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India asks Russia for extra Su-30MKI aircraft assembly sets

India will go for more su-30, thats the only way forward now. Since tejas won't come in large nos, Rafale is too expensive. mig-21 and 27 will be phased out by 2022.

HAL is just an assembly plant........ even rivets are sourced from Russia.
Wow..India even produces the engines. :hitwall:. Nilgiri come cheer your countryman.
So what if they do? So what if they don't? You are irrelevant to their decision making.
And you're irrelevant to predict that there will be no war in the future are god or something to see through that their is no war in near or distant future @undertakerwwefan :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy: and this is the sign that they (Russia/China) are preparing for next future war @undertakerwwefan ;):enjoy:
indigenously assembled kits.
I was reading article where Su 30 was indigenous indian fighter.

I think you mean indigenously-manufactured.

Neither HAL nor any other Indian ever said that MKIs are Indian.

But the license to manufacturing their parts and structural assembly here are what is exactly called 'license agreement'.

It is written right there on HAL's website.

Don't go by what ignorant journalists write. Every Indian, at least every defence enthusiast who knows about defence related matters openly accepts that MKIs are Russian aircraft.
By the looks of things, it appears that india is probably going to compose it's air force with around 250-350 Su-30MKi Flanker-Hs. After the mmrca debacle, it is probably the most plausible direction they would head toward. What is interesting though, is there is no news on whether india would buy more Rafales. Since having just 36 Rafales means next to nothing in strategic terms. One would've thought that there should be some sort of announcement in the coming 16-18 months for follow-on order of Rafales. The latter are very potent combat aircraft, and would prove to be an asset to the indian Air Force, provided they are procured in larger numbers. It is would be even more of an asset to the indians, if they manage to acquire full ToT for this combat aircraft. We would have to wait and see how things play out in the next 16-18 months.

36 is just an initial number there were talks for 36 more.


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