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Imran Khan must choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran: Arab News

Iran is our neighbor, how can we forget Iran? We can't afford more enemies especially on border for price of Saudi Arabia. We already have five times bigger enemy on border called india.
We want good relation with all countries.
funny how the inranian shills forget kulbushan yadav and uzair baloch.
saudis did nothing like that.
plus they host RAW in chabahar to make trouble for us
Okay I am going to spell out my thoughts and be guided by just what I percieve as Pakistan's self interest. But before I go there let lay some groundwork.

  1. Saudia Arabia/GCC ~ I include both as from the outside perspective they all operate on the same wavelength. This region provides Pakistan huge figure in workers remittances. Indeed these remittances are vital to the Pakistani economy.
  2. However are these remittances based on how Pakistan performs with KSA/GCC? In other words is the remittances bonanaza contingent how good a friend Pakistan is to KSA/GCC?
  3. We can test this by looking at India. That country does not tout or act as KSA/GCC's ally or bestest friend. However India recieves three times the remittances Pakistan does from KSA/GCC. The biggest source of foreign exchange India gets is from KSA/GCC. How so?
  4. This means that KSA/GCC reward India far more then Pakistan despite all the big talk of friends and allies. Surely if KSA/GCC beneficience was based on friends or being allies why is India getting three times more benefit then Pakistan?
  5. India has never been asked or never has offered any military help to KSA/GCC but that despite that is the biggest beneficiary of KSA/GCC largesse.
  6. This means Pakistan acting like brother or a hired gun has not made it a favourite of KSA/GCC when it comes to the benefits. India has walked away as favourite despite not doing any favours or bragging about being 'brothers'.

Now let me move over to our neighbour on the west -

  1. Iran ~ Afghanistan represents a security threat to Pakistan. Kabul has become a India and US base to be used to cause grief to Pakistan. Pakistan's entire wetern border is source of instability and threat mostly coming from Indian sponsored activity from Afghanistan.
  2. Afghanistan is a landlocked country. Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia and China literally hold the key to Afghanistan. Central Asia is under Russian influence. If Pakistan, Iran, Russia and China were on the same page they could squeeze Afghanistan like ripe tomato and send the innards splashing out. Meaning India and USA could be sucked out of that country and Afghanistan would squarely fall at the feet of these four.
  3. Iran has huge energy reserves. Pakistan could work to begin laying the pipeline to secure permanent supply of gas and down the road oil which would fit in nicely with CPEC.

Therefore as strategic move I would suggest Pakistan begins the move to Iran if indeed it is serious in moving out of the US dominated arc. KSA/GCC are part of the American alliance. Whereas Iran, Russia and China are on the other side of the camp. Thus to align with the emerging new dynamic Pakistan must begin to reconfigure it's policy with Iran based on the points I have made about Afghanistan, economy and US strategic alliances in the region.
How can Pakistan establish constructive economic ties with Iran when the latter is being subjected to economic sanctions time and again? You understand why PAK - Iran gas pipeline have not materialized yet? Value of Iranian currency?

Iranian foreign policy is a disaster, and Pakistan stands to loose from blindly pivoting towards Iran. GCC bloc is progressive, and too important for us to overlook in our foreign policy circulations.
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Despite that guy blocked me on Twitter when I criticized his liberal/sickular views 3 years ago, I started to see some sanity in his approach and weltanschauung especially when it comes to dealing with other countries, communities and groups. Pakistan showed no hesitation and refused unanimously inside its parliament any initiative to sending symbolic troops to Saudi Arabia just to please the Iranians. Needless to say, the Pakistani media has been on fire against Saudi Arabia in different occasions and god knows whoever behind that continuous smear campaign on KSA. Meanwhile, media in Saudi has never targeted Pakistan or even addressed its unfortunate decision regarding Yemen. I guess things have changed and this article is as I recall the first one to address and direct a message to Pakistan in Saudi media.
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Imran must choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran

August 21, 2018 13:18

Pakistanis are celebrating Eid and a new prime minister. Imran Khan was a famous cricketer and a well-liked figure, but politics requires different skills than sport.

Religion is a winning game for some, and here he has been trying to play it, despite his liberal and secular background. In public speeches, he attacks the West and the Western model, while he has two sons from his marriage to his British Jewish former wife. Before his swearing-in ceremony, Khan asked his two sons not to attend out of fear for their lives. Indeed, everything in his first career was Western, as he played for English teams and graduated from Oxford University.

Like a number of Third World leaders, his supporters also promote popular news and images about him. Furthermore, he canceled the lavish lunch at the inauguration ceremony, saying he wanted to help reduce the budget deficit, and promised to sell the state cars of government officials. Such an image gives a positive impression that is commensurate with his electoral promises, and contrasts with the image of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison for corruption.

Today, Pakistan remains an important country. It is the second most populous Muslim country after Indonesia, a nuclear power, and possesses the eighth largest army in the world. Pakistan is also important in regional calculations, as Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fiercely competing to win it over. Globally, too, Pakistan has been an object of ongoing competition between China and the US.

