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In LUMS, a battle over fired janitorial staff brews


Aug 23, 2012
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A group of students from the Lahore University of Management and Sciences, with
help from a few instructors, have been campaigning for the re-hiring of 16 members of the
janitorial staff relieved of their duties on October 23, 2012.
The incident unfolded when the entire janitorial staff comprising of 101 people protested outside the
campus demanding an increase in their minimum wages, as announced by the government in July
2012. Eventually students joined in support and began campaigning on campus.
It was announced that the janitorial wage would be increased from Rs7,000 to Rs9,000, but after the
announcement 16 janitors from the campus were fired....

LUMS’ stance
According to the minutes of the open house between students and the administration, LUMS Vice
Chancellor Adil Najam stated that LUMS is not responsible for hiring or firing of the staff.
Najam also stated that LUMS administration paid the sub-contractor Rs11,000 for each janitorial
member, and was under the impression that Brooms, the contractor, paid the staff a “proper wage”.

Suhail said that the Rs11,000 paid by LUMS per person also includes expenses for providing cleaning
material, a van on campus for ensuring quick provision of cleaning services and 6% tax per person
to the government.
He also said that according to a verbal agreement, the salary paid to the remaining 85 janitors on
December 1, 2012 would be Rs9,000 per person......
Isn't this supposed to be elite institute? And janitors there get salary 7000 rupees per day (4000 Indian rupees approximately). And the defence of administration is they are paying huge sum of 11000 rupees per person (about.6000 Indian rupees) ! Is that the general trend in Pakistan? What is the approximate salary for low level government employees like sweepers in Pakistan , both civilian government posts and in military?
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