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Imran Khan: The World Can’t Ignore Kashmir. We Are All in Danger. NY Times

If only IK didn't bend backwards to please Modi. Even Nawaz didn't bend that far.

Nobody, I mean literally nobody in his right mind will say that "IK didn't bend backwards to please Modi".

Its due to IK that all the western media outlets are writing on IOK. Show me when and where print media like Bloomberg, Washington post, Foreign policy, BBC, Reuters, The Guardian, The Economist & Nytimes have said or wrote anything on Kashmir in past?

What Khan has done to highlight Kashmir issue at global stage, nobody, including Nawaz, Zardari, Musharaf and that fat a$$ Fazlu had done in past 50 years combined.

This is not a time to bass on Khan, its time to support Kashmir cause at every forum and raise voice for them.

Shame on all those who're using this situation for point scoring and their political gain.
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PMIK is persistently following the issue and this is what is needed at this time. At least, I have no complaints, whatsoever, against the present setup, as far as, Kashmir issue is concerned.
Because kashmiris are muslims.
PM IK said himself that this situation would have had more attention had Kashmiris been non-muslims.

You should read articles linking Jew zionists/American evengelical interests to Hindutva ideology. It is very clear cut.
Pakistan has to fight and fight alone. Nobody respects people who can't stand for themselves.

Bro, I am reading a lot these days about Jew zionists/American evengelical interests to Hindutva ideology. The all possess same ideology. And yes, there will be war to resolve this once and for all. Pakistan has to fight this on its own.
Nobody, I mean literally nobody in his right mind will say that "IK didn't bend backwards to please Modi".

Its due to IK that all the western media are writing on IOK.

What Khan has done to highlight Kashmir issue at global stage, nobody, including Nawaz, Zardari, Musharaf and that fat a$$ Fazlu had done in past 50 years.

This is not a time to bass on Khan, its time to support Kashmir cause at every forum and raise voice for them.

Shame on all those who're using this situation for point scoring and their political gain.

It is quite funny when people criticize PM IK for his Kashmir policy. Tell me , what did Zardari , Fazlu and Nawaz did for Kashmiri people.
In just few weeks time , Khan has garnered a lot of attention and the way it looks, I think it is going to a long and sustained policy.

Would you expect Fazlu , Zardari and Nawaz to write in NY times with coherent english ? and without using parchis ?
It is quite funny when people criticize PM IK for his Kashmir policy. Tell me , what did Zardari , Fazlu and Nawaz did for Kashmiri people.
In just few weeks time , Khan has garnered a lot of attention and the way it looks, I think it is going to a long and sustained policy.

Would you expect Fazlu , Zardari and Nawaz to write in NY times with coherent english ? and without using parchis ?

As I said, this is typical patwari mindset. They will never admit their own failures of past and try to bash Khan in every possible way, rational or irrational.

Bunch of losers !!!

Again, for nth time, when Kashmir is burning, bloodshed occurs on every corner in Kashmir, when Kashmiri's are abused and oppressed by Indian Army, than why Kashmir wasnt part of G7 agenda?
PMIK is persistently following the issue and this is what is needed at this time. At least, I have no complaints, whatsoever, against the present setup, as far as, Kashmir issue is concerned.

Given that the 70 year status quo is broken by stupid Modi, it would be impossible for any Pakistani leader to not push Kashmir to the topmost place.

In Pakistan's history, Zulfi Bhutto and then Musharraf were two most anti-Indian leaders. I think Imran Khan is about to become one himself. Imran Khan's instinct is for 'peace'. I believe that has been recognized (silently) but world leaders, commercial interests aside. But when the jugular vein of Pakistan is finally under the Indian knife he's not going to stay very peaceful.

PS. I believe Modi screwed up big way! His only escape is that the Indian Supreme Court reverses his action.
Ther was one aspect which he should have added and it wouldv ehave helped put the situation in perspective for an informed reader: The economic benefit and poverty alleviation if situation between Pakistan and India are normalized and free trade is allowed to be conducted.
Given that the 70 year status quo is broken by stupid Modi, it would be impossible for any Pakistani leader to not push Kashmir to the topmost place.

In Pakistan's history, Zulfi Bhutto and then Musharraf were two most anti-Indian leaders. I think Imran Khan is about to become one himself. Imran Khan's instinct is for 'peace'. I believe that has been recognized (silently) but world leaders, commercial interests aside. But when the jugular vein of Pakistan is finally under the Indian knife he's not going to stay very peaceful.

PS. I believe Modi screwed up big way! His only escape is that the Indian Supreme Court reverses his action.
He wouldn't allow that to happen, RSS extremists will cause havoc.
Would you expect Fazlu , Zardari and Nawaz to write in NY times with coherent english ? and without using parchis ?
Hahahahahhal, be kind to those school drop outs man, they will be stuck for eternity trying to understand where and how to start
Those who are criticising protest, should tell us, have they ever objected that Nawaz never even utter the name of one which can not be spoken!!! i.e. Kulbadan.

