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Imran Khan, the next prime minister of Pakistan?

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@ Khana

According to NADRA, 44 % of the current registered votes are unverifiable and bogus, the electoral rolls haven't been updated since the general elections of 1997. There are 20 million voters coming into the system every year which are not registered which leaves them unable to cast their votes and express their choice. All of the members of the Election Commission are appointed by the sitting government. All of the above mentioned facts constitute as the criteria of free and fair election. Hope that helped.


:woot: "Nawaz Sharif Ghubaaraah Saa Hay Phatt Jayay Gaa" :rofl:
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Traditional and old script lol

Revolution can be hijacked one or two times not every time, 65% under age of 30 young population will bring change in next election . The era of traditional politics is now over.

We have great nation but no leader , Imran has courage and vission and character to lead the nation.

my "script" is my opinion about things the way i see it. If things remain the same old, so will the script.

I think you are being carried away if you think there would be some revolution in the coming elections and Imran would come out victorious. Traditional politics might have started loosing ground but by no means is it "over". Atleast not in the next elections.

Not so soon!

My own wish or desire may be different, but thats how I see things are going to happen.

@ Mean Bird

What's the criteria of being a think thank bro because your post was full of BS and the same old illogical defeatist rhetoric that we hear all the time.

As a first criteria, reply to the post rather than go after the poster.

You echo the thoughts of my barber and Dhobi who are just not competent enough to make the right decision. I hear them saying the same things; " Kuch nai badlay ga", "vote denay ka kiya faida, chezain thori sasti hongi". They just can't comprehend that with sound economic polices, eventually cheezain sasti [I]hojain gi[/I]i. You seem to be in the same league as them. Probably we should make them think tank as well. Let me ask you a series of questions and let's see if you can answer them without being ultra generic.

As a second criteria, don't put your words in other peoples mouths. In other words, don't mold other people's statements to extract your desired meaning.

Where exactly did I say: Don't vote? or things cannot be cheaper ( or rather affordable) with a sound economic policies? I will refrain from the character maligning part and ignore it.

How did you come to the conclusion that IK has a soft corner for the Mullah Brigade?
His stance during the Swat incidence, his alliance with the religious parties, and in general his lack of any strong stance against terrorists but instead trying to provide justifications of their acts. I am not saying he supports terrorism. Not at all (though at one time I remember either he or one of his party men did claim, even if figuratively, that they would take up arms like fazlullah if the govt. tries to stop the long march, but thats besides the issue).

The point for which I said this statement is that the terrorists have targeted those who had a strong stance against them be it ANP, army,FIA, etc. They (terrorists) aren't targeting people or places on the basis of corruption or popularity and that was the original context.

How did you come to the conclusion that IK or PTI is not popular enough to be considered a major political force in Pakistan?

Again the point was the being popular or not is not the driving force for needing bullet proof cars.

But if you must know, then I do live in pakistan and you do get the general feeling of the people. Besides, to be considered a major political force, you need to win seats in the parliament and Imran is yet to prove that.

Please point out the political immunities of PTI.

Now where did I even mention the word political immunity?

I am talking about immaturity not immunity. Read carefully again.

Please name the same old politicians that he as adopted and the youth that he has abandoned.
Ijaz Khan Jazi for NA-55 (pindi), Zaheer Abbass for PP 160 (lahore), Khan Bahadur in Lakki Marwat who contested as an independent but with PTI support.

Please ask anyone from pindi, since I've lived in that area, about the reputation of Ijaz Jazi.

How did you come to the conclusion that the old cycle will rrepeat itself?

Since you are a think tank,i am sure i do not need to tell you that proof and stats would incredibly augment your argument

Talking about stats and proof, lets come back to the original argument: that Imran khan doesn't need a bullet proof car because he is popular.

Please share with me how many instances are there in pakistani politics when someone was attacked because of his being unpopular and saved by his bullet proof car?
my "script" is my opinion about things the way i see it. If things remain the same old, so will the script.

I think you are being carried away if you think there would be some revolution in the coming elections and Imran would come out victorious. Traditional politics might have started loosing ground but by no means is it "over". Atleast not in the next elections.

Not so soon!

My own wish or desire may be different, but thats how I see things are going to happen.

As a first criteria, reply to the post rather than go after the poster.

As a second criteria, don't put your words in other peoples mouths. In other words, don't mold other people's statements to extract your desired meaning.

Where exactly did I say: Don't vote? or things cannot be cheaper ( or rather affordable) with a sound economic policies? I will refrain from the character maligning part and ignore it.

His stance during the Swat incidence, his alliance with the religious parties, and in general his lack of any strong stance against terrorists but instead trying to provide justifications of their acts. I am not saying he supports terrorism. Not at all (though at one time I remember either he or one of his party men did claim, even if figuratively, that they would take up arms like fazlullah if the govt. tries to stop the long march, but thats besides the issue).

The point for which I said this statement is that the terrorists have targeted those who had a strong stance against them be it ANP, army,FIA, etc. They (terrorists) aren't targeting people or places on the basis of corruption or popularity and that was the original context.

Again the point was the being popular or not is not the driving force for needing bullet proof cars.

But if you must know, then I do live in pakistan and you do get the general feeling of the people. Besides, to be considered a major political force, you need to win seats in the parliament and Imran is yet to prove that.

Now where did I even mention the word political immunity?

I am talking about immaturity not immunity. Read carefully again.

Ijaz Khan Jazi for NA-55 (pindi), Zaheer Abbass for PP 160 (lahore), Khan Bahadur in Lakki Marwat who contested as an independent but with PTI support.

Please ask anyone from pindi, since I've lived in that area, about the reputation of Ijaz Jazi.

