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Imran Khan: The World Can’t Ignore Kashmir. We Are All in Danger. NY Times

True, we saw how crushing defeat you recieve in your rear in 65 and 99. How we converted Chawinda a graveyard of bharti tanks. How we hunted half of your airforce to the ground. And how in 99 Pakistan mercilessly slaughtered your forces which made bhartis beg entire world. The highest point over seeing all bharti peaks and the supply route is in Pakistani control.
When did India beg? It was Pakistan that got Clinton to call Vajpayee to stop in 1999. In 1965, Pakistan lost far more tanks than India, though the air force loss was 25% more for India.

As for nuclear war, Pakistan have enough nukes and thousands of missiles that can carry both nuclear and conventional warheads. Your systems will be sabotaged and/or fooled by firing bait missiles along with nuclear. And Pakistan will launch entire nuclear missiles with an aim of annihilating India before india get a sense of what is happening. Remember February how swift response you got with your Intel failing to detect anything until Pakistan entered and bombed 7 locations.
You can only try. The question is whether you will succeed. I don't see how you can succeed. Bait missile can't be fired as that will mean India will immediately get to know the location of the launchpad and launchers. The element of stealth regarding the missile site will be lost and Pakistan will not get another chance to fire next wave from the same launchers.

India will have hundreds and even thousands of missiles in BMD systems protecting Indian cities once deployed. One can't simply bait all these missiles.

Secondly, you are overestimating power of nuclear bombs. Without conventional superiority and quantity, one can't win wars

Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday assured that his country won’t be the first to use nuclear weapons in case of war or conflict with India.

“We both are nuclear-armed countries. If these tensions increase, the world could be in danger. There will be no first from our side ever. There will never be any kind of initiative from us,” said Imran Khan at the International Sikh Convention in Governor House.

Khan’s comments comes in the wake of remarks by his ministers of nuclear war between India and Pakistan, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said his country will not start a war.

He also said that war is no solution to any issue but the prevailing situation in occupied Kashmir is not acceptable.

The prime minister remarks come hours after Pakistani Railway Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, who predicted a full-blown war between India and Pakistan may likely occur in the month of “October or the next month”, said that that his country has “125-250 gram atom bombs”. He has also openly admitted that he was appointed by the Pakistan Army for speaking on “war”.

Pakistan has been rattled by the Indian government’s move to strip the special status accorded to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 and has found itself completely isolated despite desperate attempts aimed at internationalising the issue.

Pakistan has approached various world leaders, including Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, French President Emmanuel Macron and the Jordanian King Abdullah II to seek their interventions into the issue. However, Pakistan has been told to engage bilaterally with India to end tensions.
India has repeatedly made it clear that talks with Pakistan are only possible after Islamabad stops sponsoring terror.

Continuing his scathing attacks against ruling BJP government, Khan said Narendra Modi government in India “will not forgive any minority”
Recalling his previous telephonic conversation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Khan said, “I told him that there are similar circumstances both in Pakistan and India. I told him about climate change. We are sitting on a ticking bomb. If we do not address this issue (climate change) there will be a scarcity of water (in both countries).

I told him that we together can solve the Kashmir dispute through dialogue.”
I don't understand why you don't see that Foreign countries invest in India as a means of political funds to India by giving foreign exchange. The foreign countries have very little real investment to worry about losing.

Secondly, I don't see how you can compare a small country like Pakistan and claim it to be equal to large country like India! You can't jut take a small country and then aay that it will sacrifice itself and destroy a large country with it!

Most important, Pakistan can target India cities with nukes but that doesn't mean whole cities will be levelled. Only some damage will be caused and everyone in cities won't die. In fact India jas witnessed so many cyclones (every year it hits India) and withstood severe wind burst. Yet, India withstands it. Nukes are not some miracle bombs that will level everything. Nukes also cause most of the damage by high speed winds and that as I said, is something India is used to and won't cause as much damage as you think.

At the end of the day, wars are always won by starvation of the enemies, cutting of enemy supplies and capturing of important posts and passes of enemy land

IT Tech giants, Telecommunication & other industries have their headquarters in India, this foreign investment I was pointing out to all this time, jeez, I have to spelled it out for you. Only a naive and stupid will believe that their origin countries wouldnt worry if was begins in between two countries.

Speaking of nuclear war, instead of clutching at straws, do some research and you'll realize how brutal use of nukes will be. YOUR WHOLE COUNTRY IS ON PAKISTAN'S TARGET, for nth time. Nothing, absolutely nothing will left in Indian and this will effect the whole region.

Only a 10 years old will think that "Only some damage will be caused and everyone in cities won't die". This is seriously the most ludicrous I have ever read when it comes to nuclear war.

