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India - a threat to SAARC and Asian peace

Have you really?

Kashmir is offtopic but do look at this graph

What if Somebody opens a thread-Sri Lanka-A Chinese slave? It will result in nothing but flaming.So samv don't post such Crap.
Countries of South Asia must understand one thing.
If they wish to live and progress peacefully, they will have to have a friendly attitude towards India.
...err...in fact...even servile attitude will do.
This is OUR region and WE will decide what happens here.

OMG, what arrogance!
Dudes, you guys are riding high these days because the Western media, to counter China, has put you on a pedestal. But if you really care for your country and the region then ponder as to why this forum has not just Pakistanis but also Chinese, Sri Lankan, and Bangladeshis are so much against India.
I know, you can say, hey, the 'entire' world is against Pakistan. True. But that is largely a media-war, started by Americans. Americans can make China and Pakistan look bad. Americans can also make China and Pakistan look pretty okay. And Americans can make India looks like a country with hundreds of millions of dirt poor people with caste discriminations, religious violence, secessionist movements, tormentor of Christian minorities. And the world will largely 'buy' all that as well.
it has consistently relied heavily on its bilateral alliances with big powers to supplement and enhance its own strength as a means of asserting its status as a regional super power.

Of course, Pakistan too has played this game of aligning itself with big powers. But that has been, more or less, to counter India’s alliances with big powers and threats to its own security. .

ya like i am going to read rest of the article after reading this BS
And Americans can make India looks like a country with hundreds of millions of dirt poor people with caste discriminations, religious violence, secessionist movements, tormentor of Christian minorities. And the world will largely 'buy' all that as well.

Eh that's what they've been doing for a long time
Countries of South Asia must understand one thing.

If they wish to live and progress peacefully, they will have to have a friendly attitude towards India.

...err...in fact...even servile attitude will do.

This is OUR region and WE will decide what happens here.

did ya lost some brain cells today?
We've experienced their full barrage post Cold War period, when they were on Pakistan's side during the Kashmir insurgency.

Again, no.
You have not seen how much damage Americans can do via their media. They can almost literally determine the Good and Evil in the world these days.
Even in the height of the Cold War Americans managed to stop supplies for Pakistan during the 1965 war. India was always an important country for America and hence was never pushed too much. After 1989, everything is taking its natural course as far as Americans are concerned.
Countries of South Asia must understand one thing.

If they wish to live and progress peacefully, they will have to have a friendly attitude towards India.

...err...in fact...even servile attitude will do.

This is OUR region and WE will decide what happens here.

Why should any Country be a servant to another country?BS post.
A India was always an important country for America and hence was never pushed too much. After 1989, everything is taking its natural course as far as Americans are concerned.

LOL ! How about about sending a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and threatening us with war, even coaxing China to attack us ? ;)

Pakistan's importance shined during the Soviet rule of Afghanistan The world media war on your side, everyone was speaking about freeing the oppressed Muslims globally (in Kashmir too ).

Too bad Pakistan was short sighted, it could've been like Turkey, Which prospered a lot as a US ally in the Cold War.

Instead you guys started your whole policy of strategic depth and usual 'jihad on India" ! Pakistan is only reaping what it sowed
LOL ! How about about sending a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and threatening us with war, even coaxing China to attack us ? ;)

Pakistan's importance shined during the Soviet rule of Afghanistan The world media war on your side, everyone was speaking about freeing the oppressed Muslims globally (in Kashmir too ).

Too bad Pakistan was short sighted, it could've been like Turkey, Which prospered a lot as a US ally in the Cold War.

Instead you guys started your whole policy of strategic depth and usual 'jihad on India" ! Pakistan is only reaping what it sowed

Well said !!! Never pushed too far !!!

Threatening Nuke war ---bringing a nuke powered AC to the Bay of Bengal is not "pushing too far" ???

and thats not all ---

During Nixon's time the C.I.A in collaboration with the I.S.I trained the Khalistani extremists to the hilt ....Unfortunately the amount of damage they did during the Height of the Punjab militancy and the lengths to which RAW had to go to nuetralize them are not so well known .

Americans tried their utmost to get India out of its non-aligned mold, and when that did not work out and India shifted closer to the soviets -- they tried to weaken us .

Special Operations: In the mid-1980s, R&AW set up two covert groups, Counterintelligence Team-X(CIT-X) and Counterintelligence Team-J(CIT-J), the first directed at Pakistan[56] and the second at Khalistani groups. Rabinder Singh, the R&AW double agent who defected to the United States in 2004, helped run CIT-J in its early years. Both these covert groups used the services of cross-border traffickers to ferry weapons and funds across the border, much as their ISI counterparts were doing. According to former R&AW official and noted security analyst B. Raman, the Indian counter-campaign yielded results. "The role of our cover action capability in putting an end to the ISI's interference in Punjab", he wrote in 2002, "by making such interference prohibitively costly is little known and understood." These covert operations were discontinued during the tenure of IK Gujral and were never restarted.
LOL ! How about about sending a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and threatening us with war, even coaxing China to attack us ? ;)

Load of crap.
You could not have possibly stood up to an active Chinese+American backed Pakistan in 1971. Nixon's Pakistan 'tilt' was just that--a tilt of his head. Moving an aircraft carrier and doing nothing is...just that. Nothing concrete was done. America had its eyes on India even then.
But, I see, you want to live in some conspiracy theories then so be it.
Be warned that should you ever cross American strategic goals then there are plenty of glaring flaws in your 'Shining India' to make you look like another 'failed state'. And, no, your MMRC or whatever aircraft deal is not crossing American lines.
Learn to live in this region. Don't repeat the mistake Pakistan made by over-relying on foreign powers. Lower your ego a bit. Be a bit humble. Don't think of the Indian Ocean as 'Indian Lake'. And, finally, ponder as to why so many of your neighbors in this forum are against India.
But then the Shine from the India Shining is so blinding that a lot of you are incapable introspection.
Why should any Country be a servant to another country?BS post.

Countries in Indian subcontinent will have to be at worst favourable to India and at best servile to India if they want to progress peacefully.

...and this is not an option.
OMG, what arrogance!
Dudes, you guys are riding high these days because the Western media, to counter China, has put you on a pedestal. But if you really care for your country and the region then ponder as to why this forum has not just Pakistanis but also Chinese, Sri Lankan, and Bangladeshis are so much against India.
I know, you can say, hey, the 'entire' world is against Pakistan. True. But that is largely a media-war, started by Americans. Americans can make China and Pakistan look bad. Americans can also make China and Pakistan look pretty okay. And Americans can make India looks like a country with hundreds of millions of dirt poor people with caste discriminations, religious violence, secessionist movements, tormentor of Christian minorities. And the world will largely 'buy' all that as well.

All this self-serving talk is nothing but just that, self-serving.

The fact of the matter remains that all countries in Indian Subcontinent will have to learn to take care of Indian wishes and interets if they wish to progress peacefully.
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