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India, China Agree On 3-Step Disengagement Plan In Pangong: Report

True or not, it will remain to be seen, but one thing is for sure- this continues to be Doklum 2.0.
  • The Chinese conscript army has had a tough time after ambushing/attacking a non-armed, small patrol of 20 Indians soldiers with 150 Chinese soldiers armed with weapons.
  • They did so after they secured an agreement that no armed and only small contingent would patrol from both sides. Effectively, showing how they can never be trusted.
  • And after all that effort and bluster, they disrespected and hid their soldier's deaths (estimated between 40-60 dead) out of embarrassment
  • Lost all advantages by giving up peaks to the Indian military.
Let's not forget they lost the narrative and further reputation on the world stage.

Finally, drove India into the Quad. Xi is awesome for China, a-ha :no:
Same news sources claimed PAF F-16 was shot down last year and changed the F-16 type and pilot name 4 times. No other news source is reporting this from abroad. Let Indians jump up and down, now they are desperately looking to save face with knowledge that a winter confrontation will hurt them far more the the Chinese. One side is making an Space Station, the other side is importing winter jackets from abroad, worth remembering this.........

Want all the Pakistani folks and Chinese Folls to read the news. China has agreed to Indian conditions and is going back to pre April 2020 positions. Only after that India wil vacate Southern Panggong lake hills.

What else paper tiger could have done except surrender?
" However, there is no signature or agreement on the plan's implementation as yet, the sources said. No time period has been agreed upon within which to implement the plan; neither is the extent to which it will happen decided between the two sides. "

LOW IQ Indians can't read.
No body cares about your understanding. Move on old man.
We are interested in what he has to say. He’s a true Pakistani patriot making his point on a Pakistani site. On the other hand you an indian with more IDs than a hot meal with plenty of
Negative ratings? Do you think we want you on hear telling us what to do you despicable creature?
On topic
India lost massive chunk of land
India had troops butchered
India had plenty troops taken as prisoner
India begging USA for help
Modi begging india to stop
Yet they want to believe China has suffered an humiliation? God sake if I was indian today I’d be so ashamed - I’d never show my face - especially on a Pakistani site.
Of course their is going to be a disengagement plan as the Chinese have ALREADY conquered over 38,000 Square KMS of indian territory:

india did NOTHING about the above and submitted to the Chinese conquering OVER 38,000 Square KMS of sovereign indian territory. So why shouldn't the Chinese now not disengage?.......... :azn:
We are interested in what he has to say. He’s a true Pakistani patriot making his point on a Pakistani site. On the other hand you an indian with more IDs than a hot meal with plenty of
Negative ratings? Do you think we want you on hear telling us what to do you despicable creature?
On topic
India lost massive chunk of land
India had troops butchered
India had plenty troops taken as prisoner
India begging USA for help
Modi begging india to stop
Yet they want to believe China has suffered an humiliation? God sake if I was indian today I’d be so ashamed - I’d never show my face - especially on a Pakistani site.
Fine. May be you or he could quote each other. I'll keep it to myself. Thanks.

Cheerleading is in your blood. So the rest of your post is ignored.
One more effort of dragon to prove his might ended in one more fiasco. They have a hegimonic design without matching capabilities with old and weak army.
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end to this is good news,for India.
India,is in no shape to fight a,super power even one whose bark is worse than it's bite
Fine. May be you or he could quote each other. I'll keep it to myself. Thanks.

Cheerleading is in your blood. So the rest of your post is ignored.
We are on a Pakistan site and will post to our hearts content - you could do us all a favour and either post something about the topic - don’t make personal attacks or remain quiet
Your nation has regularly been humiliated and had its land grabbed. Don’t you want to discuss this sensitive issue? Come on let’s share the dilemma. Are you hoping kissing Bidens feet will give india new amewicaaaaan new fwendship to help you @masterchief_mirza indian rectums burning sir.
Do you naturally immoral Indians call your father an old man?
Shame on you and curses for those who gave you this type of dirty moral training.

Assalam alaikum dear brother.

If ever these Indians give you a hard time, please report their post.

You can also tag mods like waz and agnostic_muslim to deal with repeated abuse.

Let @Musings and I know next time they try this stunt with you.

The rules of the forum are clear.

We respect and love you brother as our esteemed member, hope you are well. Look forward to your posts in the future..

I am a big fan of your website as well.
We are on a Pakistan site and will post to our hearts content - you could do us all a favour and either post something about the topic - don’t make personal attacks or remain quiet
Your nation has regularly been humiliated and had its land grabbed. Don’t you want to discuss this sensitive issue? Come on let’s share the dilemma. Are you hoping kissing Bidens feet will give india new amewicaaaaan new fwendship to help you @masterchief_mirza indian rectums burning sir.

Lol. Gibberish again. Seems most Pakistanis can't take a hint and move on. Don't quote me again.
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Lol. Gibberish again. Seems most Pakistanis are like Imran, pestering bug type, can't take a hint and move on. Don't quote me again.

And yet like shit on a shoe, you Indians still leave that bad smell all over our forum.
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