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India - a threat to SAARC and Asian peace

You are most probably embarrassing even your own countrymen here. Should you not delete/edit some Posts?
Indeed, India is the pivot around which the sub-continent resolves due to its size, its geographic location.
You need some strategic vision to make this into a mini-EU. If you resort to bullying then you will not achieve your goals. Your foreign backers--and yes, you have been put on a pedestal like Pakistan was in the 80s very vocally--are only here to exploit all of us.
But if you think like what the French and the Germans did post WW II then sky is the limit for all of us.
India will have to be seriously dealt with sooner or later. A country with a big ego problem.
Remove India from SAARC and Make other group as per convenient. Who is stopping ? Most Welcomed :azn:

India is already part of so many such Groups like BRIC, G-20 Major Economy, UN, Asean, etc, etc. It's more than enough. It will save time for Our country to concentrate on other things. :coffee:

India is losing by SAARC by giving Billion Dollar Aid and Doing Infra Development.

I am not responsible for Respective countries Chief saying India is best Friend ;)
Load of crap.
You could not have possibly stood up to an active Chinese+American backed Pakistan in 1971.

China and USA had other problems to bother about then,namely Vietnam, and both overestimated Pakistan.

Nixon's Pakistan 'tilt' was just that--a tilt of his head. Moving an aircraft carrier and doing nothing is...just that.

Nothing concrete was done.

The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971

America had its eyes on India even then.

Nixon/Kissinger Saw India as "Soviet Stooge" in 1971 South Asia Crisis

Be warned that should you ever cross American strategic goals
We are always with the NAM.

ponder as to why so many of your neighbors in this forum are against India.

India has same level development as rest of SA, so we don't have much respect around the block.
You are most probably embarrassing even your own countrymen here. Should you not delete/edit some Posts?
Indeed, India is the pivot around which the sub-continent resolves due to its size, its geographic location.
You need some strategic vision to make this into a mini-EU. If you resort to bullying then you will not achieve your goals. Your foreign backers--and yes, you have been put on a pedestal like Pakistan was in the 80s very vocally--are only here to exploit all of us.
But if you think like what the French and the Germans did post WW II then sky is the limit for all of us.

EU is a marriage of convenience to preserve the fading power of its individual constituent states.

Indian subcontinent revolves around India, a rising power and an established regional power.

After 10-15 years, when India will start asserting itself and its interests, other countries in Indian subcontinent will have to comply.

...and like I said, this won't be an option for them.
India will have to be seriously dealt with sooner or later. A country with a big ego problem.

No, This is the way we are. Sorry. :azn:

It's up to you to make or break relations with India. ( I am considering you as Pakistani even if any country, Hardly Matters)

India has Good Relations with more than 100's Countries in World Like U.S and Russia, Japan and South Korea, France and U.K., Israel and Palestine, U.A.E. or Saudi Arabia, Australia or Canada, Afghanistan or Iran, Germany or Spain.

I am proud of India, Still most of the countries have good relations with India. Don't Expect 100% Countries to Support. Its next to Impossible. :coffee:
EU is a marriage of convenience to preserve the fading power of its individual constituent states.
Indian subcontinent revolves around India, a rising power and an established regional power.
After 10-15 years, when India will start asserting itself and its interests, other countries in Indian subcontinent will have to comply.
...and like I said, this won't be an option for them.

Indeed, there can't be a truly prosperous 'South Asia' without India. I give you that much.
But there can't be a prosperous and secure India if India's neighbors gang-up against India. That 10-15 years of time frame you mention is only possible if the rest of the countries don't take adequate counter-measures. May be. May be not.
As I see it even today, without the American support to India, Pakistan alone can give you hell. It is not my wish. But it is my understanding of the kind of damage Pakistan can do despite the internal problems. You better hope you offer Americans a lot instead of some 'democracy and freedom' stuff--Americans won't care for that if there are other over-riding reasons.
But one thing is obvious: You have really fascistic thoughts. I hope you are just a kid high on some Indian-media-fed Kool Aid.
You are most probably embarrassing even your own countrymen here. Should you not delete/edit some Posts?
Indeed, India is the pivot around which the sub-continent resolves due to its size, its geographic location.
You need some strategic vision to make this into a mini-EU. If you resort to bullying then you will not achieve your goals. Your foreign backers--and yes, you have been put on a pedestal like Pakistan was in the 80s very vocally--are only here to exploit all of us.
But if you think like what the French and the Germans did post WW II then sky is the limit for all of us.

This is all is wishful thinking as long as SA remains undeveloped.

Admitting India's regional diplomacy isn't as successful as much of its global diplomacy .but improvement of relations is mutual thing,it cannot be one sided.
This thread is nothing but some our neighbors insecurity of the fact that India can resist foreign pressure on herself, unlike them.
Indeed, there can't be a truly prosperous 'South Asia' without India. I give you that much.
But there can't be a prosperous and secure India if India's neighbors gang-up against India. That 10-15 years of time frame you mention is only possible if the rest of the countries don't take adequate counter-measures. May be. May be not.
As I see it even today, without the American support to India, Pakistan alone can give you hell. It is not my wish. But it is my understanding of the kind of damage Pakistan can do despite the internal problems. You better hope you offer Americans a lot instead of some 'democracy and freedom' stuff--Americans won't care for that if there are other over-riding reasons.
But one thing is obvious: You have really fascistic thoughts. I hope you are just a kid high on some Indian-media-fed Kool Aid.

Pakistan can do jack.

You tried all you could and failed at EVERYTHING.

You tried Khalistan - FAILED!

You tried Kashmir insurgency - FAILED!

You tired Kargil - FAILED!

You tried 1965 - FAILED!

You have failed at every single thing you aimed at India. you will harm India? Talk of a joke!

When Pakistani could not do anything, what will Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka do?

or rather what CAN they do?

They don't have options but to acquiesce to Indian wishes and interests.

If we tell them to sit down, they will have to.

If we tell them to stand up, they will have to.

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