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India approves,6 billion dollars,for new submarines

The Maverick

Jan 4, 2016
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United Kingdom
it has taken over a decade to get the finance agreed but finally 6 more more deisel electric subs are to be built under make in India to add the the 6 scorpene sub fleet and to retire the German and Russian subs in 2030

I think it will.be improved version of the scorpene that will.win again over Russian and german designs .

please note this is a separate programme to project 76 subs which is a 12 billion dollar deal.to build 6 more nuclear subs to follow on from.4 arihant nuke subs India plans now . They have 2 x 7000 tonne subs already

suffered barracuda is again favourite for this deal. its very costly
Scorpenes are the best. Infact, French weapons are state of art and nothing beat it in Electronics. I would like French design with DRDO AIP and torpedos and Torpedo decoys developed by DRDO.
I don't know why you guys keep repeating the same news everywhere again and again after every week just to show you're I dunno superpower or what though no one gives a damn about third-world shit hole.... not a single country in the region even Srilanka don't give a damn about you... everyone challenged your so-called hegemony...

This is a consistent pattern of your country's news channels, Govt and military to keep the gullible nation in a loop with false, forged, fake, old narrative, old news ... I dunno in which delusional world you guys are living... (again majority not everyone)

2021 (March)



This is your news pattern...
  • Now Submarine got approval (News)
  • Submarine got budget clearance (Another News)
  • new washroom installed in a submarine (Another News)
  • Rudder added (Another News)
  • Propeller added to the India's mighty Alien super duper Submarine (Another News)
  • India's new super-duper Submarine is the only one in the world capable to fire colorful lulyaan which we bought from Russia with the name of yakhont, added our tri colors, and label it indigenous shit developed by our Doodle Research Development Organization apni pediash ka b credit unkay khatay may daal detay ho ...
I mean you guys are literally living in the Bollywood world ... gaymotar say raphaal ki seva karnay wali brigade ....
Last edited:
I don't know why you guys keep repeating the same news everywhere again and again after every week just to show you're I dunno superpower or what though no one gives a damn about third-world shit hole.... not a single country in the region even Srilanka don't give a damn about you... everyone challenged your so-called hegemony...

This is a consistent pattern of your country's news channels, Govt and military to keep the gullible nation in a loop with false, forged, fake, old narrative, old news ... I dunno in which delusional world you guys are living...

2021 (March)



Your pattern is like... now Submarine got approval (News)
Submarine got budget clearance (Another News)
new washroom installed in a submarine (Another News)
Rudder added (Another News)
Propeller added to the India mighty Alien super duper Submarine (Another News)

I mean you guys are literally living in the Bollywood world ... wasting spaces of other platforms..

@araz @airomerix @Arsalan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @BHarwana @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @Foxtrot Alpha @ghazi52 @Hodor @Irfan Baloch @Imran Khan @Jango @krash @LeGenD @Side-Winder @SQ8 @waz @Windjammer @dbc @Aamir Hussain @The Eagle @WebMaster @Akh1112 @aliyusuf @AMRAAM @Areesh @ARMalik @Blacklight @Clairvoyant @crankthatskunk @Cookie Monster @Counter-Errorist @crankthatskunk @Dalit @DESERT FIGHTER @Dil Pakistan @Dreamer. @Falcon26 @FuturePAF @graphican @GriffinsRule @Gryphon @GumNaam @HRK @Hakikat ve Hikmet @I S I @JamD @Khanivore @khansaheeb @khanasifm @Liquidmetal @loanranger @masterchief_mirza @Maxpane @Metal 0-1 @Mirage Battle Commander @Microsoft @mingle @Mrc @mshan44 @Muhammad Omar @NA71 @Nasr @Norwegian @notorious_eagle @Pakistani Fighter @PAKISTANFOREVER @PanzerKiel @Path-Finder @PDFChamp @PWFI @Rafi @Reichsmarschall @Riz @SABRE @Shane @Signalian @Stealth @StormBreaker @Sunny4pak @The Accountant @The Raven @TheSnakeEatingMarkhur @TheTallGuy @Tank131 @Thorough Pro @TOPGUN @Tipu7 @Tps43 @truthfollower @TsAr @Trango Towers @undercover JIX @Viper27 @Vortex @Verve @White and Green with M/S @Yasser76 @Zarvan @ziaulislam @Zulfiqar My
hommies @Crystal-Clear @Maarkhoor @PakSword @Super Falcon @Sabretooth @PradoTLC @khail007 @War Thunder @ZedZeeshan

this is the Indian section
sanctioning 6 billion funds is news
it's relevant I think.
you getting shirty and I know why

its economic reality buddy
this is the Indian section
sanctioning 6 billion funds is news
it's relevant I think.
you getting shirty and I know why

its economic reality buddy

I dunt give a damn about your econoomic shit the way your country got banged everyday whether by Pakistan China Nepal Covid etc... put this eco in your *** .... third world pooor hunger shit
India has adopted a no compromising approached over the acquisition of the new weapons. India buys only best. Look at the recent acquisitions of India. S400, Apache, Chinooks, P8I, Globmasters, Tejas, Pinaka Mk2 etc.
I dunt give a damn about your econoomic shit the way your country got banged everyday whether by Pakistan China Nepal Covid etc... put this eco in your *** .... third world pooor hunger shit

no we are not and shouting is not going to change your condition

the last time I looked you were struggling to pay back 2 billion loans to.arabs who were squeezing you tight

we have just crossed 600 billion forex

you continue to live in la,la fantasy land
India has adopted a no compromising approached over the acquisition of the new weapons. India buys only best. Look at the recent acquisitions of India. S400, Apache, Chinooks, P8I, Globmasters, Tejas, Pinaka Mk2 etc.