Although there has been recurrent talk of a close relationship between Khan and Iran, based on his previous statements, we cannot judge politicians out of power. Whatever is said, Pakistan's relationship with Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf states remains deep and firm, regardless of who governs it. Let us not forget that the same thing was said about the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, but she proved that she never sided with Iran. Saudi Arabia, besides being the heart of the Muslim world, has the largest Pakistani community abroad, and its trade balance with it is greater.

Moreover, we should not forget that both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan share a special relationship with the US; while the relationship with Iran is no longer an option, because the PM cannot override US sanctions.

Regardless of the internal considerations that were pushing the new PM to give such statements, it is hoped that the relationship with Pakistan will be further developed, and given a greater role in resolving regional issues, such as Afghanistan, and putting pressure to bear on Iran to stop its interference in Pakistan itself, as well as in the region.

The constant competition over the state’s leadership has led most competing leaders either to prison or the grave. This factor undoubtedly weakened Pakistan's status abroad, preoccupied it internally, and exhausted it economically.

Khan, coming from a different background to the former prime ministers, has an opportunity to develop his country's position in the Gulf; improve its balance of payments and economy by implementing a genuine reform program in cooperation with countries like his allies in the Gulf; and engage in mutually beneficial and sustainable projects.

In fact, we are not worried about Iran now. It cannot even get enough gasoline for its markets, despite being an oil producer. Tehran’s rulers today have enough problems to keep them busy, and the future looks even graver. In these changing circumstances, Pakistan has to play a more important role, as it is already a major regional player and must double the pressure on Iran to change its foreign policy. This will enhance Pakistan's role in the Middle East and South Asia; but, if it does not, it will not be able to play the opposite role.

• Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is a veteran columnist. He is the former general manager of Al Arabiya news channel, and former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat. Twitter: @aalrashed

Insulting, when these arabs addressing us "Like a number of Third World leaders, his supporters also promote popular news and images about him" . Pakistan still far better then these petro dollar countries. Columnist adopt very offensive language against the people of Pakistan. We have free media . Only country in the muslim world which has totally free media and democracy ....show me anyone has it.
Even the dumbest Irani is smarter than the smartest Saudi, that has been my observation while interacting with both people in Canada. Iranians are sharp, smart and courageous. It takes severe balls to stand up to a super power and its allies for three decades and still be alive and kicking despite the worst sanctions. If I were to pick a side it would have to be Iran.
Correction: It takes lot of OIL to stand up to a super power and its allies for three decades and still be alive and kicking despite works sanctions. Oh wait, American allies in Europe have been buying OIL from Iran throughout.

Overseas Iranians do not represent the ground realities back home.

Its to early to throw ourselves into big guy competition, i would suggest to have balanced relation with big guys and avoid to becoming a turf for big guy competition. Big guys actually avoid direct confrontation as it could be devastating rather they prefer countries like us to test their power ambitions, so we must avoid deep waters unless we are well prepared for it.
Some Pakistani haven't learned any lesson from our history yet.

US versus USSR situation: Pakistan chose US, and US transformed Pakistan into a nesting ground of so-called Mujahideen in order to counter USSR in Afghanistan. However, both were lacking in end-game and its blow-back came in the form of numerous terrorist activities worldwide, and both countries found themselves embroiled in the mess of Afghanistan once again.

"you reap what you sow."

In modern times, superpowers rarely confront each other in direct manner; they rather search for 'sacrificial lambs' (other countries) to utilize in their fight against each other. Doesn't matter to them, if they ruin other countries in the process.

US versus China situation:

Problem is that US isn't USSR of the 1980s. It will knock our teeth in, if we try to show them much attitude and flaunt our honeymoon with China too much.

Pakistan should exercise NEUTRALITY, and transform itself into an independent powerhouse. To hell with cold war(s) of superpowers.
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Pakistan showed no hesitation and refused unanimously inside its parliament any initiative to sending symbolic troops to Saudi Arabia just to please the Iranians.

Nothing to do with Iran. Pakistan has suffered immensely in the War on Terror (18 years running) and the public opinion has turned against war. Ergo, the unanimous vote to stay neutral.

Needless to say, the Pakistani media has been on fire against Saudi Arabia in different occasions and god knows whoever behind that continuous smear campaign on KSA. Meanwhile, media in Saudi has never targeted Pakistan or even addressed its unfortunate decision regarding Yemen. I guess things have changed and this article is as I recall the first one to address and direct a message to Pakistan in Saudi media.

Media landscape in Pakistan is very different than KSA. Pakistani media doesn't spare anyone. Don't take it personally.
Notice I have tried to stay away from emotional, rhetoric etc. I have tried to place and reason out all the differant points and then from their moved to conclude. Our greatest strategic ally China is close to Russia which is close to Iran. US is close to India [indeed it is helping that country to install it in Kabul thus creating a direct threat to Pakistan] and is close to KSA/GCC. Pakistan needs to have clear, uncluttered strategic policy that fits in with the reality. This bull about being everywhere but nowhere cannot be afforded by Pakistan anymore.

