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American Embassy School in Crisis after Khobragade Row

You are 100% right, but the Indians won't admit it. They will give you crap about democracy, economics, blah blah.
The fact is that the US is treating India very, very nicely because of US political goals in the region.

The US kills Pakistani citizens with impunity and imposes harsh visa regimes on Pakistanis.

The US treats ( = buys ) the Pakistani elite because they serve US goals.
I was talking about Govt of USA. They have remained hostile to India even after cold war. Only a bush jr could push through his agenda single handedly otherwise their whole bureaucracy (and military leadership) is uncomfortable in dealing with us. Thats natural and it has been more or less same in our departments of GoI. (even though MMS was the most pro US PM India ever had).
The mutual suspicion never went away.
In contrast govt of pakistan( whether dictator or civvies) are treated with kid gloves.
Of course, my point is it was Barara who initialized it and executed it, yes he enlisted the aid of the state department - he was particularly severe on a few Russian diplomats earlier too, the guy was/is taking his job over the top. There's no problem in him investigating a misdemeanor - but such adventurism as to spirit away the maid's family, arresting an Indian diplomat who was under immunity, particularly at a crucial juncture when the US India diplomatic engagement was tapering off was a severely bad move.

He also handled the post break out badly too and is on the receiving end right now...naa ghar ka na ghaat ka.
There is no disputing Preet Bharara's role here. He is a nasty piece of work... & never wastes any opportunity to bring himself to the limelight.
Having said that.. US state department has a lot to answer for. It's their double standard & the different yardstick they use for different countries really stinks. What Russian diplomats & their spouses are accused off is quite grave compared to the crime committed by Khobragade. They were accused of defrauding US healthcare system to the tune of millions of dollars... & they were charged with that crime by Bharara's office. However US did not dare to put their hands on them. All they did was to ask them to leave the Country! Obviously American state department was aware of the consequence, had they even tried to arrest these diplomats or their spouses. But when it comes to India... obviously they had a different plan all-together!
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These yanks even had the nerve to frisk our Kalam :disagree: low class hillbillies

Never trust them they are snakes look what they did to their own ally Germany by bugging them!
I was talking about Govt of USA. They have remained hostile to India even after cold war. Only a bush jr could push through his agenda single handedly otherwise their whole bureaucracy (and military leadership) is uncomfortable in dealing with us. Thats natural and it has been more or less same in our departments of GoI. (even though MMS was the most pro US PM India ever had).
The mutual suspicion never went away.

That's not really true any more. The US may have been suspicious of India during the Cold War but, ever since the US focus shifted to China-containment, India has become an attractive partner.

Of course, the US knows India is playing its own game but, while the two countries paths happen to merge, there's no harm leveraging it.

In contrast govt of pakistan( whether dictator or civvies) are treated with kid gloves.

That's because the govt. of Pakistan is for sale. Indian govt. is not for sale. which is why the US must deal with it at an adult level.
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