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Imran Khan: The World Can’t Ignore Kashmir. We Are All in Danger. NY Times

I haven't always agreed with IK, but he has definitely shown his leadership qualities in regards to the recent situation in Kashmir. Thank you, for standing up for righteousness and giving Pakistan the backbone to stand up to a bully. More importantly, we have a leader who can deal with the west and get respect for Pakistan. We have always loss the PR campaign against India, but IK is checkmating Modi.
I liked article right on point and target is Modi and BJP mindset. We are not at war with India neither we with her ppl we are against this idealogy or mindset inspired by Nazis very good move.
Its gonna take more than just mere words to bring some positive results for the people of Kashmir , but they are under curfew and food and medicines will be scarce soon enough, and Why wait for IA to come and kill you ? Kashmiri's should defy the curfew , block roads , snatch guns from IA and Police , guard their neighborhoods , women and children .

I don't think you understand how nukes work. Most mistaken notion is that WW2 ended by Japanese surrendering due to nukes. Reality is that nukes were dropped in 6th & 9th August while Japan surrendered on September 2, 25 days later.

Also, Japanese bomb drops showed that 2 cities of Japan mostly retained concrete structures and bridges. Only roof of brick buildings and houses made of wood crumbled. In Japan, 90% of homes were wooden as the people used wood to minimise risk if earthquake. Even then, the total death by both bombs was just 1 lakh.

A single city like Delhi has 1100 sq km area. To destroy 50% of delhi infrastructure, one needs 110 bombs of 200kT size.

Only jaahils think that nuclear bomb can win wars. If that was the case, why is USA, Russia, China developing high end technology? Why USA allowed Pakistan to have nuclear bomb by giving centrifuge technology if that was the most dangerous technology?

India is Dharmic country. This is not secret. Secularism is temporary. But Pakistan can't interfere due to capability limit.

That also means the world will have to compensate India by paying extra investment for India to keep quiet. If you think India will keep quiet for free, you are wrong.

India doesn't get western investment out of business interest but for political interests. USA wants India to be Integrated into its economy so as to have leverage against India acting unilaterally.

Again, war with India will destabilize middle East and severely disrupt oil supply, especially from Arabian sea. The world economy will crumble, petrodollar still crumble. So, worrying about investment still be last thing anyone would do

Again, wrong. Large number of people I'm close proximity helps in logistics and war fighting. India is only country but if a big country with massive peninsula structure to control seas. A few nukes can't work out India. Instead, India will get extra land of pakistan which is fertile and can be used to feed its population. Even if 10 crore Hindus die, the loss of 60 Crue Muslims (pak, India & Bangladesh) and addition of huge farm land will help India rebuild and repopulate. Population can be increased if food security is available due to increased farm land. So, there hardly will be a problem in replacing lost population but the gains of land will be permanent.

You are correct that most people here over estimate the power of the nuclear weapons - especially fission bombs. However, I think you are underestimating the damage a bomb can do to a metropolis as well.

Yes, the blast radius isn't tens of miles for a small fission bomb, however, if that were the only component of a nuke, they would've been used left right and centre. The smaller bombs have a larger radioactive footprint. There are varying levels of radioactive toxicity that occurs to the areas surrounding the target area - and beyond.

The damage these bombs - especially the radioactive component - will do to a densely populated area would be a lot more than you seem to be acknowledging.

The strategic planners of Pakistan, unlike most posters here and general public - understand the power and limitations of the weapons they wield. They will not lob them at India without considering the likely outcomes. The Indian armed forces are not going to need too many nukes to neutralise.

To think that after a nuclear exchange hindus will get Pakistan is a laughable - especially given the damage such an exchange would do to Indian military and economic capabilities.

India and Pakistan both would be down for the count - but there are other countries around that will be not affected. You think China and the rest of the world will just wait for India to - after it has nuked and has been nuked (carrying a fired cartridge so to speak) - just waltz in and take 'the fertile lands' of Pakistan?
Ik is doing a good job in raising kashmir issue globally.

In an op-ed article for The New York Times, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khanhas warned that a “direct military confrontation” with India “will get ever closer” if the world ignores the Kashmir issue.

