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Imran Khan: The World Can’t Ignore Kashmir. We Are All in Danger. NY Times

Of course in a war both parties suffer

If India is in a war obviously it will suffer and there will setback to the Indian economy

Pakistan will suffer much less, because we dont have western investments.

That said, if war starts, than we will make sure to target your cities where western countries have invested. Your export will hurt & halt. War with India means all the investment US and western countries will go in vain.

Hence, its no brainer that who'll suffer more.

Last but not the least, even if India start Nuclear war, we will also target your many cities as well. We many dont exist anymore afterwards and same goes for you too. But remember one things, there are other Muslim countries, therefore, Muslims and Islam woundn't vanished from this world. What will end is your RSS goons, your fascist state, Hindutva ideology along with Hindus, because there is only one Hindu country in this world - remember this !!!

Dear sir

With due respect

Just look up the statements of both countries elected office bearing leaders and then decide who is warmongering


This is why I said earlier that stop reading, watching and listening to your biased, garbage media.

Here is how International media covered event unfolded in Pakistan today.

Imran Khan: The World Can’t Ignore Kashmir. We Are All in Danger.


PM Imran Khan leads Kashmir solidarity rallies in Pakistan


Pakistan observes Kashmir Hour to express solidarity with Kashmiris


Prime minister says Pakistan will respond if India attacks


On contrary, this is what your media said.

Why Imran Khan is stoking war hysteria over Kashmir move


Anybody with even a single active brain cell can decipher who's right and who's wrong.
What a reversal of fate!?!! In the past it was always the Indian leadership doing the talking and putting blames on Pak!!! Now, it's the opposite!!! Kudos to IK!!!

IK thy name is the IOK....

*IOK= Imran of Kashmir

As Prime Minister Imran Khan has already pointed out, all gestures of good will are being considered as appeasement.

You can't talk to fascists.
He's speaking in the language of the White Man!!!! His days at the top British Public Schools, Oxford, County Cricket, Royal Circles, Goldsmiths etc. haven't gone down in vain!!! Nor has Modi's days as an RSS/Hindutva tea boy....
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Nation will stand by Kashmiris unless they secure freedom from Indian occupation: PM

August 30, 2019

Prime Minister Imran Khan has said the Pakistani nation will be standing by their Kashmiri brethren unless they secure freedom from the Indian occupation.

Addressing the main ceremony in Islamabad today (Friday) to express solidarity with Kashmiris, he said we share the grief and pain of the people of occupied Kashmir and fully stand by them.

The Prime Minister said the message from Pakistan is loud and clear that Pakistani nation will continue struggle for freedom of occupied Kashmir.

Imran Khan warned that India will be given a befitting response if it attempts to launch any misadventure in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

He said there are reports that India may resort to an operation in Azad Kashmir to divert international attention from inhuman situation in Occupied Kashmir. He said Pakistan Army is fully prepared to thwart any external aggression.

He, however, said that the world should realize that clash between two nuclear armed countries might result into loss to the whole world. He said he has already told the world leaders of the repercussions of this conflict, if they do not play their due role in resolving the Kashmir situation.

The Prime Minister said during his address at the UN General Assembly, he will expose the true face of India. He said in his diplomatic campaign after the illegal steps taken by India on 5th of this month, he apprised all the important world leaders of the appalling situation in Occupied Kashmir.

Imran Khan said another campaign will be started soon with the message to lift curfew from Occupied Kashmir. He said during the campaign, important international figures and celebrities will be involved to raise the issue of human plight and tragedy in Occupied Kashmir at all international forums.

The Prime Minister regretted that response of the international community is muted when Muslims face persecution. He urged the world to break its silence and stop India from its brutalities against Kashmiris.

Imran Khan vowed that he, being the ambassador of Kashmir, will fight the case of Kashmir at every intentional forum. He said his article published in New York Times today gives a glimpse to the world about the brutal environment the Kashmiris are facing. The Prime Minister said he also described in detail in his article the RSS ideology dominating India. The Prime Minister warned that if this ideology is not stopped, it will resonate the environment of Nazi Germany that resulted into World War II in which around 60 million people were killed.