Talking about stats and proof, lets come back to the original argument: that Imran khan doesn't need a bullet proof car because he is popular.

Please share with me how many instances are there in pakistani politics when someone was attacked because of his being unpopular and saved by his bullet proof car?

Why dont you look current changes in political system in countries Egypt,Tunis,Lybia .Pakistan has worst satuation then these countries politically and economically.
Problem is our Army is not right mod , once general public and army decided to change the current system , no force can stop it .

I am looking Pakistan is moving towards a great revolution with in year either by election or public movement same as Lybia and Egypt.

@ Myth Buster

My friend, why don't you goto PTI's website and bust some myths yourself? Here Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Home . I am sure you'll get your answer after your little myth busting spree, but if for any reason that is not the case, I'll be right here to help you find the answer. Happy Myth Busting

For now i am fine with this forum.
PTI? is that a party house?

Btw do you know what Fabian Society is?
Why dont you look current changes in political system in countries Egypt,Tunis,Lybia .Pakistan has worst satuation then these countries politically and economically.
Problem is our Army is not right mod , once general public and army decided to change the current system , no force can stop it .

I am looking Pakistan is moving towards a great revolution with in year either by election or public movement same as Lybia and Egypt.


Well, as I have stated earlier too, lets see what he outcome of the "revolution" of Egypt, Algeria, etc yields. So far, its only change of govt. Would you call that a "revolution"? May be in their case. But if so, then there have been many "revolutions" in Pakistan.

I disagree that Pakistan is in a worse situation politically at least and even economically. Pakistan hasn't had a king or a leader ruling for 30 yrs or more and then trying to pass the govt onto his son. Ayub khan, Zia and Musharraf have had the longest reigns and they have been removed. So we already have had at least 3 Arab style "revolutions". Besides, there have always been more voices of criticism here so in no way are we worse politically.

For me revolution (in case of Pakistan) would mean a entire shift of doctrine or the way a system is being run i.e. bringing about fundamental changes - such as what happened in Iran.

If just the current govt gets ousted, and say an interim "national govt" gets set up and elections are delayed, maybe with some NAB kind of thing, etc happens...would you call it a revolution?

If you're talking about the former, then I don't think that would happen so soon. If you're talking about the later, then that (IMO) won't be a "great revolution" but rather patching up here and there to minimize leakages buying more time to stay afloat.

Just to know better, what things do you think will change during that revolution you think is coming within a year or by next election? That neither of PPP or PML-N would win an absolute majority? or more than that?
change is comming my friend all we need is free n fair election PTI will win next election :) INSHALLAH .election of PP 160 where zaheer abas khokhar was candidate of PTI one of friend of my father was town coordinator of PML N he also voted for PTI every one voted PTI in our town our friends there families .. people knowz these are clowns PPP n pml N etc change is coming
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Well, as I have stated earlier too, lets see what he outcome of the "revolution" of Egypt, Algeria, etc yields. So far, its only change of govt. Would you call that a "revolution"? May be in their case. But if so, then there have been many "revolutions" in Pakistan.

I disagree that Pakistan is in a worse situation politically at least and even economically. Pakistan hasn't had a king or a leader ruling for 30 yrs or more and then trying to pass the govt onto his son. Ayub khan, Zia and Musharraf have had the longest reigns and they have been removed. So we already have had at least 3 Arab style "revolutions". Besides, there have always been more voices of criticism here so in no way are we worse politically.

For me revolution (in case of Pakistan) would mean a entire shift of doctrine or the way a system is being run i.e. bringing about fundamental changes - such as what happened in Iran.

If just the current govt gets ousted, and say an interim "national govt" gets set up and elections are delayed, maybe with some NAB kind of thing, etc happens...would you call it a revolution?

If you're talking about the former, then I don't think that would happen so soon. If you're talking about the later, then that (IMO) won't be a "great revolution" but rather patching up here and there to minimize leakages buying more time to stay afloat.

Just to know better, what things do you think will change during that revolution you think is coming within a year or by next election? That neither of PPP or PML-N would win an absolute majority? or more than that?

Revolution will change the our justice system ,education system and it will give jobs to educated and poor people .What you think after release of American CIA agent who killed two innocent Pakistanis from courts , is it justice ?

I think this issue will be starting point of revolution and you will see change in present government within few months.
Imran Khan has miserably failed in political arena and his political maneuverings are best described as comical. As for his being the only independent political leader in Pakistan, remember he hasn’t been in power , so he doesn’t know how important is the American tax payers’ dollar to our economy.

Revolution in Pakistan under the banner of the acceptance and proliferation of faith, will leads to catastrophic results. Any such fight for revolution or any revolution for the matter of fact will bring another form of slavery that will only bring more destruction and deaths. The real question is, can we all come together and fight for tolerance and equality. We just need to remember that our failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.
Imran we are with u ... u have ur shortcomings but we have no choice ...? no one is perfect .
Imran Khan has miserably failed in political arena and his political maneuverings are best described as comical. As for his being the only independent political leader in Pakistan, remember he hasn’t been in power , so he doesn’t know how important is the American tax payers’ dollar to our economy.

Revolution in Pakistan under the banner of the acceptance and proliferation of faith, will leads to catastrophic results. Any such fight for revolution or any revolution for the matter of fact will bring another form of slavery that will only bring more destruction and deaths. The real question is, can we all come together and fight for tolerance and equality. We just need to remember that our failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.

yeah imran khan dnt know how important is the american tax payers dollar to our economy we should keep on dependent on these americans rite ??? imran khan says we should stand on our feets by utilizing our resources and by neglecting corruption ... just calculate the amount of corruption being done by these fking politicans it will be more than the american dollars
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