In the NYT op-ed, Khan wrote: “If the world does nothing to stop the Indian assault on Kashmir and its people, there will be consequences for the whole world as two nuclear-armed states get ever closer to a direct military confrontation”.

Stating that a nuclear shadow is hovering over South Asia, Khan said India and Pakistan have to “move out of a zero-sum mindset to begin a dialogue on Kashmir.”

Khan has been ratcheting up his attack on India ever since the Narendra Modi-led government revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s special status enjoyed under Article 370. Calling India’s move on Kashmir as “illegal”, Khan said it was a violation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions on Kashmir and the Shimla Agreement between India and Pakistan.

In the NYT article, Khan said the Indian government has “rebuffed” all his efforts towards peace. He said he wanted to “normalize relations with India through trade and by settling the Kashmir dispute, the foremost impediment to the normalization of relations between us.”

He explained how after winning elections, he wanted peace with India and cited his first televised address to Pakistan in this regard. Khan further said the Indian government “promptly blamed Pakistan” over the Pulwama attack, in which 40 CRPF jawans were killed.

“Indian had been lobbying to get Pakistan placed on the blacklist at the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force, which could lead to severe economic sanctions and push us toward bankruptcy,” he said in his NYT article.

In his piece, Khan also trained his guns on RSS and said “New India” is governed by leaders and a party that are the products of the “Hindu supremacist mother ship”. He said that the RSS took inspiration from the likes of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Yesterday, in a series of tweets, Khan had used words like “fascist” and “ethnic cleansing”, while giving a call to Pakistanis to come out and express solidarity with the people of Kashmir on Friday.

In his address to Pakistan on Monday, Khan had said he will raise the Kashmir issue at every international forum, including during his address at the UN General Assembly in New York next month. Pakistan also test-fired surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’ on Thursday, amid fresh Indo-Pak tensions after India revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s special status.

However, the Ministry of External Affairs yesterday condemned the recent remarks made by Pakistani leadership on India’s internal matters, saying “the provocative statements include call for jihad and inciting violence in India.”
Not a warning, its blunt threat

You are correct that most people here over estimate the power of the nuclear weapons - especially fission bombs. However, I think you are underestimating the damage a bomb can do to a metropolis as well.

Yes, the blast radius isn't tens of miles for a small fission bomb, however, if that were the only component of a nuke, they would've been used left right and centre. The smaller bombs have a larger radioactive footprint. There are varying levels of radioactive toxicity that occurs to the areas surrounding the target area - and beyond.

The damage these bombs - especially the radioactive component - will do to a densely populated area would be a lot more than you seem to be acknowledging.

The strategic planners of Pakistan, unlike most posters here and general public - understand the power and limitations of the weapons they wield. They will not lob them at India without considering the likely outcomes. The Indian armed forces are not going to need too many nukes to neutralise.

To think that after a nuclear exchange hindus will get Pakistan is a laughable - especially given the damage such an exchange would do to Indian military and economic capabilities.

India and Pakistan both would be down for the count - but there are other countries around that will be not affected. You think China and the rest of the world will just wait for India to - after it has nuked and has been nuked (carrying a fired cartridge so to speak) - just waltz in and take 'the fertile lands' of Pakistan?
I don't understand how you think that India will be down! Military might doesn't depend on Urban Economy! If you simply think that Indian army is just about the regular soldiers without any additional recruiting, you are grossly wrong. Even in WW2, Indian army was far bigger than Current size. Why would you think that India won't expand its army numbers?

Why would you think that Pakistan can simply degrade Indian military might by nuclear bomb? Indian military installation and infrastructure are not made of pack of cards. Hitting Nuclear bomb may cause some physical damage but it will cause massive psychology boost and strengthen resolve to destroy and capture Pakistan at all cost! India is too big that Pakistan can destroy with some nuclear bombs. Wars are won on attrition, not by some sudden attack. Conventional attack and physically capturing of land is a must for any military victory. I don't see how you can say that Pakistan being a small country, can cripple India which is several tikes larger than itself! What kind of magic is this?

No country can stop India from conquering Pakistan unless they engage in full scale war with India. If you are thinking that China will fight India to save Pakistan, you are simply doing wishful thinking. What is Chinese benefit?
I don't understand how you think that India will be down! Military might doesn't depend on Urban Economy! If you simply think that Indian army is just about the regular soldiers without any additional recruiting, you are grossly wrong. Even in WW2, Indian army was far bigger than Current size. Why would you think that India won't expand its army numbers?

