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A New Way to Measure Poverty in India

Can u tell us what is the standard set by bd?

What is number which pakitan gov. Uses?

Dont know man... but minimum wage is 10000+ RPS for unskilled workers... skilled labourers earn 500+ per day.... than the govts income support fund n subsidies... but still its nothing man... poverty is the worst thing ... its the mother of all ills... May God bless everybody..

Pakistan Poverty Line in 2006 was 948.47 rupees per month( 31.6 rupees or 50 cents per day)

And indias was 25 cents or even less...

We count Worldbank data .. unlike your "look good self defined poverty line def"...

As for minimum wage..for unskilled labourer.....10,000PRS...:


Have some shame trolldic...

P.S: Cant open the link you posted... havnt installed the prog.. for PDF.
Poverty has been and still is a major social ill for India, with over a billion people who can blame them, the government is probably trying to cover its rear by setting a low standard for the ''poverty line'' so the world thinks that it is improving....
:woot: :omghaha:Huh? Talk about yourselves first before spewing baloney. You talk as though Pakistan is in the super rich league of nations!

Bhutto said that you guys will eat grass for nukes. You probably still are! :P
Well in case of India 50 cent is about $1.5 in ppp terms.

Wishful thinking perhaps? 1. poverty line in India is around 33 us cents, 50 cents would make the people 60% richer than the poverty line. And by current Rupee exchange rate, PPP has actually deteriorated. If india was to adopt the arbitary value of the USD, around 40% of the country almost 500 million is under abject poverty.
And indias was 25 cents or even less...

We count Worldbank data .. unlike your "look good self defined poverty line def"...

As for minimum wage..for unskilled labourer.....10,000PRS...:


Have some shame trolldic...

P.S: Cant open the link you posted... havnt installed the prog.. for PDF.

Our rupee is a stronger currency compared to your rupee. :o::o:
Wishful thinking perhaps? 1. poverty line in India is around 33 us cents, 50 cents would make the people 60% richer than the poverty line. And by current Rupee exchange rate, PPP has actually deteriorated. If india was to adopt the arbitary value of the USD, around 40% of the country almost 500 million is under abject poverty.
Its 32 rupees which is 50cents. Do the math not just babble
Tables of historical exchange rates to the United States dollar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So much forking difference.. go crawl back to your hole n die...

hope you earn 980 rs now.. atleast youd be above poverty line as per indias look good policy..

Pakistan's or India's or any country's poverty line are based on same identical international guidelines. But I see Pakistanis don't know all this thing and came as frontrunner to bash India to show their illiteracy on the topic. :omghaha::omghaha:
And indias was 25 cents or even less...

We count Worldbank data .. unlike your "look good self defined poverty line def"...

As for minimum wage..for unskilled labourer.....10,000PRS...:


Have some shame trolldic...

P.S: Cant open the link you posted... havnt installed the prog.. for PDF.
U r a troll. World bank data is made by world bank with thr own standard. So whatever data available in world bank website is by thr own standard not by goi line. Lol
U r a troll. World bank data is made by world bank with thr own standard. So whatever data available in world bank website is by thr own standard not by goi line. Lol

I didnt troll... it was your "pals" with their nonsense.. as for WB data .. lol.. they dont just publish data provided by respective govts... go figure.

Pakistan's or India's or any country's poverty line are based on same identical international guidelines. But I see Pakistanis don't know all this thing and came as frontrunner to bash India to show their illiteracy on the topic. :omghaha::omghaha:

Yeah we know how "smart" you are... i and most ppl dont even take your BS seriously.... :cheers:
I didnt troll... it was your "pals" with their nonsense.. as for WB data .. lol.. they dont just publish data provided by respective govts... go figure.

Yeah we know how "smart" you are... i and most ppl dont even take your BS seriously.... :cheers:
Do u hv problem reading? I said the same thing that wb publish it own data not the data given by respective countries.
812 rs per month are you f... kidding me.

Yes...Internationally, an income of less than $1.25 per day per head of purchasing power parity is defined as international poverty line... In 2008, the World Bank came out with a revised figure of $1.25 at 2005 purchasing-power parity (PPP)..

1.25$ = 77.65 rupees( today)= 29 rupees/day = 870 rupees/month (offical poverty line by Indian govt.) 812 rupees is wrong...

Why you got excited ???.. This is by World Bank Std.. But this study(McKinsey) saying it should be Rs 1,336 per month...

Study also says that ...
"The report said India can bring more than 90% of its people above the empowerment line in a decade by implementing inclusive reforms. Steps are needed to stimulate investment, job creation, farm productivity and improve the delivery of basic services.
These reforms, the report said, could potentially allow India to achieve an average GDP growth of 7.8% between 2012-22. This could lift 580 million people above the empowerment line, leaving 100 million or 7% of the population below it in 2022 and 17 million or about 1% below the official poverty line.

McKinsey pegs poverty line at Rs 1,336 per month - The Times of India

That is this study giving great hope to us....

Do you know the pakistan poverty line???

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