Imran Khan said it is important to understand the type of government in India that has unleashed a wave of barbarity on Kashmiris. He said the incumbent Indian government is staunch follower of the ideology and philosophy of RSS. The RSS was established in 1925 with the idea of superiority of Hindus and hatred against Muslims. Its roots are based on revulsion and fanaticism. He said the manifesto of RSS was either to expel Muslims from India or to turn them into second class citizens. And the latter is being witnessed in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir today.

He said even the moderate people in India are facing the consequences of this ideology. This ideology has negated the secular philosophy of Indian political stalwarts like Nehru and Gandhi. He said even Gandhi was killed by an RSS fanatic.

Mentioning plight of the Kashmiris, the Prime Minister said around eight million Kashmiris have been under curfew for the last four weeks with total communication blockade and shortage of food and medicines.

Radio Pakistan Islamabad correspondent Amanullah Sipra reports that the ceremony began with playing of national anthem of Pakistan and the anthem of Azad Kashmir.

Ministers, MNAs, officials, public servants, students of schools, colleges and universities and people from various walks of life participated in the ceremony, waving both Pakistani and Kashmiri flags. The participants raised slogans of Long Live Pakistan and Kashmir Will Become Pakistan.
Yes man . Like atleast stuck to one main thing .
So it's official that we downed just 1 plane as mentioned in IK's latest article in NYT. Not for the first time, IK has mentioned that our airforce downed an Indian plane meaning just one plane. If we really downed 2 indian planes, why don't our leadership clearly states about two planes?
Most posters on this forum aren't interested in what IK is writing in this article.
They want him to write an article about which Indian cities he is planning to nuke and when.
I don't think you understand how nukes work. Most mistaken notion is that WW2 ended by Japanese surrendering due to nukes. Reality is that nukes were dropped in 6th & 9th August while Japan surrendered on September 2, 25 days later.

Also, Japanese bomb drops showed that 2 cities of Japan mostly retained concrete structures and bridges. Only roof of brick buildings and houses made of wood crumbled. In Japan, 90% of homes were wooden as the people used wood to minimise risk if earthquake. Even then, the total death by both bombs was just 1 lakh.

A single city like Delhi has 1100 sq km area. To destroy 50% of delhi infrastructure, one needs 110 bombs of 200kT size.

Only jaahils think that nuclear bomb can win wars. If that was the case, why is USA, Russia, China developing high end technology? Why USA allowed Pakistan to have nuclear bomb by giving centrifuge technology if that was the most dangerous technology?

Good, Keep exposing Hindu terrorist India, so when we interfere world don't held us responsible.
India is Dharmic country. This is not secret. Secularism is temporary. But Pakistan can't interfere due to capability limit.


The world may, indeed, not care about Muslims butthe world does care about a nuclear war and the resulting fallout spreading accross the globe. It also cares about the level of disruption that will happen to the current socio-politico-economic system of the world.
That also means the world will have to compensate India by paying extra investment for India to keep quiet. If you think India will keep quiet for free, you are wrong.

That said, if war starts, than we will make sure to target your cities where western countries have invested. Your export will hurt & halt. War with India means all the investment US and western countries will go in vain.
India doesn't get western investment out of business interest but for political interests. USA wants India to be Integrated into its economy so as to have leverage against India acting unilaterally.

Again, war with India will destabilize middle East and severely disrupt oil supply, especially from Arabian sea. The world economy will crumble, petrodollar still crumble. So, worrying about investment still be last thing anyone would do

therefore, Muslims and Islam woundn't vanished from this world. What will end is your RSS goons, your fascist state, Hindutva ideology along with Hindus, because there is only one Hindu country in this world - remember this !!!
Again, wrong. Large number of people I'm close proximity helps in logistics and war fighting. India is only country but if a big country with massive peninsula structure to control seas. A few nukes can't work out India. Instead, India will get extra land of pakistan which is fertile and can be used to feed its population. Even if 10 crore Hindus die, the loss of 60 Crue Muslims (pak, India & Bangladesh) and addition of huge farm land will help India rebuild and repopulate. Population can be increased if food security is available due to increased farm land. So, there hardly will be a problem in replacing lost population but the gains of land will be permanent.
Thanks PM IK and people of Pakistan to give it a try.We appreciate your efforts,keep on putting your efforts.May be things change for good but as a kashmiri from IOK who knows in and out of Kashmir and thinking of chamar Hindus it is not going to make a little difference.

