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In 7 years, the China story’s over

Actually this is the good news, if you know the fact and economy.

I think this is the most importance historical turning point, from the cheap labors dependable economy into an expressway to the developed country. China standard of living will increase dramatically in the coming years after this turning point.

A bold line between poor and rich country.

lol, you're so funny. :omghaha: You know fact & economy?
But keep parroting the narrative, whoever doesn't finds himself in the Yangtze with "two self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of the head".

Look in the archives of China Daily on 17. April. Just a day after his review of local government bond issuing was published in the Financial Times. Zhang Ke, senior analyst at ShineWing audit firm.
this is for my indian forum fellows:
hazaroon khawhishain aisi ke her khawahish pe dam nikle
bare nikle mere armaan magar kam nikle
@genisis remember our discussion the other day.u were asking this question to me.but i dont agree with the article completely.china still holds the largest reserves.the worrying point is that he mentions the cas falls from 10% to 2.5% if this trend continues then there comes the problem..but any trouble in china is not good for the world and certainly not to india.china is still the largest trade partner to india.so lets hope for the benefit of all ur govt palns for the future..its naturla that when govts fail to deliver people revolt..lets hope everything goes well
lol, you're so funny. :omghaha: You know fact & economy?
But keep parroting the narrative, whoever doesn't finds himself in the Yangtze with "two self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of the head".

Look in the archives of China Daily on 17. April. Just a day after his review of local government bond issuing was published in the Financial Times. Zhang Ke, senior analyst at ShineWing audit firm.

The debt is another story.

If the debt, mostly came from building infrastructure, I can still understand. But If the debt came from useless over priced ghost town, unaffordable by most Chinese workers, that will be a problem. And if most of the debt, borrowed from state-owned banks, I think it's not a big issue.

What I dislike about mainland local government is, they don't care about the people. The people is so poor and backward. In Taiwan, we already held massive protest and kick them down. Media is already scold and humiliated them.
I doubt it, people have been predicting this for years. Yesw current growth rates are unsustainable in the long-term but after this high-growth preiod (even if it ends tommorow) growing at a rate of 3-5% for 10-15 years will still see China become an incredibly large economy.
The debt is another story.

If the debt, mostly came from building infrastructure, I can still understand. But If the debt came from useless over priced ghost town, unaffordable by most Chinese workers, that will be a problem. And if most of the debt, borrowed from state-owned banks, I think it's not a big issue.

What I dislike about mainland local government is, they don't care about the people. The people is so poor and backward. In Taiwan, we already held massive protest and kick them down. Media is already scold and humiliated them.

You can read more about the problems at these links:

China's hidden debt risk - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Corporate China's Black Hole of Debt - Businessweek

China local authority debt ‘out of control’-the Financial Times
The debt is another story.

If the debt, mostly came from building infrastructure, I can still understand. But If the debt came from useless over priced ghost town, unaffordable by most Chinese workers, that will be a problem. And if most of the debt, borrowed from state-owned banks, I think it's not a big issue.

What I dislike about mainland local government is, they don't care about the people. The people is so poor and backward. In Taiwan, we already held massive protest and kick them down. Media is already scold and humiliated them.

What ghost town? You mean that one city in inner Mongolia? Geez, I wonder why is a city sitting in the middle of nowhere, have no significant resources and not near a trade nexus not filling up immediately. This MUST be the proof that Chinese infra-structure is wrong. /sarcasm.
I will be frank. Taiwan's politic is a joke. Your politic election is about which side can dig up more dirt on the other and a crook like Chen Shuibian can get into the office by playing the sympathy card instead of any show of actual administrative competence and your media is no better. Any fact is set aside for winning more votes.
The mainland local governments are farther from perfect. In deed, in fast developing and changing nations like PRC, the government can and will make quite a few mistakes, but, here is the bottom line: The mainland government is chosen based on administrative competence and the gauge to measure their achievement is how well they can develop the nation. Your government, on the other hand, is chosen based on who can stage the flashest campaign and gauged on how many votes it can get.
What ghost town? You mean that one city in inner Mongolia? Geez, I wonder why is a city sitting in the middle of nowhere, have no significant resources and not near a trade nexus not filling up immediately. This MUST be the proof that Chinese infra-structure is wrong. /sarcasm.

That town maybe an extreme example, a better one would be unaffordable housing for the masses and infrastructure that is not built to last.
Off the top of the head examples of this would be the apartment building that toppled over, a bridge that collapsed due to not having steel reinforcement bars inside etc.

I will be frank. Taiwan's politic is a joke. Your politic election is about which side can dig up more dirt on the other and a crook like Chen Shuibian can get into the office by playing the sympathy card instead of any show of actual administrative competence and your media is no better. Any fact is set aside for winning more votes.

This is politics the world over. Inside the CCP central comitee they do the same on each other when there is time for elections.
Bo Xilai would be an example of "extreme" digging of dirt.

The mainland government is chosen....