Do some research on what happened in Japan when US dropped nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Pakistan will ensure that all of your cities will get one.
When did India beg? It was Pakistan that got Clinton to call Vajpayee to stop in 1999. In 1965, Pakistan lost far more tanks than India, though the air force loss was 25% more for India.

It was india that begged their p Clinton. Vajpayee begged Clinton to call Nawaz and do something to save his rear. Nawaz accepted bribe from Clinton and order withdrawl. Pakistani military was so frustrated that they then overthrew Nawaz govt in response. And in 65, your junk tanks were decimated and buried under ground. As for your airforce, 50% of it was slapped to the ground from skies.

You can only try. The question is whether you will succeed. I don't see how you can succeed. Bait missile can't be fired as that will mean India will immediately get to know the location of the launchpad and launchers. The element of stealth regarding the missile site will be lost and Pakistan will not get another chance to fire next wave from the same launchers.

India will have hundreds and even thousands of missiles in BMD systems protecting Indian cities once deployed. One can't simply bait all these missiles.

Secondly, you are overestimating power of nuclear bombs. Without conventional superiority and quantity, one can't win wars

You seem like some duffer from one of indian media channel, or maybe you have took them seriously. Who told you a bait missile site will be where the nuclear or even conventional warhead will be stocked? Pakistan have dozens of sites across the country at unknown spots. And all are capable of keeping their stealth with no detection for a pretty long time. While entire North America and Europe's technology failed to find the sites in Pakistan a third class bhart will detect it in no time. Secondly, baits will be fired along with actual nuclear missiles so that the actual missile have far more chance of raining in.

Not to mention the second strike capability now Pakistan have from sea.

IT Tech giants, Telecommunication & other industries have their headquarters in India, this foreign investment I was pointing out to all this time, jeez, I have to spelled it out for you. Only a naive and stupid will believe that their origin countries wouldnt worry if was begins in between two countries.

Speaking of nuclear war, instead of clutching at straws, do some research and you'll realize how brutal use of nukes will be. YOUR WHOLE COUNTRY IS ON PAKISTAN'S TARGET, for nth time. Nothing, absolutely nothing will left in Indian and this will effect the whole region.

Only a 10 years old will think that "Only some damage will be caused and everyone in cities won't die". This is seriously the most ludicrous I have ever read when it comes to nuclear war.

Do some research on what happened in Japan when US dropped nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Pakistan will ensure that all of your cities will get one.

I believe he has become a zombie watching indian media shit show propaganda such as 10 kadam and Pakistan khatam. 10 steps and end of Pakistan. They really live on those dreams and orgasms.
IT Tech giants, Telecommunication & other industries have their headquarters in India, this foreign investment I was pointing out to all this time, jeez, I have to spelled it out for you. Only a naive and stupid will believe that their origin countries wouldnt worry if was begins in between two countries.
IT sector companies are just body shops with hardly anything meaningful infrastructure or manufacturing. It is not an important industry at all. Indian IT sector is mainly due to USA foreign policy of keeping India in its financial system by creating jobs in IT sector. It is a result of international politics rather than business interest.

Speaking of nuclear war, instead of clutching at straws, do some research and you'll realize how brutal use of nukes will be. YOUR WHOLE COUNTRY IS ON PAKISTAN'S TARGET, for nth time. Nothing, absolutely nothing will left in Indian and this will effect the whole region.

Only a 10 years old will think that "Only some damage will be caused and everyone in cities won't die". This is seriously the most ludicrous I have ever read when it comes to nuclear war.

Do some research on what happened in Japan when US dropped nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Pakistan will ensure that all of your cities will get one.
I have done good research on nuclear bombs. I understand that you want to say that entire cities will be bust by nukes but that is far from truth. Nuclear bomb has small radius of action and even within that, it doesn't destroy everything. Concrete structure will survive Nuclear bomb unless directly below it or very close to explosion.

Japan cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki weren't destroyed completely. Only some parts were destroyed. Even there, concrete structure survived. Bridges, roads etc were unharmed.

You seem like some duffer from one of indian media channel, or maybe you have took them seriously. Who told you a bait missile site will be where the nuclear or even conventional warhead will be stocked? Pakistan have dozens of sites across the country at unknown spots. And all are capable of keeping their stealth with no detection for a pretty long time. While entire North America and Europe's technology failed to find the sites in Pakistan a third class bhart will detect it in no time. Secondly, baits will be fired along with actual nuclear missiles so that the actual missile have far more chance of raining in.

