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India approves,6 billion dollars,for new submarines

How to know if u are superpower...If US isnt demonizing you on a daily basis that is a Sure sign you are no superpower.

No amount of full sappot sarr is going to change that.
Your ignorance is so blissful ............ It makes us sleep well . You are more dangerous to yourselves with your ignorance and delusions

you laughed off a Whopping $600 billion dollars in Forex as nothing

Well we laugh when yoour generals and Prime Minister goes to Saudi or UAE asking for extensions on tiny little 2 or 3 billion dollars of loans ........ You need more time to pay back

With this being a military forum let me tell you what forex can do HYPOTHETICAL;LY

During our Ladakh build up against China India made 3 phone calls to Usa Russia & Israel . In weeks over $3 billion dollars worth of spare parts missles bombs and shells were airlifted . Artic clothing and new winter logistics gear was acquired at a drop of hat,.
The operation in fuel of hundred of sorties by massive C17 and Il76 and thousands of lorrys moving troops and equipment cost money AND more money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

India has the ,means to do it without blinking /.///////////// Thats what a $600 billion buys you

We could do this all day EVERY day

NOW .................tell me were and what you pakistanis are going to do on $20 billion.
How long do you think you wll last in a ALL OUT war before fuel supplies run out. Do you have any idea that war all out costs $1 billion a day in spares fuel loss of economy etc . Thats before you factor in money for spares and weapons on emergency
That number 0f $20 billion is TINY......... YOU WONT LAST A WEEK guaranteed

Heck even Bangladesh has $50 billion in forex

That is why we celebrate FOREX

Your ignorance is so blissful ............ It makes us sleep well . You are more dangerous to yourselves with your ignorance and delusions

you laughed off a Whopping $600 billion dollars in Forex as nothing

Well we laugh when yoour generals and Prime Minister goes to Saudi or UAE asking for extensions on tiny little 2 or 3 billion dollars of loans ........ You need more time to pay back

With this being a military forum let me tell you what forex can do HYPOTHETICAL;LY

During our Ladakh build up against China India made 3 phone calls to Usa Russia & Israel . In weeks over $3 billion dollars worth of spare parts missles bombs and shells were airlifted . Artic clothing and new winter logistics gear was acquired at a drop of hat,.
The operation in fuel of hundred of sorties by massive C17 and Il76 and thousands of lorrys moving troops and equipment cost money AND more money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

India has the ,means to do it without blinking /.///////////// Thats what a $600 billion buys you

We could do this all day EVERY day

NOW .................tell me were and what you pakistanis are going to do on $20 billion.
How long do you think you wll last in a ALL OUT war before fuel supplies run out. Do you have any idea that war all out costs $1 billion a day in spares fuel loss of economy etc . Thats before you factor in money for spares and weapons on emergency
That number 0f $20 billion is TINY......... YOU WONT LAST A WEEK guaranteed

Heck even Bangladesh has $50 billion in forex

That is why we celebrate FOREX

You are a funny man...

Isn't it India that has logistics, fuel and ammo to last them for 10 days of fighting, recently planned to increase to 15 days of fighting?

Not to mention the logistical nightmare you have on your hands.

I mean you can buy as many news toys as you want, but as proven via 27th of Feb, if you don't know how to play with them properly then how will you have fun? The PAF knew how to play with theirs properly hence why they were able to have fun (shooting down a mig 21 and su30mki) where as you didn't have fun.

God help your military if you dare declare war on Pakistan.
it has taken over a decade to get the finance agreed but finally 6 more more deisel electric subs are to be built under make in India to add the the 6 scorpene sub fleet and to retire the German and Russian subs in 2030

I think it will.be improved version of the scorpene that will.win again over Russian and german designs .

please note this is a separate programme to project 76 subs which is a 12 billion dollar deal.to build 6 more nuclear subs to follow on from.4 arihant nuke subs India plans now . They have 2 x 7000 tonne subs already

suffered barracuda is again favourite for this deal. its very costly

Maybe you oughta invest that money in your vaccine manufacturing facilities so you know...... Navy wont have to fish for bodies in ur holy river
India has adopted a no compromising approached over the acquisition of the new weapons. India buys only best. Look at the recent acquisitions of India. S400, Apache, Chinooks, P8I, Globmasters, Tejas, Pinaka Mk2 etc.

