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Imran Khan, the next prime minister of Pakistan?

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Khilafat is coming soon !!!.........you just wait and watch. Recursion has already been started in the muslim world which will end at Pakistan InshAllah !

Its time to change ourselves and there is no need to wait for a Khalifa who shoves something somewhere to make us right. If we are right individually then whatever system of government we'll follow will be the best system of world. Tell them to try it in Egypt or Libya.
Let the time prove what this recursion was? and who sponsored it. I pray my fears prove wrong.
Imran Khan cannot be PM ever ...

Will not able to take a single seat from SINDH or BALOCHISTAN or may be KYBER PAKHTUNKHUWA .. his support lies only in Punjab ... so is this possible ?

another thing is that his party gave tickets to all OLD lotas of PML & PPP mp's ..... Why don't he gave tickets to youth & new faces ..

his party cannot sticks to anything ...

early on he supports musharaff , then he rebels , then he shook hands with PML-N .. Long marches etc etc etc & now rebels again with PML-N . now he cursing Nawaz Shariff ... What the hell is wrong with him ..

Imran khan is my hero only when the cricket is concerned & his work on Cancer hospital other than that he is a complete flop in politics .

Imran is moving without any bullet proof vehicle all over the Pakistan, is this proof is not enough that he is most popular leader .
Imran Khan could be an Honest guy with best intentions. But I think he is not very shrewd and is gutless to take bold actions.
Imran Khan could be an Honest guy with best intentions. But I think he is not very shrewd and is gutless to take bold actions.

Yes , he will not sell his nation for dollars lol
May be not. But may sell it for fear of his life or for the fear of confronting the truth.

He is not coward leader like other parties leaders movig in bullet proof vehicles , he is only leader dictate his terms with US and allies , because nation will support him in case of sanctions.
He is not coward leader like other parties leaders movig in bullet proof vehicles , he is only leader dictate his terms with US and allies , because nation will support him in case of sanctions.

He is opposing the US because he is not in power and has nothing to lose out of it. But he fears his life so he can never talk against the mullas. If he spoke against them, he'd probably be travelling in a bullet proof car.
He is opposing the US because he is not in power and has nothing to lose out of it. But he fears his life so he can never talk against the mullas. If he spoke against them, he'd probably be travelling in a bullet proof car.

Jehadi Mullas cant fight with nation , Imran is true national leader .
I think Imran Khan will be 70 when he gets elected his best days will be past him

Technically our nations should have had this briliant mind as leader in 1999 really when he was at his prime young 10 years to give to his nation and we ended up getting Musharif

Which history may recall did guide us out of alot of mess , perhaps Imran would not have allowed stuff that happened in between 2000-2010 to Pakistan

Bottom line is he should be leader and before he gets any older it will be a HUGE loss to Pakistan if he does not gets ellected
I think Imran Khan will be 70 when he gets elected his best days will be past him

Technically our nations should have had this briliant mind as leader in 1999 really when he was at his prime young 10 years to give to his nation and we ended up getting Musharif

Which history may recall did guide us out of alot of mess , perhaps Imran would not have allowed stuff that happened in between 2000-2010 to Pakistan

Bottom line is he should be leader and before he gets any older it will be a HUGE loss to Pakistan if he does not gets ellected

couldnt agree more, he has proven by his actions that if you want change be the change, unlike anyother claimers, like I said he is a revolutionst, he is an ideology, majority in Pakistan unwilling to take as theirs. who would want justice? when the lower middle class would decide to break the chains, it is then that his Ideology of justice for all shall be popular, uptil now his popularity is mostly among the educated and frustrated youth !
& as for countering the military establishment,,, that's neither possible nor desirable,,,
In golden era of Muslims e.g. time of Prophet & later Khulafaa who conquered vast areas & spread islam like jungle fire,,, same person used to be commander-in-chief as well as ruler of the country,,, that's the recipe-of-success,,, Military should always have a role in political government.
Can you post an article or interview of Imran Khan, where he had said something close to what you are saying?

A question i have is out of the current crop of corrupt inept leaders who can we support besides imran?

@PAK-MARINE you said that imran is a hypocrite because he goes to london to file cases against Altaf but says nothing against the feudal system. well in that case MQM first denounced the Military dictators and yet sat with one for 10 years! then they denounced PPP and called them responsible for military operation against them and are currently sitting with them in alliance!
Pakistan will never progress until they are out of this corrupt Secular system which was created by Jews and Freemasons.
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