Chosen? What were the other choices? ;)
That town maybe an extreme example, a better one would be unaffordable housing for the masses and infrastructure that is not built to last.
Off the top of the head examples of this would be the apartment building that toppled over, a bridge that collapsed due to not having steel reinforcement bars inside etc.

This is politics the world over. Inside the CCP central comitee they do the same on each other when there is time for elections.
Bo Xilai would be an example of "extreme" digging of dirt.

Chosen? What were the other choices? ;)

You mean choices such as other provincial level leaders? Or if you are talking about provincial level selection process, the hundred of municipal level leaders that have their competence and mettle proven and judged by their peers? You mean all those other candidates who have proved their competence at various level of government over decades of service?

As for affordable housing, you mean this: China's home ownership rate much higher than international standard > Global Times I mean, what if China's home ownership rate is 89%, the people can't afford houses! Ignore the fact that US only have a home ownership rate of 65.4 and UK only have a home ownership rate of 69%. Hey, maybe Taiwan will do better? I mean it does have similar population to Shanghai and about six times bigger, right? According to 2007 survey, Taiwan has home ownership rate of 88%.

In fact, the only countries that CAN beat China in home ownership rate are countries like Bulgaria or Lithuania which both have population that is on par with a city.

China's problem is like a student that got a 96 on a test groaning that he is 4 points away from perfect. Your problem is that you are that OTHER student who got 65 and is happy that he has 5 points to spare.

And no, just no to the your view on politics. Leaders of a nation should be selected according to their administrative ability and competence. Their goal must towards building a better nation and they must possess vision, patience and wisdom beyond the common people. Above all else, the selection of a nation's leaders should not be not a popularity contest that depends which one is the least embarrassing.
You mean choices such as other provincial level leaders? Or if you are talking about provincial level selection process, the hundred of municipal level leaders that have their competence and mettle proven and judged by their peers? You mean all those other candidates who have proved their competence at various level of government over decades of service?

Provincial level leaders are all members of the CCP.

As for affordable housing, you mean this: China's home ownership rate much higher than international standard > Global Times I mean, what if China's home ownership rate is 89%, the people can't afford houses! Ignore the fact that US only have a home ownership rate of 65.4 and UK only have a home ownership rate of 69%. Hey, maybe Taiwan will do better? I mean it does have similar population to Shanghai and about six times bigger, right? According to 2007 survey, Taiwan has home ownership rate of 88%.

We are talking about the newly built apartment complexes, built with loans and now cannot be sold, stagnating.

China's problem is like a student that got a 96 on a test groaning that he is 4 points away from perfect. Your problem is that you are that OTHER student who got 65 and is happy that he has 5 points to spare.

lol, this is just your paid for attitude.

Environment destroyed-check
Slave labor-check
Mass of debt-check
Shrinking pool of slave labor-check
Corrupt officials-check

96 points yo!

And no, just no to the your view on politics. Leaders of a nation should be selected according to their administrative ability and competence. Their goal must towards building a better nation and they must possess vision, patience and wisdom beyond the common people. Above all else, the selection of a nation's leaders should not be not a popularity contest that depends which one is the least embarrassing.

Lol, an estimated of one trillion$ has illegaly left China during the last 30 years. Those leaders? What was it, Hu Jintao ordered a hacker attack on NY Times for exposing his billions abroad?

In conclusion, your valiant defence is noted, but 50 cents don't buy you good weapons! I find it hilarious you even try with such easy to see through arguments.
Democracy is more or less dead。

Autocracy rules。
Provincial level leaders are all members of the CCP.
We are talking about the newly built apartment complexes, built with loans and now cannot be sold, stagnating.
lol, this is just your paid for attitude.
Environment destroyed-check
Slave labor-check
Mass of debt-check
Shrinking pool of slave labor-check
Corrupt officials-check
96 points yo!
Lol, an estimated of one trillion$ has illegaly left China during the last 30 years. Those leaders? What was it, Hu Jintao ordered a hacker attack on NY Times for exposing his billions abroad?

In conclusion, your valiant defence is noted, but 50 cents don't buy you good weapons! I find it hilarious you even try with such easy to see through arguments.

Hey, whatever floats your boat, if you think political stance take priority over actual competence, good for you. I will stick with what I believe is better for us. It is not like that we are the only major economy is get out of the financial crisis in one piece or something.
Hey, whatever floats your boat, if you think political stance take priority over actual competence, good for you. I will stick with what I believe is better for us. It is not like that we are the only major economy is get out of the financial crisis in one piece or something.

lol just ignore that guy. He has nothing but negativity about China and its people. Those catch words like slave labor, environmental destruction, etc, are routinely inserted in any articles that mention China. Most people even don't care about their poor neighbors, let alone those living across Pacific Ocean that have no affinity with them, emotional or cultural. Do they even know what slave labor means? Do they even care about those workers when they go shopping? Heck no.

It's nothing but prejudice. Prejudice is like drug that will satisfy one's self superiority. I simply ignore those people
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