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American Embassy School in Crisis after Khobragade Row

& US state department for assessing the situation wrongly before embarking in their adventure!

yes, but the whole transporting of the maid's family was Barara's idea in the first place.
any source for that

Barara was / is the US attorney handling the case of the maid and he built it up over a few months before releasing permission to arrest Devyani. The whole witness provided by the maid was on condition that her family be shifted to the US - which was facilitated by Nancy Powel's aide in the New Delhi US embassy. The whole row had numerous articles and pages here on it.

Maid’s family ‘evacuated’ to US: Bharara - The Hindu

In a statement here, Mr. Bharara said the victim’s family was confronted in numerous ways regarding this case.

“Some focus should perhaps be put on why it was necessary to evacuate the family and what actions were taken in India vis-a-vis them. This office and the Justice Department are compelled to make sure that the victims, witnesses and their families are safe and secure while cases are pending.”

“This Office’s sole motivation in this case, as in all cases, is to uphold the rule of law, protect victims, and hold accountable anyone who breaks the law - no matter what their societal status and no matter how powerful, rich or connected they are,” he said.
idjit - at the time I posted your quote.. there was no information on it. You went and added the information later to your post

all I get on that 1993 case is from one blog that everyone , plus indian papers are quoting from..

firstly I dont if the guy truly had " full" US diplomatic immunity, your criminal gal did not. But regardless- he did break the law. Tokyo should have pressed on it. It is Tokyo that gave into the US and had he been arrested and jailed... no americans would cry over it like you guys did.

furthermore the two cases are different. In tokyo case US never claimed he did not commit a crime just said he had full diplomatic immunity. Tokyo agreed. . while india said the women diplomat never committed and said she had full diplomatic immunity, to which US said she did not.

Nothing better can be expected from self confessed moron like you . Your total lack of intelligence is quite evident .

The case I posted is not from any blog ...it is from the book Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the #99 Percent published by Peter Van Buren who is retired US foreign service employee . You moron this is not an Indian propaganda . These are the inner stories leaked by US foreign service employee . all the facts given with specific details can be easily verified ...these are not made out stories .

Stupid retard like you can not check the facts before ranting .

If you had cared to read the link you would have had come across numerous instances in illegal acts , law violations and crimes by US diplomats abroad where US state department virtually shielded all those scums .

You would off course go on to justify US action and try to show how two cases are different .

and now you are hypocrite enough to criticize Japan that it should have stood up against US .

Far worse crimes than mere visa frauds have been committed by US diplomats which US government shielded and same US state department took high handed approach against Indian official .

India arm twisted US and that's why US had to let Indian diplomat walk away free ...and US had to bear the ignominy of expulsion of its own diplomat . Don't play the lack of immunity bullshit with us.

Stupid . mad ,rabid dogs like you can only bark at instance of your white masters .

You are the worst kind of lowlife with no sense of right or wrong .
Got to love the American stance on this- let us do whatever we like to your diplomats but we expect the highest privileges for our staff in your nation.

The US can't have its cake and eat it, it is all too used to this treatment and the second a nation dares go against American interests the US goes into a frenzy.

Screw them, I don't see Modi reversing things anytime soon.

Yes, from all that I've been able to piece together, this was not the actions of one rogue NY prosecutor but came down from the very top of the USG. I don't know what the hell the US was thinking but they have certainly bitten off more then they could chew here, they probably thought they could bend India to make certain concessions but the whole thing has completely backfired and they are the ones left with egg on their face.

They desperate with our policy.We snubbed them when we follow our interest during MMRCA and nuclear deal and latest FDI retail.

The local arm of state department i.e. US embassy in India was deeply involved .

The alacrity with which US ambassador Nancy Powell left a day before Modi was sworn in is also notworthy .

we will never understand the true purpose of targeting Khobragade in such a way ...or who was the actual target in whole messy affair .

Difficult to gauge whether there was some hidden agenda or US authorities were absolutely stupid ....

They just missed one factor .Only one factor and that makes lot of things to pay.Indian Media.
US studied about all of our political set up and others (Wikileaks).But like it happened to certain Indian politicians they couldnt count the media factor and their sensationlizing tendency.
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yes, but the whole transporting of the maid's family was Barara's idea in the first place.
Quite true that the case was built up by him. But the final call had to be taken by the state department as it's beyond Barara's jurisdiction to deal with the issues concerning citizens from foreign countries. End of the day state department in collusion with their embassy in India embarked on this venture... & cocked it right up without realizing the consequences.
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Quite true that the case was built up by him. But the final call had to be taken by the state department as it's out of Barara's jurisdiction to deal with the issues concerning citizens from foreign countries. End of the day state department in collusion with their embassy in India embarked on this venture... & cocked it right up without realizing the consequences.

and ultimately after all this nonsense they had to bite the dust ...they had to grant diplomatic immunity to Khobragade .....let her walk away free ....and in lieu of her expulsion from US they had to swallow their pride and accept expulsion of their won diplomat of same level .

