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Imran Khan must choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran: Arab News

First thing you all need to understand here Pakistan is not choosing between Saudis or Iran but Pakistan is choosing between USA and China rest are all side orders.

Choosing USA means accepting India and ISIS in Afghanistan. Pakistan can side with Saudis if they leave USA and come in Chinese camp and if they cannot then just stay away from the game of big boys.
First thing you all need to understand here Pakistan is not choosing between Saudis or Iran but Pakistan is choosing between USA and China rest are all side orders.
Bingo. This really sums it up nicely. All rest as you say are "side orders". The real issue is which camp you want to work with at a strategic level. USA or China. This decides how all the other 'pawns' fall in place.

USA or China?
Bingo. This really sums it up nicely. All rest as you say are "side orders". The real issue is which camp you want to work with at a strategic level. USA or China. This decides how all the other 'pawns' fall in place.

USA or China?
Its to early to throw ourselves into big guy competition, i would suggest to have balanced relation with big guys and avoid to becoming a turf for big guy competition. Big guys actually avoid direct confrontation as it could be devastating rather they prefer countries like us to test their power ambitions, so we must avoid deep waters unless we are well prepared for it.
Really? And who provided ports, airbases, roads, military logistics, air corridor, road network to US military when it invaded Afghanistan?

If you call 'opening channels with NA or bombing targets" as immense what do you call handing Pakistan over to USA as a bridge? Jacobabad, Shamsi, Dalbandin, Pasni ring a bell?


I didn't dispute Pakistan's role. Our role is well known from logistics to renditions. I'm specifically disputing this claim.

Out of the four it is Pakistan that has given the key to USA and by default India.​

Pakistan accepted its role while we were under sanctions but we certainly weren't alone. Iran pitched in.
Well, from Iranian perspective Pakistan is sponsoring a country, USA which is against Iran to stay ensconced in Afghanistan posing threat to it. Most bullets, fuel. logistics is moved on Pakistan roads to US military bases in Afghanistan which by the way sometimes kill Pakistani soldiers.

That's another story, the generals and the politicians are to blame for neither having either the brains nor the balls.

But the ayatollah led Iran has been consistently against Pak since its takeover. In Afghanistan, with regards to India, with regards to baloch terrorism, and with regards to Kashmir. Tried to export their "revolution" to Pak. Continues to recruit Pak shias for the killing fields in syria/iraq. Have and probably will do nothing wrt kulbushan yadav and will continue to give crutches to a diminishing india in the region. They themselves were giddy about regime change in afghanistan against the islamic emirate, and up until recently, were fine with foreigners in afghanistan. Their statements and rhetoric with/on Pak is tactical and only in response to having their pants on fire. If they demonstrate that they have had genuine strategic rethink on Pakistan and its vision for the region, then by all means...

KSA is no saint, certainly not the current iteration with mbs. Pak should do nothing to help it and its coterie in yemen/qatar/egypt/palestine/iraq/turkey/iran. But there are no Pakistanis in iran who send billions in remittances. Nor does Iran have the capacity to provide Pak with financial help. So more of the same. Tell them to improve relations with Pak (and vice versa) and get benefits from both of them. Neither of them are in a position to willfully damage their ties with Pakistan. Don't let others put you in having to make an either or type of decision.
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Bingo. This really sums it up nicely. All rest as you say are "side orders". The real issue is which camp you want to work with at a strategic level. USA or China. This decides how all the other 'pawns' fall in place.

USA or China?
It is no more Saudis or Iranians. It is USA or China now. This is just like 1980 repeating only thing is it is no more Soviets but China now and China is more important to Pakistan than USA or Saudis. Pakistan has made its decision. Saudis and Iranians need to decide what they want for them selves. They want China or they want USA.
That's another story, the generals and the politicians are to blame for neither having either the brains or the balls.