Yep, India is a great collector of foreign weapons.
Our greatest def expert isn’t Zaid Hamid… that’s what you guys believe that he is a greatest so called def analyst not us…. u love such typical***** like Zaid Hamid, Gaurav shit Arya n all and we knew that… we dun give a shit about what Zaid hamid said or anyone like him… this shows your mentality… whom u believe def analyst 🤣
PS: majority of ur mol hardware deployed on Pakistan’s side. Secondly, Pakistan dun give a **** about ur mil might… paf dun deterred with ur defense thats what ur Top def analyst including Pravin Sohni said multiple times so China’s mil in front ur demoralized shit army in 21st century is like China VS ethopian army or some one like lol

just imagine a 7 times smaller enemy bombed ur militaty installations in the broad day light, shot down ur jets, captured ur pilot in 21st century and ur tri-chief officially admitted this and u dun even dare to retaliate hhahhaah whata humiliation… interesringly ur chief’s openly admitted it hahaha

He is the biggest hawk of Pakistan and always talk of taking highly attacking poisture. However, he totally defensive and worried now. He quotes some figure as well you can goa through it . Your planes never crossed border nor hit any indian installation. This is what DGISPR said in his press conference.
He is the biggest hawk of Pakistan and always talk of taking highly attacking poisture. However, he totally defensive and worried now. He quotes some figure as well you can goa through it . Your planes never crossed border nor hit any indian installation. This is what DGISPR said in his press conference.

DGISPR didn’t said anything like that… Pakistan Airforce already released the footage in which PAF dropping bomb near ur military installation just to send a clear msg and crossed the LOC ad well. It was officially admitted by your own TriChiefs in the first press conference...

Listen to what he stated 2:30 onwards. Your radar detected PAF inside your territory (breached) breached according to ur own chief lol and u’r talking about DG statement? You’ve no idea how DG ISPR and ISPR works.

anyway, this is not the topic..
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We have invested so much into ISPR and u guys have nothing to countrr ISPR in today’s world. That was admitted by your all not single but all including ur G. arya to Pravin including ur ex air chief.

ISPR is basically designed on the Pentagon type org who sucessfully control, built the narrative …
Is the narrative built by ISPR used for internal or external consumption?

If it is for internal: Pakistanis traditionally always believed in their army's narrative.
If it is for external: most countries that matter have their own sources. No need for ISPR.

ISPR kind of organization is not possible in India, as politicians always don't want to believe anything good a politician of opposite party does.
Can we get back to topic
the thread is about the next generation electric subs to replace the Russian kilo class starting 2030.
They include Russian Amur .. German 214 and or course,the French improved scorpene
my guess has India already has infrastructure for scorpene have inducted them now we will go for enlarged version of scorpene which will include stealth cruise,missles based on the French scalp but sub launched version as well as the new generation hypersonic Brahmos which is under development

please note this is seperate order to the new generation nuclear attack subs being discussed which also has,French barracuda top of the list
This is a great news, of course we can understand the reactions coming from across the border but that is natural.
this is the Indian section
sanctioning 6 billion funds is news
it's relevant I think.
you getting shirty and I know why

its economic reality buddy

Economic reality is you had thousands of people dying without an ambulance to take their bodies or a place to burn or bury them.

Your economic reality is shitty and your people in power know how to play a bollywood psyop on most of you blind folk by talking about defense expenditure.

Any other people would have protested any expense on anything but hospitals and health services at this point but you people are the same who were shiting out in the public with no access to toilets and singing "mera bharat mahaan" and "india the supa powa".

Aren't you the same folk who were begging for help from other nation just a month back because your super power economy and your super power infrastructure failed you?
covid.. impacted every nation the world rallied even Europe India as supplied vaccines .not begging buddy that's loans from Arabs and imf
Isnt this the same scorpene class which tried to enter Pakistani seas and we stripped it naked and shamed it? As far as I remember, we collected all its acoustic signatures which will make search and track in the future significantly better.
Isnt this the same scorpene class which tried to enter Pakistani seas and we stripped it naked and shamed it? As far as I remember, we collected all its acoustic signatures which will make search and track in the future significantly better.

sure you did if it makes you sleep better
Can we get back to topic
the thread is about the next generation electric subs to replace the Russian kilo class starting 2030.
They include Russian Amur .. German 214 and or course,the French improved scorpene
my guess has India already has infrastructure for scorpene have inducted them now we will go for enlarged version of scorpene which will include stealth cruise,missles based on the French scalp but sub launched version as well as the new generation hypersonic Brahmos which is under development

please note this is seperate order to the new generation nuclear attack subs being discussed which also has,French barracuda top of the list

Do you think French will ever offer us something like nuclear Barracuda on the lease?? I doubt.... it will be a great news if true....
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