Why would you think that Pakistan can simply degrade Indian military might by nuclear bomb? Indian military installation and infrastructure are not made of pack of cards. Hitting Nuclear bomb may cause some physical damage but it will cause massive psychology boost and strengthen resolve to destroy and capture Pakistan at all cost! India is too big that Pakistan can destroy with some nuclear bombs. Wars are won on attrition, not by some sudden attack. Conventional attack and physically capturing of land is a must for any military victory. I don't see how you can say that Pakistan being a small country, can cripple India which is several tikes larger than itself! What kind of magic is this?

No country can stop India from conquering Pakistan unless they engage in full scale war with India. If you are thinking that China will fight India to save Pakistan, you are simply doing wishful thinking. What is Chinese benefit?

After going through this utterly ridiculous and extremely absurd post:
"Mogambo Khush Hua"


You are correct that most people here over estimate the power of the nuclear weapons - especially fission bombs. However, I think you are underestimating the damage a bomb can do to a metropolis as well.

Yes, the blast radius isn't tens of miles for a small fission bomb, however, if that were the only component of a nuke, they would've been used left right and centre. The smaller bombs have a larger radioactive footprint. There are varying levels of radioactive toxicity that occurs to the areas surrounding the target area - and beyond.

The damage these bombs - especially the radioactive component - will do to a densely populated area would be a lot more than you seem to be acknowledging.

The strategic planners of Pakistan, unlike most posters here and general public - understand the power and limitations of the weapons they wield. They will not lob them at India without considering the likely outcomes. The Indian armed forces are not going to need too many nukes to neutralise.

To think that after a nuclear exchange hindus will get Pakistan is a laughable - especially given the damage such an exchange would do to Indian military and economic capabilities.

India and Pakistan both would be down for the count - but there are other countries around that will be not affected. You think China and the rest of the world will just wait for India to - after it has nuked and has been nuked (carrying a fired cartridge so to speak) - just waltz in and take 'the fertile lands' of Pakistan?

Excellent and sane analysis. Though, in my view, the extraordinary circumstances, scenarios and outcomes, which may possibly emerge, after such a catastrophe, that is mutual and reciprocal nuking of India and Pakistan, are quite beyond the realm of imagination, analysis and even a grossly conjectural prediction.

I don't understand how you think that India will be down! Military might doesn't depend on Urban Economy! If you simply think that Indian army is just about the regular soldiers without any additional recruiting, you are grossly wrong. Even in WW2, Indian army was far bigger than Current size. Why would you think that India won't expand its army numbers?

Why would you think that Pakistan can simply degrade Indian military might by nuclear bomb? Indian military installation and infrastructure are not made of pack of cards. Hitting Nuclear bomb may cause some physical damage but it will cause massive psychology boost and strengthen resolve to destroy and capture Pakistan at all cost! India is too big that Pakistan can destroy with some nuclear bombs. Wars are won on attrition, not by some sudden attack. Conventional attack and physically capturing of land is a must for any military victory. I don't see how you can say that Pakistan being a small country, can cripple India which is several tikes larger than itself! What kind of magic is this?

No country can stop India from conquering Pakistan unless they engage in full scale war with India. If you are thinking that China will fight India to save Pakistan, you are simply doing wishful thinking. What is Chinese benefit?

I think we both have a vastly different understanding of how this sort of thing works.

Pakistan and India have had three wars - and had the Indian military might and courage been such that it were able to conquer Pakistan despite being nuked more than a hundred times - the results would've been wholly different. Barring Bangladesh - which had much more to do with Bangalis - the situation didn't change much for a reason.

India is a large country, yes, but Pakistan isn't Maldives either. If your soldiers have motivation than Pakistan isn't occupied by small fickle stick men.

India has had a larger population & army and a bigger economy than most of the invaders, yet it has been repeatedly defeated over thousands of years. So the courage and martial prowess of the Indian soldier may indeed be extraordinary - unfortunately, historically speaking, that alone hasn't always been enough to save India.

I certainly hope your leadership has not fallen prey to its own propaganda.
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