Not to mention the second strike capability now Pakistan have from sea.
I hope you understand that missile sites are easy to locate as they are fixed in location. They take years to be built and hence it is difficult to get new ones quickly. So, by observing the activity of the past, one can get the sites location.

The real stealth comes from TEL or mobile launchers. But once missiles are launched, Indian surveillance assets will immediately find out exact location of these TEL and launch heavy attack against these before they can launch another missile
Why does both Imran Khan and Modi want US /NATO forces to establish military bases in Kashmir? and why should US /NATO shall be willing?
Why does both Imran Khan and Modi want US /NATO forces to establish military bases in Kashmir? and why should US /NATO shall be willing?
USA will be willing to set up basesin troubled territory as that will give USA more ammunition to foment trouble. But it is aje news that Modi wants USA base. Modi doesn't like USA and only deals with USA out of mutual interest
IT sector companies are just body shops with hardly anything meaningful infrastructure or manufacturing. It is not an important industry at all. Indian IT sector is mainly due to USA foreign policy of keeping India in its financial system by creating jobs in IT sector. It is a result of international politics rather than business interest.

I have done good research on nuclear bombs. I understand that you want to say that entire cities will be bust by nukes but that is far from truth. Nuclear bomb has small radius of action and even within that, it doesn't destroy everything. Concrete structure will survive Nuclear bomb unless directly below it or very close to explosion.

Japan cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki weren't destroyed completely. Only some parts were destroyed. Even there, concrete structure survived. Bridges, roads etc were unharmed.

Like as I said before, you're doing nothing but clutching at straws, however, you dont win an argument like this...

Now on, I will provide references to completely shut you down. Feel free to provide counter argument WITH REFERENCE if you can.

Lets me burst your myth of IT sector first. IT is a vital aspect of your economy, which represented almost eight percent of the nation’s overall GDP. In financial year 2019, this industry in India generated an annual revenue close to 180 billion U.S. dollars, a significant increase from the generated revenue ten years ago. A majority of this revenue was generated in exports (meaning your IT companies doing work in India for companies outside of India) while domestic revenue totaled to less than 50 billion U.S. dollars for the mentioned period.

Reference: https://www.statista.com/topics/2256/it-industry-in-india/

Now coming on nukes. Its devastating effects entirely depends on the size. Whilst you made some tall and mind boggling claims, how do you know about the size of our nukes? How do you know how many we will fire (1/2/3/5/10) on a singles city? You know absolutely zilch.

When nukes were detonated cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it killed at least 129,000 people - not to mention devastating long term health effects, which killed God knows how many more.

Reference: https://www.sciencealert.com/watch-how-far-away-would-you-need-to-be-to-survive-a-nuclear-blast

Last but not the least, refer to the following to understand the damages done on Japanese cities after WWII.


I believe he has become a zombie watching indian media shit show propaganda such as 10 kadam and Pakistan khatam. 10 steps and end of Pakistan. They really live on those dreams and orgasms.

The guys is utter delusional bro and just clutching at straws without any substance.
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When nukes were detonated cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it killed at least 129,000 people - not to mention devastating long term health effects, which killed God knows how many more
Both bombs together killed 1 lakh people and that too because the cities were mostly untouched by war and hence people were living unprepared. Also, people's houses were of wooden due to which it was easy to collapse these.

Do you know that the napalm raid on Tokyo on a single night killed more than the combined death of nuclear bombs? Now think about the power of nuclear bombs.

Who is clutching at straw? Just see the videos of nuclear bomb test. Even simple items like cars which were present in the site of bombing survived in these videos. These videos are authentic and part of awareness campaign by USA towards its people for the formation of civil defence network during cold war. It is a bit of exaggeration to say that nukes will destroy everything.

These are fake news providers and are based on opinions without any real world tests. I am talking from the impact of real world nuclear tests shown in videos by USA.
Now coming on nukes. Its devastating effects entirely depends on the size. Whilst you made some tall and mind boggling claims, how do you know about the size of our nukes? How do you know how many we will fire (1/2/3/5/10) on a singles city?
I can't know the size of your nukes but if it has to fit on a missile without compromising range, it has to be 1ton or less. I assumed it is 200kT-300kT as it is standard size used by Western countries. I can't say about the number of missiles pakistan will fire. But I can estimate the number of nuclear bombs Pakistan has by amount of Uranium extraction. Pakistan extracts 30 ton of Uranium a year and it is not very rich in Uranium to extract more. So, it means Pakistan can make 30 bombs a year. Since Pakistani nuclear reactors started in 1985-1990 and expanded to 30 ton by 2004. So, Pakistan can have only 500-600 plutonium nuclear bombs by now. If it is Uranium ones, the number is even less.