But the ayatollah led Iran has been consistently against Pak since its takeover. In Afghanistan, with regards to India, with regards to baloch terrorism, and with regards to Kashmir. Tried to export their "revolution" to Pak. Continues to recruit Pak shias for the killing fields in syria/iraq. Have and probably will do nothing wrt kulbushan yadav and will continue to give crutches to a diminishing india in the region. They themselves were giddy when giddy about regime change in afghanistan against the islamic emirate, and up until recently, were fine with foreigners in afghanistan. Their statements and rhetoric with/on Pak is tactical and only in response to having their pants on fire. If they demonstrate that they have had genuine strategic rethink on Pakistan and its vision for the region, then by all means...

KSA is no saint, certainly not the current iteration with mbs. Pak should do nothing to help it and its coterie in yemen/qatar/egypt/palestine/iraq/turkey/iran. But there are no Pakistanis in iran who send billions in remittances. Nor does Iran have the capacity to provide Pak with financial help. So more of the same. Tell them to improve relations with Pak (and vice versa) and get benefits from both of them. Neither of them are in a position to willfully damage their ties with Pakistan. Don't let others put you in having to make an either or type of decision.
When there will be a war with India where is Pakistani oil will come to run the country?
Pakistan accepted its role while we were under sanctions but we certainly weren't alone. Iran pitched in.
We were critical. We were the key. We provide the bridge to US forces. Iran never handed any military bases to US Army. We did. Jacobabad was major Us logistics hub for the invasion.

And Iran was and has been under far more severe sanctions or US displeasure since 1979 revolution. Which continues as of 2018. Trump's punching bag is "I-ran".
IK DOES NOT need to choose between SA or Iran. Why? Because these two moronic countries are not worth it. Pakistan's interests come first and foremost. These two fight like immature kids who are coming to puberty and full of hormones. And if I was asked to make a choice between these two, I would have raised a middle finger at both and would have told them to F* off and act like grown ups.
kaka g they r fleeing into iran from makran coast. They r focused on coast(gwadar)
Okay let's agree with you that they are doing this but why is Iran always telling Pakistan to keep check on border terrorism and Pakistan not doing so? Bhai they are using rajgal valley and then moving into kalat using Afghan territory. Their new incursion is from chagi and these areas.

Their target is both Pakistan and Iran
This is very important to make Iran and KSA realize their place. Pakistan is now on the upturn while both Iran and KSA are regressing economically and politically.

I feel like many Pakistanis are still stuck in the mindset that they have to be a client of one state or another.

China and Russia are giving overtures to Pakistan because of the importance of our country and the new rise of our nation. They are doing so because it benefits them.

America is hurting us because its malicious intent at harming and controlling Muslim countries. We represent an independent way of thinking which is dangerous to their world order.

I want to add another point, Iran does share much with us culturally and historically. Farsi is a holy language for us as far as poetry and our philosophical lineage as a country and movement. People tend to forget that Farsi was our official language for hundreds of years before the British banned it. We can learn a lot from a renewed relationship with Iran.

Also it’s of utmost importance to keep India off our Western and NW borders. All relations should depend on Indian exit from Chahbahar. We need practical steps if we want to enhance our friendship.
We were critical. We were the key. We provide the bridge to US forces. Iran never handed any military bases to US Army. We did. Jacobabad was major Us logistics hub for the invasion.

And Iran was and has been under far more severe sanctions or US displeasure since 1979 revolution. Which continues as of 2018. Trump's punching bag is "I-ran".

Yes, Pakistan became a critical ally but this wasn't the case from the onset.

Iran was part of the 6+2 Group on Afghanistan from 1997 onward. And post-9/11, Iran made an offer to work unconditionally with the United States. Iran also supported the "pre-emptive war" plans against Afghanistan and Iraq from the get go. While Pakistan's initial focus was to negotiate with the Taliban to handover OBL. That did not happen leading Pakistan to join the War on Terror.

Based on Iran's unconditional offer, State Department wanted to open dialouge with Iran to normalise relations. The problem for Iran was its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Bush and Pentagon drew a line. Hence, the Axis of Evil speech. Rest is history.

I can provide sources for everything I've stated.
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