do t forget
Rafale bro
or the one billion dollars indengious destroyers,like vizag or Kolkata
and the new upcoming usa naval choppers too
yea Chinook Apache wont save you.. you guys got world's super duper SU30 which was no where in the skies when Paksitan bombed your military installations "Admitted by your TRI CHIEF officially" LOL put this SU in your *** and jump upside down day night with your chinook.... Apache wont save your floating poor hunger dead bodies in Ganga ... unfortunately ... poor died with hunger and without health facility and a third world shit hole busy in buying "WORLD BEST WEAPONS" from a country who lost every war in the history from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan with best of the best tech [emoji38] ....
Dammmn boi chill homie.

If they want to think their military is a threat to others then let them think it. It will only be sweeter for us when a war comes along or some other conflict similar to Feb 27th. Until then, let them have their.... Whatever it is.
Dammmn boi chill homie.

If they want to think their military is a threat to others then let them think it. It will only be sweeter for us when a war comes along or some other conflict similar to Feb 27th. Until then, let them have their.... Whatever it is.

you call.dropping 4 bombs and running away a war lol lol lol.
yea Chinook Apache wont save you.. you guys got world's super duper SU30 which was no where in the skies when Paksitan bombed your military installations "Admitted by your TRI CHIEF officially" LOL put this SU in your *** and jump upside down day night with your chinook.... Apache wont save your floating poor hunger dead bodies in Ganga ... unfortunately ... poor died with hunger and without health facility and a third world shit hole busy in buying "WORLD BEST WEAPONS" from a country who lost every war in the history from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan with best of the best tech :lol: ....

Calm down.Our preparations are China specific. We don't count Pakistan any more. Look what your gretest defense analyst say about India. Just watch. Don't get excited unnecessarily.

yea Chinook Apache wont save you.. you guys got world's super duper SU30 which was no where in the skies when Paksitan bombed your military installations "Admitted by your TRI CHIEF officially" LOL put this SU in your *** and jump upside down day night with your chinook.... Apache wont save your floating poor hunger dead bodies in Ganga ... unfortunately ... poor died with hunger and without health facility and a third world shit hole busy in buying "WORLD BEST WEAPONS" from a country who lost every war in the history from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan with best of the best tech :lol: ....

No more bomb blast in India . Imran hid his dead Jihadi force...slogging to get out of FATF ...when India changed J&K status quo, best Imran could do is to start Jumma Protest...that too has pettered...

WRT OP, he mentioned in the beginning that this was pending last 10 years.

Why is India pumping money in defence when the economy is sinking...as per PDF learnef folks...ponder on this....

And yes free vaccine to all and free food to continue for 80 crore people in India till Nov 2021...so no cost cutting on people life
The shamefulness of Indians is always to the next level. They always talk about China but look what China has done to them. One complete year of begging Chinese but the dilemma continues. They tried to be a bully about 2.5 years ago and they got spanked from a foe which as per them they don't consider it as a worthy opponent. By the way their 80% of the military assets deployed against same Mr nobody. What a shame!!!
And this doesn't end here. Recently, they were getting spanked from every Tom dick and Harry in the neighborhood but they were still presenting themselves as the next superpower in making. Last but not the least, the COVID-19 exposed them like a third grade country while projecting them and publishing news of vaccine diplomacy
and blah blah.
They will always present the 600 billion dollar reserves, rafales, S 400 and what not not but they will always forget to mention or even consider before making tall claims that they have the most poor people, they have received the max aid in the world, nuc proliferation even the recent ones,max active insurgencies and the list goes on. So just relax and let them remain in Lala land
Your ignorance is so blissful ............ It makes us sleep well . You are more dangerous to yourselves with your ignorance and delusions

you laughed off a Whopping $600 billion dollars in Forex as nothing

Well we laugh when yoour generals and Prime Minister goes to Saudi or UAE asking for extensions on tiny little 2 or 3 billion dollars of loans ........ You need more time to pay back

With this being a military forum let me tell you what forex can do HYPOTHETICAL;LY

During our Ladakh build up against China India made 3 phone calls to Usa Russia & Israel . In weeks over $3 billion dollars worth of spare parts missles bombs and shells were airlifted . Artic clothing and new winter logistics gear was acquired at a drop of hat,.
The operation in fuel of hundred of sorties by massive C17 and Il76 and thousands of lorrys moving troops and equipment cost money AND more money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

India has the ,means to do it without blinking /.///////////// Thats what a $600 billion buys you

We could do this all day EVERY day

NOW .................tell me were and what you pakistanis are going to do on $20 billion.
How long do you think you wll last in a ALL OUT war before fuel supplies run out. Do you have any idea that war all out costs $1 billion a day in spares fuel loss of economy etc . Thats before you factor in money for spares and weapons on emergency
That number 0f $20 billion is TINY......... YOU WONT LAST A WEEK guaranteed

Heck even Bangladesh has $50 billion in forex

That is why we celebrate FOREX
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