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India, China Agree On 3-Step Disengagement Plan In Pangong: Report

Want all the Pakistani folks and Chinese Folls to read the news. China has agreed to Indian conditions and is going back to pre April 2020 positions. Only after that India wil vacate Southern Panggong lake hills.
NDTV report...wake up idiot

Want all the Pakistani folks and Chinese Folls to read the news. China has agreed to Indian conditions and is going back to pre April 2020 positions. Only after that India wil vacate Southern Panggong lake hills.

It is very surprising and mysterious that this Indian brand news is only available on Indian websites. While no Chinese or world news site has this news

India, China Agree On A Three-Step Disengagement Plan At Pangong Lake Area; Details Inside

Nov 11, 2020 05:07 PM

Pangong Lake, Ladakh

In a positive development, the ongoing border standoff between India and China looks set to be resolved soon as the armies of both the countries have agreed to disengage and move back to their respective positions before the April-May timeframe, ANI reports.

Both the sides discussed this disengagement plan on 6 November during the 8th Corps Commander-level talks held in Chishul. External Affairs Ministry’s Joint Secretary Naveen Shrivastava and Brigadier Ghai of Directorate General of Military Operations took part in the meeting. The disengagement process will be implemented in three steps over the next week.

Firstly, the tanks and armoured personnel carriers from both the sides are supposed to be shifted from their frontline deployment to a significant distance from the Line of Actual Control (LAC) within a day of the discussions.

The second step is slated to be carried out in the northern bank of the Pangong Lake. The two armies are required to withdraw around 30 per cent of their troops on a daily basis for three days. Thus, the Indian Army will now be positioned close to its administrative Dhan Singh Thapa post. Their Chinese counterparts will move to their position to the east of Finger 8. 8-):devil::devil:

Finally, the third step includes the two sides withdrawing from their respective positions from the frontline along the southern bank of Pangong Lake area that includes the heights and territories around Rezang La and Chushul area.

Both countries have agreed to set up a joint mechanism that will verify the progress of this disengagement process. Meetings will be conducted between delegations and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) will be used for the same. However, the Indian side is proceeding very cautiously in this exercise due to the trust issues that have arisen post the clash that took place at Galwan valley in June this year.

Notably, nearly 50,000 Indian Army troops are currently stationed in a high state of combat readiness in various mountainous locations in eastern Ladakh in sub-zero conditions as multiple rounds of talks between the two sides have not yielded concrete outcome to resolve the standoff. China too has deployed an equal number of troops at the border area, as per the officials.
Anything coming from india not only you can only take with a pinch of salt but you can pretty much flush it down the toilet like excrement. india is the world's biggest cesspit with their delusional brainless hindus trolling around the internet to make them look "good" but the fact is these people make zero contribution to the world, they produce nothing, but they brag how they are the next superpower.

And their crap media is like a propoganda department to push their hindu nationalism craps, jai hind is more like jai loser.
Dear Brother . India is also aware of the history of America's unfaithfulness and time-passing friendships. And remember that India itself has a controversial double fee identity. Both are masters of hidden terrorism

The hindus take this like a superb victory for them when in fact in China nobody gives a shit about this. We are all busy getting out of this recession and rebuild economy where people's life hood as priority where indians busy spending their entire life on the internet trolling. If you lots actually spend time in building up your country india will not be such as a big cesspit. Hindu nationalism is an absolute virus indeed, you need to be ruled by your Pakistani as they have more honor than you lower caste hindu craps.
Anything coming from india not only you can only take with a pinch of salt but you can pretty much flush it down the toilet like excrement. india is the world's biggest cesspit with their delusional brainless hindus trolling around the internet to make them look "good" but the fact is these people make zero contribution to the world, they produce nothing, but they brag how they are the next superpower.

And their crap media is like a propoganda department to push their hindu nationalism craps, jai hind is more like jai loser.

I know reality hurts isn't it? I can imagine it hurts much when you turn around from your little computer then realized what a cesspool you living in.

:D ................ :D ...................... :D

I am loving your meltdown. :lol:
Unless Indian Army official channel doesn't say this. All is fake.

Indian Army does not have an "official" channel :cheesy:
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