Secondly, nuclear bomb can cause devastation but the current concrete structure provides good resistance to the nuclear bomb. So, the number of casualties will be reduced from what would have been the case if people lived in wooden houses.

Thirdly, India hss demonstrated its ability to evacuate 1 crore people in 1-2 days im case of cyclones and flood like situations and hence the same evacuation and medical assistance can save lots of lives during war, especially from injuries turning to deaths
What's the status of Pak airspace? Is it still open for Indians?
Both bombs together killed 1 lakh people and that too because the cities were mostly untouched by war and hence people were living unprepared. Also, people's houses were of wooden due to which it was easy to collapse these.

Do you know that the napalm raid on Tokyo on a single night killed more than the combined death of nuclear bombs? Now think about the power of nuclear bombs.

Who is clutching at straw? Just see the videos of nuclear bomb test. Even simple items like cars which were present in the site of bombing survived in these videos. These videos are authentic and part of awareness campaign by USA towards its people for the formation of civil defence network during cold war. It is a bit of exaggeration to say that nukes will destroy everything.

These are fake news providers and are based on opinions without any real world tests. I am talking from the impact of real world nuclear tests shown in videos by USA.

I can't know the size of your nukes but if it has to fit on a missile without compromising range, it has to be 1ton or less. I assumed it is 200kT-300kT as it is standard size used by Western countries. I can't say about the number of missiles pakistan will fire. But I can estimate the number of nuclear bombs Pakistan has by amount of Uranium extraction. Pakistan extracts 30 ton of Uranium a year and it is not very rich in Uranium to extract more. So, it means Pakistan can make 30 bombs a year. Since Pakistani nuclear reactors started in 1985-1990 and expanded to 30 ton by 2004. So, Pakistan can have only 500-600 plutonium nuclear bombs by now. If it is Uranium ones, the number is even less.

Secondly, nuclear bomb can cause devastation but the current concrete structure provides good resistance to the nuclear bomb. So, the number of casualties will be reduced from what would have been the case if people lived in wooden houses.

Thirdly, India hss demonstrated its ability to evacuate 1 crore people in 1-2 days im case of cyclones and flood like situations and hence the same evacuation and medical assistance can save lots of lives during war, especially from injuries turning to deaths

Ok good, your IT sector myth has been busted and gone from the argument and now you're clutching at straws on nukes.

And as for nukes, now in case of concrete structure the damage will be no less. You are assuming that you will hide yourself in a concrete box and will be protected - this is plain wrong. When these building will comedown than it will inflict more damage.

Also, as per Pakistan's nukes, again, you're assuming a lot, which again doesnt make much sense. Icing on the cake, no reference at all and just talk in the think air. It doesnt work like that, I can carry on too, but without reference your argument doesnt hold any weight at all.

What's the status of Pak airspace? Is it still open for Indians?

Nope, not yet, all thanks to Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who received a call from US deep state and able to convince IK not to do it .
Ok good, your IT sector myth has been busted and gone from the argument and now you're clutching at straws on
IT sector was always a geopolitical tool and not something to be glorified. I have never claimed the superiority of Indian IT. If someone else has been bragging about Indian IT, then talk with him.

Ok good, your IT sector myth has been busted and gone from the argument and now you're clutching at straws on nukes.

And as for nukes, now in case of concrete structure the damage will be no less. You are assuming that you will hide yourself in a concrete box and will be protected - this is plain wrong. When these building will comedown than it will inflict more damage.

Also, as per Pakistan's nukes, again, you're assuming a lot, which again doesnt make much sense. Icing on the cake, no reference at all and just talk in the think air. It doesnt work like that, I can carry on too, but without reference your argument doesnt hold any weight at all

Effect on dummy town without trees and in open desert. The house made of cinder blocks (cement bricks) and one with 2 floor good masonry survived with minimal damage. If there were trees to reduce wind speeds orif the bomb was air burst which would not push houses tobthe side, the damage would have been lower.

Another footage of radiation not being harmful as imagined-

So, all nukes will have to do damage solelyon tge basis of blast power and not radiation. Even the nuclear burn is overrated as even a small screen like that of sitting in a car or a shed can save people from burns. The mannequin shown has only some minor damage in the clothes to show that the real heat damage isn't much at all.

Now you have to calculate how exactly will you kill large number of people just by air pressure of blast waves. What kind of speeds can most homes withstand, how much damage will happen just by blast winds? And hence calculate the death and destruction.

