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Imran Khan must choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran: Arab News

Couldn’t have said it better
Notice I have tried to stay away from emotional, rhetoric etc. I have tried to place and reason out all the differant points and then from their moved to conclude. Our greatest strategic ally China is close to Russia which is close to Iran. US is close to India [indeed it is helping that country to install it in Kabul thus creating a direct threat to Pakistan] and is close to KSA/GCC. Pakistan needs to have clear, uncluttered strategic policy that fits in with the reality. This bull about being everywhere but nowhere cannot be afforded by Pakistan anymore.

For a start Pakistan needs to work with Russia, Iran, China to squeeze the Americans and Indians out of Afghanistan. These four hold the keys to Afghanistan. If these four worked together US or India would stand no chance in Afganistan. Both would get kicked out and the four could decide the fate of Kabul and be able to be the kingmakers. It is lack of unity between Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China that allows US/Inda to play with Pakistan and cause it grief. Although Iran, Russia and China are already on the same page. It is Pakistan which has had one foot in the US camp and the other with China. And you see the results how USA has rewarded Pakistan. Time to have clear policy. Enough is enough with US which has asked "Pakistan to do more" but at the same time handed Kabul to India.

The four keys that hold Afghanistan - Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia.


Pakistan has allowed, indeed helped USA to give Afghanistan to India. Out of the four it is Pakistan that has given the key to USA and by default India. USA and India are not neighbours to Afghanistan. How the hell can they both caudse grief to Pakistan when it is Pakistan that gives access to them to Afghanistan.
The question is not that Pakistan has to choose between Saudi Arabia or Iran.

The question is why does Saudi Arabia chose the US over Iran???

If all Muslim countries dump the US. There would be no problems. And there will be peace and unity in whole Ummah.
This is why Indians get 3 times larger remittances. Saudis know that Indians will rob them on the sidelines but will also show them work what they asked for.
Bingo for making my case. So KSA gives jobs on performance right? So fcuk KSA. Join Iran for the reasons I already explained. KSA/GCC as you yourself state give out tenders/jobs on their self interest and not on notions of "brotherhood" or "ummah".

By your own admission they don't do Pakistan any favours. It is strictly for what is good for them. Arab self interest.

Time for Pakistan self interest now. Begin by building a alliance [with others who hold the keys] to squeeze and spit USA/India out of Afghanistan.
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@Indus Pakistan

Exactly! Everybody is looking out of their interests anyways. “Brotherhood” and “Ummah” never took off otherwise Muslim countries around the world wouldnt be scattered.

I am still going to say for Pakistan to stay neutral. IsDB (which saudi arabia is partner in)is going to give 4.5 billions dollar to Pakistan to help us out.

I do agree with the Afghanistan situation though.
Instead of Pakistan making the choice let Iran and Saudis make a choice between India and Pakistan. If they don't chose we don't need to. Pakistan side with the one who stops selling oil to India and deport Indian labor. Both of them have trade relations with India and almost equal terms so why do we need to chose?
We have been given no reason to choose. Stick with the status quo.

If Pakistan wants India out of Afghanistan, Pakistan will have to substantially improve relations with Iran. Saudi Arabia doesn't care about India in Afghanistan, all they care about is keeping Iran at bay. This is not in the interest of Pakistan -- never was! -- but there seem to be a lot of Saudi/GCC fanboys out there.

India is handicaped in terms of hard power in Afghanistan. And other than a few natural resources, Afghanistan holds little to no value for Iran.

If you want to kick the US out -- or they leave -- these four countries better have a plan to stabilize Afghanistan and I just don't mean the supporting Afghan Taliban. And I'm not talking about army and soldiers, but money. US so far has been giving billions to Kabul. Is Russia, Iran, China, and Pakistan ready to do the same?

US aid will not flow forever either way.

If the Afghan Taliban even one cohesive force that is capable of coming to the negotiating table. You have elements residing in Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Or are we going to see chaos like we did have Soviet Union withdrew, where warlordism reigned?

The above statement implies you don't know much about the subject.
If Saudis and Iranians cannot chose between a Hindu and Muslim nation we don't need to chose between 2 Muslim nations. Who ever wants to serve ties with us good do. You people need us more than we need you. We are a nuclear power in the region with world 2 super power backing us. Both of them are oil based economies where as Pakistan is a multi commodity economy. So who is at problem here?

Lol. Nazu is in jail there are no more puppets in Pakistan. Civil military relations are at it's best. Whole Europe wants to invest in Pakistan.

This image is from Germany today
Let both of these countries work to show us why Pak should "choose" them. Of course Pak shouldn't choose either of them but pursue its own interests. With Iran its sponsoring of groups in AFG are against Pak's interest (though recently they've been getting chummy with the Taliban). Pak's solution to afg is going to have to be agreed upon by iran if it doesn't want a response from Pak that hurts it. Its continued hosting of baloch terrorists and letting indian influence in is going to have to stop if they expect anything from Pak. Rhetoric and niceties will not do. They have nothing to offer.
Let both of these countries work to show us why Pak should "choose" them. Of course Pak shouldn't choose either of them but pursue its own interests. With Iran its sponsoring of groups in AFG are against Pak's interest (though recently they've been getting chummy with the Taliban). Pak's solution to afg is going to have to be agreed upon by iran if it doesn't want a response from Pak that hurts it. Its continued hosting of baloch terrorists and letting indian influence in is going to have to stop if they expect anything from Pak. Rhetoric and niceties will not do. They have nothing to offer.
Sorry someone fed you wrong propaganda Iran is not supporting BLA but UAE is.
No one said Iran supports BLA. But it has done nothing to stop the lines of communication and support afg/india have on a myriad of baloch terrorist groups finding sanctuary in its territory. If it can show action then Pak will have no reason to go completely with the current mbs led alliance.
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