India gave a fitting reply !!!
Indeed- the communication between the US embassy in India and the State dept in the US would make very interesting reading, as @Indo-guy said- they played a significant role in this whole mess. I also read somewhere that sometime last year (note after this tussle) Powell (the then US ambassador to India) had a falling out with the White House- now was this because of her part in this whole affair? I am certain the GoI knows a lot more than they are letting on and that the intel agencies have made the GoI aware of what was at play and this is why the GoI has stripped the US Embassy of all such privileges and why there hasn't really been a "forgive and forget" stance taken by the GoI thus far.

US already have some issues with US when he targeted US NGO's over Kudamkulam protest.Now RAW is directly under PM office.They certainly got some evidence about foreign agencies handiwork.US making all this drama because they need all our market ,they know if they can create business network in India,in future India will be the US economic engine.And then US can successfully challenge China and Russia simultaneously.
But all of it backfired.They underestimated India , its growth and its caliber.
They painfully realised India cant become another Britian.That make them frustrated.

and ultimately after all this nonsense they had to bite the dust ...they had to grant diplomatic immunity to Khobragade .....let her walk away free ....and in lieu of her expulsion from US they had to swallow their pride and accept expulsion of their won diplomat of same level .

India gave a fitting reply !!!

Now US may probably thinking about a revenge .In earlier decades their main response is helping Pakistan .But now India is too much for them to antagonize.They know their usual method will again backfired.
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and ultimately after all this nonsense they had to bite the dust ...they had to grant diplomatic immunity to Khobragade .....let her walk away free ....and in lieu of her expulsion from US they had to swallow their pride and accept expulsion of their won diplomat of same level .

India gave a fitting reply !!!
US has been undermining it's relationship with India for quite while now. Repeated acts of humiliating Indian diplomats or VVIPs from India were never dealt seriously by UPA govt.. & this only resulted in more audacious acts by US towards Indian diplomats. It's only 'cause elections were around the corner, Indian govt had to take a tough stand at last. Oh well.. better late than never... at least it worked this time.
US has been undermining it's relationship with India for quite while now. Repeated acts of humiliating Indian diplomats or VVIPs from India were never dealt seriously by UPA govt.. & this only resulted in more audacious acts by US towards Indian diplomats. It's only 'cause elections were around the corner, Indian govt had to take a tough stand at last. Oh well.. better late than never... at least it worked this time.

They would think thousand times before taking any such action in future . Such issue will not occur again as henceforth all domestic helps will go as Indian govt employee . so no question of US jurisdiction whatsoever ....
Other countries will follow India's suit ..because this has been perennial problem with many other countries .

whole world has witnessed how India stood up against US and got US to meet Indian demands .

We have to thank Indian media for playing crucial role of catalyzing Indian govt's action ...
Quite true that the case was built up by him. But the final call had to be taken by the state department as it's beyond Barara's jurisdiction to deal with the issues concerning citizens from foreign countries. End of the day state department in collusion with their embassy in India embarked on this venture... & cocked it right up without realizing the consequences.

Of course, my point is it was Barara who initialized it and executed it, yes he enlisted the aid of the state department - he was particularly severe on a few Russian diplomats earlier too, the guy was/is taking his job over the top. There's no problem in him investigating a misdemeanor - but such adventurism as to spirit away the maid's family, arresting an Indian diplomat who was under immunity, particularly at a crucial juncture when the US India diplomatic engagement was tapering off was a severely bad move.

He also handled the post break out badly too and is on the receiving end right now...naa ghar ka na ghaat ka.
Got to love the American stance on this- let us do whatever we like to your diplomats but we expect the highest privileges for our staff in your nation.

The US can't have its cake and eat it, it is all too used to this treatment and the second a nation dares go against American interests the US goes into a frenzy.

Screw them, I don't see Modi reversing things anytime soon.

Yes, from all that I've been able to piece together, this was not the actions of one rogue NY prosecutor but came down from the very top of the USG. I don't know what the hell the US was thinking but they have certainly bitten off more then they could chew here, they probably thought they could bend India to make certain concessions but the whole thing has completely backfired and they are the ones left with egg on their face.

I believe there is more than what meets the eye.
lol... you cannot deny that the americans gave you a free pass after they took over in afghanistan , tell me what battle did you fight to get a foot hold in afghanistan ? None! the americans thought that having you in afghanistan will be good to counter Pakistan , the yanks showed a lot of ugliness in doing this but as far as you ( india ) are concerned , then America DID let to hide under its wings , although you never reciprocated

Counter Pakistan really??:lol::lol:.
To counter Pakistan all they need is to cut Pakistan quota of USAID and other military aids.Additionally they can use IMF for 'countering Pakistan".You know the consequences very well.
MMS wasn't even in the picture when US embassy managed to sneak out the family of the maid out of the country. Crux of the matter was that report sent by Nancy Powell claiming there won't be any retaliation or repercussion by Indian government as everyone is busy preparing for elections. That was really a wrong assessment & was a major blunder... & she paid for it by losing her job. US did not expect the kind of retaliation they faced from India aftermath of such an incident!
They didn't realise Congress was pushed against a wall by people all over India for their inaction,Congress had to grow spine or else they wouldn't even have got 44 seats this time.
They didn't realise Congress was pushed against a wall by people all over India for their inaction,Congress had to grow spine or else they wouldn't even have got 44 seats this time.
They were fooled by our decoy MMS.
Though you would escape with just a theek hai.
AB 56 inch ki chaati ke aage fat legi inki.
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