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India and her Muslims

Well we have debated it hundreds of times. And everytime Indians come up with these few names of actors and kalam.

Come on man they do not represent millions of Muslims in India who are deprived simple.

They do issue such statments to boost their career and frankly these actors have nothing to do with religion at all.

For them religion is something which could be twisted to earn money.

After independence, all the muslim leaders and rich muslims left to pakistan with a hope to get a pie in Pakistan's politics., Indian muslims were left with no muslim leader(mind you the size of Indian muslims was higher than pakistan even at that time).. but even after that, muslims in India are better off and living a much better life compared to muslims in pakistan..
We do whatever we want in our country cause we got it .. I would leave them to what they want to do .. The false accusation about actors and other personalities is rather absurd .. Noone is forced to say these things .. and as jana said they are to appease the masses .. Religion is the last thing on their minds ..

I am amazed the way u think,, U mean to say that we love salman,shahrukh, aamir, Dr.kalam just to keep muslims masses happy ... wow,, Amazing.. :eek::eek::eek::eek:
I am amazed the way u think,, U mean to say that we love salman,shahrukh, aamir, Dr.kalam just to keep muslims masses happy ... wow,, Amazing.. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

I guess you have not thought of what has been said at all .. Things are the way they are for a reason .. I dunno why our pakistanis keep pointing fingers at you all when we have much more religious growing up to do. The false accusations about the actors bit was directed towards my population .. not yours.
After independence, all the muslim leaders and rich muslims left to pakistan with a hope to get a pie in Pakistan's politics., Indian muslims were left with no muslim leader(mind you the size of Indian muslims was higher than pakistan even at that time).. but even after that, muslims in India are better off and living a much better life compared to muslims in pakistan..

Again .. Need to use your head a little .. Some people here have actually been around the world and know when they see BS like that..
After independence, all the muslim leaders and rich muslims left to pakistan with a hope to get a pie in Pakistan's politics., Indian muslims were left with no muslim leader(mind you the size of Indian muslims was higher than pakistan even at that time).. but even after that, muslims in India are better off and living a much better life compared to muslims in pakistan..

lolz at rich Muslims left for Pakistan. Because those who migrated to Pakistan at the time of independence have nothing. Whatever they had they left it in India.

As far as Muslims living in India are living a better life well is it a joke of the century or what?
Ok No religon says that the name of the supreme being is just Allah. Its about calling names but referring to the same being. Like we have differences in languages some call the supreme being as Allah some call him Brahma. At the end of the day no religion teaches hatred. No religion teaches go ahead and kill everyone who does not listen to you.

It is our human interpretation that we make them the way they look. In Hinduism there is pretty well explanation for idol worship where as it against the very first pillars of Islam. But does Hinduism teach or Islam teaches violence? It is our interpretation of things.

At the end of the day what matters is how you live your life in this life. You do namaz 5 times a day or go to a temple follow the rituals. then a Muslim comes out an kill all the hindus. Hindus kill the Muslims. What are they going to say when they face the supreme being. "We killed your other sons because they did not believe in our interpretation of you" At the end of the day we all are his sons and daughters. When we pray either in form of Allah or in the form Shiva we are referring to him. But we fight.....
Try explaining this to other people .. u will go to heaven for that .. We do have some ignorant people reading this that need to understand the basic functions of being a human being first.
lolz at rich Muslims left for Pakistan. Because those who migrated to Pakistan at the time of independence have nothing. Whatever they had they left it in India.

As far as Muslims living in India are living a better life well is it a joke of the century or what?

u still live in a illusion.. thats why religion is growing so fast in pakistan..
It is really amazing to see that people like u in pakistan who are educated well , have access to internet and other facilities, still talk and fight for religion.
so what should i expect from uneducated and poor people????
I am bored.

An Indian cant even feel proud about another Indian feeling Indian without getting into long religious/minority debates with Pakistanis here.

Am bored .... but proud nonetheless.

You guys have a great weekend and c ya on Monday! :)

Cheers, Doc
admire salman?
he's my favorite actor but in reality he is nothing but an immature brat
and these actors have no religion
has nothing to do with nationality or religion
I guess you have not thought of what has been said at all .. Things are the way they are for a reason .. I dunno why our pakistanis keep pointing fingers at you all when we have much more religious growing up to do. The false accusations about the actors bit was directed towards my population .. not yours.

am sorry bro..:smitten:
i had to read it twice to understand what u said..
well i suppose to be a true hindu or muslim by definition means to degrade the other
the way religion makes us hate each other. the god and prphets must be thinking why they made religion in the first place.
the way religion makes us hate each other. the god and prphets must be thinking why they made religion in the first place.

I think Chinese are better in this regard. It' just Asia where you find this problems.
People have made their own religions .. and sometimes facts as well .. Like a guy here who hasnt been somewhere to compare his city to mine. It happens more or less everywhere.
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