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Scorpene subs to join fleet without torpedoes : Navy regrets MoD Delays

I am sorry ... I will correct myself

marine archaeology museum ...

HAPPY now ?
Absolutely sickened.MoD needs serious overhaul with navy having representatives in procurement process.
Antony like Manmohan - sacrificing efficiency to maintain a clean image and yet failing terribly at the later!
Doesn't anyone see the hypocrisy of the subs we all have? France supplying both Pakistan and India with subs that compete wth each other and fuel arms race? Then the media all over love to point out how we have no toilets and no food but money to spend on weapons. How come they never expose this part of the equation?
Ya, Amar Akbar Antony was a Blockbuster movie.

I liked Amitji as Antony in the film :tup:

Dear ...it's supposed to be Anthony !

Now don't you damn Amitabh Bacchan by changing his character's name to Antony ...he may feel slighted ....
I think AK Anthony was trying to push for time so that our indigenous production of torpedos would come online...who really knows. All I can say is that corruption that AK has encountered must be like no other. ...its not his fault but decades of mismanagement and corruption that ruined our industry and procurement. Place the blame on where it truly lies. Thank you to both Congress and BJP....both corrupt parties...let's see what MODI does about corruption. Will he support LOK PAL....or is he all about the talk?

Blaming AK is BS. If you do so, you are narrow minded and ignoring the main problem that will continue to blind us. Plus, don;t forget you have a gov't led by SONIA AND RAHUL...so what do you expect with 2 incompetent indiots that you continously voted to power all these yrs? Don;t blame nobody but yourselves for this mess.

The last ten years have been the worst for the Indian armed forces.
I think AK Anthony was trying to push for time so that our indigenous production of torpedos would come online...who really knows. All I can say is that corruption that AK has encountered must be like no other. ...its not his fault but decades of mismanagement and corruption that ruined our industry and procurement. Place the blame on where it truly lies. Thank you to both Congress and BJP....both corrupt parties...let's see what MODI does about corruption. Will he support LOK PAL....or is he all about the talk?

Congress has ruled for what 50 - 55 years? the blame lies with them.
Congress has ruled for what 50 - 55 years? the blame lies with them.

Sure but every chance the BJP gained power, it was their fault. They did nothing to stop the corruption. Did you forget about Fernadez?


The last ten years have been the worst for the Indian armed forces.

I don;t know if it was the worse but certainly was bad! But consider this, if you are trying to stymie corruption that has been so ingrained into the forces with active help by politicans including leadership, you have your work cut out for you.
Sure but every chance the BJP gained power, it was their fault. They did nothing to stop the corruption. Did you forget about Fernadez?


I don;t know if it was the worse but certainly was bad! But consider this, if you are trying to stymie corruption that has been so ingrained into the forces with active help by politicans including leadership, you have your work cut out for you.

The problem with the last ten years is there was a big defense budget readily available, there were no restrictive sanctions, we had multitude of options for every platform, plus there was a major drive for modernization that was taking place and the economy was doing good. This was the right time when things should have moved and this was the time that the congress and Anthony laid waste.
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