I have given you direct footage to show the real impact of nuclear bomb and discredit the impact of radiation and heat in destruction. Now, the exact damage of blast wave is unclear as no real evidence of tests on sturdy masonry based houses exists with me. So, I have used cyclone damage as a basis to check blast damage and hence concluded that since India can withstand severe cyclones, withstanding blast waves must also be possible upyo some extent
IT sector was always a geopolitical tool and not something to be glorified. I have never claimed the superiority of Indian IT. If someone else has been bragging about Indian IT, then talk with him.

Effect on dummy town without trees and in open desert. The house made of cinder blocks (cement bricks) and one with 2 floor good masonry survived with minimal damage. If there were trees to reduce wind speeds orif the bomb was air burst which would not push houses tobthe side, the damage would have been lower.

Another footage of radiation not being harmful as imagined-

So, all nukes will have to do damage solelyon tge basis of blast power and not radiation. Even the nuclear burn is overrated as even a small screen like that of sitting in a car or a shed can save people from burns. The mannequin shown has only some minor damage in the clothes to show that the real heat damage isn't much at all.

Now you have to calculate how exactly will you kill large number of people just by air pressure of blast waves. What kind of speeds can most homes withstand, how much damage will happen just by blast winds? And hence calculate the death and destruction.

I have given you direct footage to show the real impact of nuclear bomb and discredit the impact of radiation and heat in destruction. Now, the exact damage of blast wave is unclear as no real evidence of tests on sturdy masonry based houses exists with me. So, I have used cyclone damage as a basis to check blast damage and hence concluded that since India can withstand severe cyclones, withstanding blast waves must also be possible upyo some extent

As per your post # 127, you claimed the following. Which I proved wrong and you stopped talking about it - good. I was appreciating it, that all - dont feel bad about it.

IT sector companies are just body shops with hardly anything meaningful infrastructure or manufacturing. It is not an important industry at all. Indian IT sector is mainly due to USA foreign policy of keeping India in its financial system by creating jobs in IT sector. It is a result of international politics rather than business interest.

And as on nuke's subject, you decided to cherry pick video of 50's, seriously.

So far all of your arguments are based on assumption and hypothetical, which means absolute zilch.

The sources I gave reference considered a 1 megaton bomb, which is 80 times larger than the bomb detonated over Hiroshima.

Nuke's destruction depends on many factors including its size, head it will produce, radiations, third degree burns and much more. For a 1 megaton bomb, people up to 21 km (13 miles) away would experience flash blindness on a clear day, and people up to 85 km (52.8 miles) away would be temporarily blinded on a clear night.

More to the point, the largest nuclear weapon ever tested is the 50 megaton Tsar bomb that was dropped on an isolated island in Russia, and released roughly the energy of 3,333 Hiroshima bombs combined. So how big Pakistan's nuke's are, you cant do anything but assume, which you have been doing.
As per your post # 127, you claimed the following. Which I proved wrong and you stopped talking about it - good. I was appreciating it, that all - dont feel bad about it
I said the same thing every time- Indian IT industry is geopolitical tool to keep India within the global economy dictated by petrodollar (hence by USA & GCC). It is not something that has precious assets that anyone would fear losing.

The sources I gave reference considered a 1 megaton bomb, which is 80 times larger than the bomb detonated over Hiroshima.

Nuke's destruction depends on many factors including its size, head it will produce, radiations, third degree burns and much more. For a 1 megaton bomb, people up to 21 km (13 miles) away would experience flash blindness on a clear day, and people up to 85 km (52.8 miles) away would be temporarily blinded on a clear night.
Blast is extrapolated on cube root basis. So, 1 megaton bomb is 10 times more range than 1kT bomb. Radiation, heat etc are all insignificant as the people within blast radius if 2km will mostly die. But people farther will mostly survive for 1 MT bomb. The flash blindness is temporary and people will close the eyes out of reflex most of the time immediately and hence damage is limited to temporary blinding only. Heat again , can be withstood by even small covering of cloth. Those within blast radius will anyway die and hence won't matter whether her is there or not.

More to the point, the largest nuclear weapon ever tested is the 50 megaton Tsar bomb that was dropped on an isolated island in Russia, and released roughly the energy of 3,333 Hiroshima bombs combined. So how big Pakistan's nuke's are, you cant do anything but assume, which you have been doing.
1 megaton bomb weighs 1 ton at least if the design is very efficient. Mostly it will weigh more (only USA, Russia are known to have such compact design). So, unless you plan to drop bomb via some c130 plane or transport it via samjhauta express and detonates it in India, it is not practical to lob anything more than 1MT. That it why i speak with confidence that pakistan will use only upto 500-600kT bomb as the missile payload if most Pakistan missile is 1 ton (for India, it is 1.5 ton for Agni-5 & 1 ton for lower range missile like Agni-1, Agni-2)
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