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Imran Khan must choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran: Arab News

If i was Imran Khan, i would tell the Arabs, kick out all Indians and cut ties with India and we will cut ties with Iran. If they agree then all good, if not then tell them to fuk off.
Iran is important for geo-political stability (in future economical stability .Europe is thinking to ditch Russia and want to purchase gas from Iran)

KSA is important for economical stability .(some diplomatic influence in GCC for economic interest as Bhutto did in his tenure. Now we should do more work on Bhutto's doctrine )

Pakistan cant afford to lose them. we should use OIC / umaah card to balance relations between two countries.

Here most of Pakistanis dont think beyond ten years .

I agree, no one should dictate us. We should have our own foreign policy.
@Indus Pakistan is the only one who makes sense . Most of you people are warped you love to keep whoring yourselves to arabs no wonder p@kis have a reputation for sucking up to them . I imagine some of you are very sectarian or worship money because you are choosing country that is among the most racist in the world to south asians,abandoned us when it came to the FATF list, donates millions to trump's family,made India their guest of honor, is a traitor to the ottoman caliphate that Pakistanis love so much and a british creation firmly in US/Israel camp and currently causing mass war crimes in Yemen so I find it baffling how so many of you would pick SA.
Yes Pakistan and Iran have had issue but Iranians are way better than saudis they were the first country in the world to recognise us they are cultured,highly educated and successful people with more than twice the population of SA who share a border with us they are in the same Russia/China axis like us which Turkey is also becoming a part of. It makes much more sense to pick Iran but I guess people can't be accept it. Now I am guess for the arab sucking benders to attack me for being realistic :pop:
@Indus Pakistan is the only one who makes sense . Most of you people are warped you love to keep whoring yourselves to arabs no wonder p@kis have a reputation for sucking up to them . I imagine some of you are very sectarian or worship money because you are choosing country that is among the most racist in the world to south asians,abandoned us when it came to the FATF list, donates millions to trump's family,made India their guest of honor, is a traitor to the ottoman caliphate that Pakistanis love so much and a british creation firmly in US/Israel camp and currently causing mass war crimes in Yemen so I find it baffling how so many of you would pick SA.
Yes Pakistan and Iran have had issue but Iranians are way better than saudis they were the first country in the world to recognise us they are cultured,highly educated and successful people with more than twice the population of SA who share a border with us they are in the same Russia/China axis like us which Turkey is also becoming a part of. It makes much more sense to pick Iran but I guess people can't be accept it. Now I am guess for the arab sucking benders to attack me for being realistic :pop:

A lot of truth, but the Saudis have given us a lot more financial support than Iran, national interest dictates SA.

However, to say 'Saudi or Iran' is to accept somebody elses framework. We should include both, to whichever extent it suits us. Never should we fight for the Arabs against Iran.
Honourable Sir,
Humbly beg to strongly disagree. If you have any special info, kindly share the same with us because:

“Energy ministry rejects claims of discovering oil reserves larger than Kuwait’s: sources”

Abdullah Haroon, caretaker Minister of oil, has also clarified the situation that Exxon has just signed the contract but has not yet started drilling and that Exxon Block is in the Indus basin; not next to the Iran border.

We may or may not find any oil and even if we do, we don’t know how much? Don’t you think that one should wait for the actual discovery before declaring “ Now we have oil”?

Iran is a neighbouring country and Saudi Arabia is the leader of the Arab world; Pakistan needs to be friends with both.

Thanks for the info....i had not seen this report
I request all members to read this article: https://pakobserver.net/pakistan-saudi-arabia-relations/

@Indus Pakistan

Please understand that we should not take our relations with Saudi Arabia for granted. Saudi Arabia have helped us in difficult times in ways few countries would be willing to (if ever).

A very balanced and thorough analysis by Fmr. Ambassador Shahid Amin.

No doubt Saudi Arabia is an all-weather friend and our ties reflect that. There is no comparison between our ties with the Kingdom vs Iran. However, the gist of my argument is that there have been no seismic shifts to warrant a drastic change. For example, despite all the bluster, Trump hasn't declared war on Iran. Nor is he preparing for war. Regime change is certainly on the cards but without hard power it isn't a given.
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The great thing about geopolitics is that Pakistan doesn't have to choose at all. Ground realities will make the choice for Pakistan.

The time will come when the the Iranians and Arabs will no longer be able to play their little games in Pakistan, and Pakistan will finally be free of them.
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