These Bas***ds have brought Pakistan to this point by looting it and drowning its name world over due to their corruption, greed and treachery.
I pity these criminals, they have no rights to exists.
Because there is no bloodshed and it is indias internal. Matter ( what India does in kashmir)

The bilateral matter between India & Pakistan is the status of kashmir

Ok, you wanna play that game, good luck justifying the following.

And Kashmir is disputed region, its not India's internal matter, world leaders have acknowledge it. So this rant doesnt hold any weight anymore.

Kashmiris Won’t Stay Silent Forever

PULWAMA, Jammu and Kashmir—In February, a suicide bomber blew up an Army convoy in the Kashmiri city of Pulwama, killing more than 40 military personnel. The attack—which India alleges was orchestrated by militants from across the border in Pakistan—brought the two nuclear-armed countries to the brink of war. But while tensions receded in the following months, they were ratcheted up once again on Aug. 5, when New Delhi unilaterally announced the revocation of certain autonomies in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir—a move Islamabad warns could be the start of ethnic cleansing in the disputed Muslim-majority region.


Whats really going on in Kshmir - Washington Post (India Exposed)

The Indian government has said Kashmir is calm after deciding to abolish the area's autonomous status, but video and eyewitness accounts show a different story. On August 5, 2019, India revoked Article 370 of the Indian constitution, which granted autonomous powers to the state of Kashmir, and enforced an unprecedented communications blackout in the area ahead of the announcement to avoid large-scale protests.



India Is Shooting Itself in the Foot in Kashmir

As each week goes by, India’s crackdown on Kashmir deepens. Not content with cutting phone lines and the internet, detaining top political leaders and imposing a curfew which has now lasted three weeks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has reportedly imprisoned thousands of Kashmiris, including businessmen and students as well as human-rights activists.


Don't beat us, just shoot us': Kashmiris allege violent army crackdown

Security forces in Indian-administered Kashmir have been accused of carrying out beatings and torture in the wake of the government's decision to strip the region of its autonomy.

The BBC heard from several villagers who said they were beaten with sticks and cables, and given electric shocks.

Residents in several villages showed me injuries. But the BBC was not able to verify the allegations with officials.

The Indian army has called them "baseless and unsubstantiated".


In a statement to the BBC, the Indian army said it had "not manhandled any civilians as alleged".


Besieged Kashmiri neighborhood in test of wills with India's Modi

SRINAGAR (Reuters) - For more than a week, the young men of Soura, a densely populated enclave in Kashmir's main city of Srinagar, have been taking turns to maintain an around-the-clock vigil at the entry points to their neighborhood.


Why Modi’s Kashmir coup threatens India’s democracy

It’s tempting, though illogical, to blame Donald Trump for all the world’s ills. Yet was it America’s self-aggrandising president who triggered last week’s sudden crisis between India and Pakistan over Kashmir? When Trump took office in 2017, his ignorance of international affairs was seen as potentially dangerous. Those fears now look well-founded. Kashmir may provide conclusive, catastrophic proof.


'Fighting back': Kashmir enclave blocks entry of Indian troops

For more than a week, the young men of Soura, a densely-populated enclave in Indian-administered Kashmir's main city of Srinagar, have been taking turns to maintain a round-the-clock vigil at the entry points to their neighbourhood.

Each of the dozen or so entrances have been blocked with makeshift barricades of bricks, corrugated metal sheets, wooden slabs and felled tree trunks. Groups of youths armed with stones congregate behind the biggest obstacles.

Their aim: to keep Indian security forces, and particularly the paramilitary police, out of the area.

"We have no voice. We are exploding from within," said Ejaz, 25, who, like many other residents in Soura interviewed by Reuters news agency, gave only one name, saying he feared arrest.

"If the world won't listen to us too, then what should we do? Pick up guns?"


NOTE: All above are neutral sources (I have ton's of more material though).


@waz @Dubious @The Eagle

New Indian account for trolling purposes. Might wanna check it.

Anyone justifying Indian brutalities, inhuman behaviour, torture & dehumanization of Kashmiris by way of calling it India's internal matter proves right in account that all these qualities belongs to RSSed regime hence, to be called Nazi at least. India's internal matters also include mob lynching, threatening minorities, disrespect & enslaving low castes and religious based terrorism at large.
Anyone justifying Indian brutalities, inhuman behaviour, torture & dehumanization of Kashmiris by way of calling it India's internal matter proves right in account that all these qualities belongs to RSSed regime hence, to be called Nazi at least. India's internal matters also include mob lynching, threatening minorities, disrespect & enslaving low castes and religious based terrorism at large.

More to the point, if Kashmir was India's internal matter than why UNSC discussed it in the first place? There goes this "Kashmir is our internal matter" notion of the window - oops !!!
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