ki aur bhi phat sakti hai....
Did you not hear moaning of chinese foreign spokeswoman? That is the classic chinese begging :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .
Did you not hear moaning of chinese foreign spokeswoman? That is the classic chinese begging :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: .

oh yes, Chinese are so scared, Modi Ji ordered a giant made in China microwave for Indian Soldiers....and now chinese are providing hot meals to Indian Soldiers.

I understand, China is no match to super power India.
Who needs to wake up will be known to all in a week time...have your dreams till than...

All the talk of 1000 or 3000 km territory lost without fight will be forgotten by people bragging here like horns from a donkey's head.

It’s been a month now. Show me the money!
oh yes, Chinese are so scared, Modi Ji ordered a giant made in China microwave for Indian Soldiers....and now chinese are providing hot meals to Indian Soldiers.

I understand, China is no match to super power India.
If everything is well and good ,why are they moaning?
Whenever Indians trying to build narrative that China is now ready to ACCEPT India's demands, suddenly such an incident happens in which Chinese soldiers have beaten up Indian soldiers lol and the cycle of Indian BS continues. Indian Army is the weakest, poorest, demoralized, and purposeless shit on earth. More like a BJP militia wing rather than a state Army. Thank you, Modi and Indian media you guys have made your armed forces a laughing stock for the world :lol:

Couldn’t have put it better myself sir.:dance3:
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