For a start Pakistan needs to work with Russia, Iran, China to squeeze the Americans and Indians out of Afghanistan. These four hold the keys to Afghanistan. If these four worked together US or India would stand no chance in Afganistan. Both would get kicked out and the four could decide the fate of Kabul and be able to be the kingmakers. It is lack of unity between Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China that allows US/Inda to play with Pakistan and cause it grief. Although Iran, Russia and China are already on the same page. It is Pakistan which has had one foot in the US camp and the other with China. And you see the results how USA has rewarded Pakistan. Time to have clear policy. Enough is enough with US which has asked "Pakistan to do more" but at the same time handed Kabul to India.

The four keys that hold Afghanistan - Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia.


Pakistan has allowed, indeed helped USA to give Afghanistan to India. Out of the four it is Pakistan that has given the key to USA and by default India. USA and India are not neighbours to Afghanistan. How the hell can they both caudse grief to Pakistan when it is Pakistan that gives access to them to Afghanistan.

We gave them the key and now it’s time we took out spare key out of our pocket and started taking some serious steps for our own national security
pakistan can bring both countries a bit closer by convincing iran to not to support the Houties in Yemen, with this single move pakistan could gain credibility on both sides

with this strategy not even a single inch of closeness between iran and Saudis will be achieved
Imran must choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran

August 21, 2018 13:18

Pakistanis are celebrating Eid and a new prime minister. Imran Khan was a famous cricketer and a well-liked figure, but politics requires different skills than sport.

Religion is a winning game for some, and here he has been trying to play it, despite his liberal and secular background. In public speeches, he attacks the West and the Western model, while he has two sons from his marriage to his British Jewish former wife. Before his swearing-in ceremony, Khan asked his two sons not to attend out of fear for their lives. Indeed, everything in his first career was Western, as he played for English teams and graduated from Oxford University.

Like a number of Third World leaders, his supporters also promote popular news and images about him. Furthermore, he canceled the lavish lunch at the inauguration ceremony, saying he wanted to help reduce the budget deficit, and promised to sell the state cars of government officials. Such an image gives a positive impression that is commensurate with his electoral promises, and contrasts with the image of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison for corruption.

Today, Pakistan remains an important country. It is the second most populous Muslim country after Indonesia, a nuclear power, and possesses the eighth largest army in the world. Pakistan is also important in regional calculations, as Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fiercely competing to win it over. Globally, too, Pakistan has been an object of ongoing competition between China and the US.

Although there has been recurrent talk of a close relationship between Khan and Iran, based on his previous statements, we cannot judge politicians out of power. Whatever is said, Pakistan's relationship with Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf states remains deep and firm, regardless of who governs it. Let us not forget that the same thing was said about the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, but she proved that she never sided with Iran. Saudi Arabia, besides being the heart of the Muslim world, has the largest Pakistani community abroad, and its trade balance with it is greater.

Moreover, we should not forget that both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan share a special relationship with the US; while the relationship with Iran is no longer an option, because the PM cannot override US sanctions.

Regardless of the internal considerations that were pushing the new PM to give such statements, it is hoped that the relationship with Pakistan will be further developed, and given a greater role in resolving regional issues, such as Afghanistan, and putting pressure to bear on Iran to stop its interference in Pakistan itself, as well as in the region.

The constant competition over the state’s leadership has led most competing leaders either to prison or the grave. This factor undoubtedly weakened Pakistan's status abroad, preoccupied it internally, and exhausted it economically.

Khan, coming from a different background to the former prime ministers, has an opportunity to develop his country's position in the Gulf; improve its balance of payments and economy by implementing a genuine reform program in cooperation with countries like his allies in the Gulf; and engage in mutually beneficial and sustainable projects.

In fact, we are not worried about Iran now. It cannot even get enough gasoline for its markets, despite being an oil producer. Tehran’s rulers today have enough problems to keep them busy, and the future looks even graver. In these changing circumstances, Pakistan has to play a more important role, as it is already a major regional player and must double the pressure on Iran to change its foreign policy. This will enhance Pakistan's role in the Middle East and South Asia; but, if it does not, it will not be able to play the opposite role.

• Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is a veteran columnist. He is the former general manager of Al Arabiya news channel, and former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat. Twitter: @aalrashed

Ours "arms" are big enough to hug them, both at a time.
@Mentee @Desert Fox
He doesn't need to choose either, He needs to choose Pakistan and if he need precedents he only need to look to his predecessors, Choosing interests of Saudi's have bought Pakistan nothing but misery and instability, Lets just hope sanity prevail for his and all Pakistani's sake
I prefer neutrality... But if we have to have to chose with no other option... Then ...

I say we choose Saudi Arabia but don't antagonize the Iranians.

Neutral stance but slightly tilted towards Saudi.

Iranians have never historically stood up for Pakistan.

And Saudi's have ??? What's their status on Kashmir, Which seems to be the main bone of contention as far as Pakistani foreign and domestic affairs are concerned ?
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