Why will it not make any difference?

Would arms supply line and mujahideen make a difference?
And quite Ironic that Jews who were persecuted and culled by the Nazi's are supporting the anti Semitic Modi and RSS supremacist fascist ideology.
Buddy thats because current Israeli lot in power are NOT Jews.They are zionists !
Our problem is not with the Jews its with the Zionists !
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I don't think you understand how nukes work. Most mistaken notion is that WW2 ended by Japanese surrendering due to nukes. Reality is that nukes were dropped in 6th & 9th August while Japan surrendered on September 2, 25 days later.

Also, Japanese bomb drops showed that 2 cities of Japan mostly retained concrete structures and bridges. Only roof of brick buildings and houses made of wood crumbled. In Japan, 90% of homes were wooden as the people used wood to minimise risk if earthquake. Even then, the total death by both bombs was just 1 lakh.

A single city like Delhi has 1100 sq km area. To destroy 50% of delhi infrastructure, one needs 110 bombs of 200kT size.

Only jaahils think that nuclear bomb can win wars. If that was the case, why is USA, Russia, China developing high end technology? Why USA allowed Pakistan to have nuclear bomb by giving centrifuge technology if that was the most dangerous technology?
Mitra Sahib,I think my post went right over your head.
The poster I was replying to understood exactly what I meant.
Thanks for trying.
One thing to learn from Imran Khan and his disastrous governance approach is that a person should never suppress his natural abilities and shall play around what he is gifted for. The guy is a natural aggressor, can make people listen and take mafias head-on. That's all of his life and since his gov. he wanted to be another Nelson Mandela. He can trash people with his posturing and can create a very good narrative. He shall continue this approach towards india on diplomatic front, this however will work on the short run; for few months, on the longer run he needs to engage india on other fronts as well and i hope his team have a plan. Until GA speech he can keep india engaged via editorials, opinions and social media but he needs to take concrete steps. ASAP, otherwise the window is small and this issue will slip away. Unless india lift curfew before GA meeting and if Pakistan play the hand correctly can be a game changer event and can lead to complete turn of events.

In an op-ed article for The New York Times, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khanhas warned that a “direct military confrontation” with India “will get ever closer” if the world ignores the Kashmir issue.

In the NYT op-ed, Khan wrote: “If the world does nothing to stop the Indian assault on Kashmir and its people, there will be consequences for the whole world as two nuclear-armed states get ever closer to a direct military confrontation”.

Stating that a nuclear shadow is hovering over South Asia, Khan said India and Pakistan have to “move out of a zero-sum mindset to begin a dialogue on Kashmir.”

Khan has been ratcheting up his attack on India ever since the Narendra Modi-led government revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s special status enjoyed under Article 370. Calling India’s move on Kashmir as “illegal”, Khan said it was a violation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions on Kashmir and the Shimla Agreement between India and Pakistan.

In the NYT article, Khan said the Indian government has “rebuffed” all his efforts towards peace. He said he wanted to “normalize relations with India through trade and by settling the Kashmir dispute, the foremost impediment to the normalization of relations between us.”

He explained how after winning elections, he wanted peace with India and cited his first televised address to Pakistan in this regard. Khan further said the Indian government “promptly blamed Pakistan” over the Pulwama attack, in which 40 CRPF jawans were killed.

“Indian had been lobbying to get Pakistan placed on the blacklist at the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force, which could lead to severe economic sanctions and push us toward bankruptcy,” he said in his NYT article.

In his piece, Khan also trained his guns on RSS and said “New India” is governed by leaders and a party that are the products of the “Hindu supremacist mother ship”. He said that the RSS took inspiration from the likes of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Yesterday, in a series of tweets, Khan had used words like “fascist” and “ethnic cleansing”, while giving a call to Pakistanis to come out and express solidarity with the people of Kashmir on Friday.

In his address to Pakistan on Monday, Khan had said he will raise the Kashmir issue at every international forum, including during his address at the UN General Assembly in New York next month. Pakistan also test-fired surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’ on Thursday, amid fresh Indo-Pak tensions after India revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s special status.

However, the Ministry of External Affairs yesterday condemned the recent remarks made by Pakistani leadership on India’s internal matters, saying “the provocative statements include call for jihad and inciting violence in India.”
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