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Imran Khan addresses supporters as decision on dissolution of assemblies

While in London....

and you are defending that danda it seems?

Wrong. Just because I do not agree with the majority view here about IK does NOT mean that I support the military in their supra-Constitutional illegalities. I have, am, and will continue to speak out against that as I have for nearly ten years here on PDF.
Wrong. Just because I do not agree with the majority view here about IK does NOT mean that I support the military in their supra-Constitutional illegalities. I have, am, and will continue to speak out against that as I have for nearly ten years here on PDF.
when was the last time you came to pakistan
But not the man who extended Bajwa's tenure. Got it.

He can claim to have been naive the first go around, but if he wins he can’t use that as an excuse for any future actions.

I hope IK has a better set of advisors lined up to craft a better platform and plan for governance if he should be voted in by the people.

He also needs to use any mandate he gets to actually fix the problems and dump the narrative of the corrupts siphoning off money. He needs to focus on the active bleeding not the funds already lost.

If he wins it will mean people have accept that part of his narrative, by and large. He should leave the prosecution of any persons accused of corruptions to the courts and let the courts decisions speak for themselves. The courts own reputation, in terms of impartiality and efficacy, will be on the line. If as IK claims he stands for rule of law, this is the best way to go about it. Otherwise he will be wasting time and political capital, when he ought I be using it to fix the economy and fixing the relations with the Afghans to get those land trade corridors open to central Asia and China, increasing Pakistan’s geopolitical value in the world and opening ore opportunities for economic growth through FDI.
He can claim to have been naive the first go around, but if he wins he can’t use that as an excuse for any future actions.

That can come later. Right now, he cannot absolve himself of his own responsibility for his involvement and culpability similar to those he blames incessantly.
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That can come later. Right now, he cannot absolve himself of his own responsibility for his involvement and culpability similar to those he blames incessantly.
Hopefully he realizes he will have to take responsibility for it.
Wrong. Just because I do not agree with the majority view here about IK does NOT mean that I support the military in their supra-Constitutional illegalities. I have, am, and will continue to speak out against that as I have for nearly ten years here on PDF.
if you know my history i have been doing the same for years! my opinion IK if he keeps hoping for the deal from military to get back into power and delaying what should be done he will become irrelevant but i think Pakistan will eventually see the change without IK it will be delayed for some years 5 because new generation will decide the future and it seems they dont agree to being slave of wardi mafia and their minions! because i want an end to military control over future of millions!

Imran Khan addresses supporters as decision on dissolution of assemblies expected

  • Punjab Chief Minister Parvez Elahi and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan are beside him as well for the address
December 17, 2022


PTI Chairman Imran Khan is currently addressing his party's workers and supporters from his residence in Lahore's Zaman Park.

Punjab Chief Minister Parvez Elahi and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan are beside him as well for the address.

At the start of his address, Imran reiterated the call for “fresh and fair elections,” stressing that the country was drowning as skilled people and professionals were leaving Pakistan in big numbers.

The former prime minister claimed that over 750,000 Pakistani left the country during the last seven months.

Imran said unemployment and inflation were on the rise and foreign confidence was drying up. “Loans keep on increasing. There was only one way to solve this which we did: to increase the country’s wealth. They (the government) don’t have a plan.”

Talking about his government’s ouster via a no-confidence motion earlier this year, he said: “My question today is, who was responsible for this regime change?”

“Only one man is responsible: General Bajwa," he said.

"I didn’t speak out against him because he was the army chief. We want our army to be strong so we kept quiet and kept looking at how the conspiracy happened.”

He said the former army chief had “decided to remove his government."

Earlier this week, Imran Khan had said that he will announce the date of dissolution of the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assemblies on December 17.

A few hours ago, Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) leader Moonis Elahi said that his party “stands firmly” with Imran Khan, adding that the former premier will “announce his decision in a few hours.”

PML-Q leader’s assurance comes amid reports that his party may not validate PTI’s decision to dissolve the Punjab assembly.

Earlier on Saturday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif slammed his opponents for “spreading anarchy”, and called for political stability in the country.

In a statement, PM said that only political stability and an economic charter could “strengthen Pakistan’s national solidarity”, Radio Pakistan reported.

He reiterated the government’s resolve to bring economic stability to Pakistan as well as save it from default.
“The people who had laid land mines in the economic foundations of the country, are out to do the same in the political foundations of the country,” APP quoted the PM as saying in a veiled reference to the PTI leadership.

Meanwhile, the PM called upon the nation to ponder why the “wrongdoing junta” suddenly swung into action whenever the country was taken on the path of economic prosperity.

You intentionally removed the twitt from this news ... after all in the love of Nawaz anything or for the paycheck from the media cell ......

Wrong. Just because I do not agree with the majority view here about IK does NOT mean that I support the military in their supra-Constitutional illegalities. I have, am, and will continue to speak out against that as I have for nearly ten years here on PDF.
Sir ji ...choor dan .. MQM ab wapas nahi ati ...
Hopefully, but unlikely, given the nature of the man proven thus far.

Your sentiment is noble, but unlikely to be realized anytime soon, unfortunately.
agree if not today but i am optimistic in 5 years things will change in Pakistan!
What the hell....he can't file FIR of attempted murder, Imran Khan has over 40 FIR, Swati has over 60 FIR, no investigation of Arshad Sharif 16 FIR ....Don't you remember ISPR press conference, where how they bluntly denied FIRs against Arshad Sharif ........
Are you telling me that despite having governments in KPK and Punjab, he cannot do jack-shit?? That's just a really cowardly excuse. Ok let's just even put Punjab aside since there are so many excuse of Pervaiz Elahai and others. Let's take KPK where THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING IK. What is the EXCUSE IN KPK??

To defeat the Army, you need to employ army tactics. If God gave me KPK for 6-months, I would make the lives of Army, Federal Agencies and other federal institutes a living hell in KPK and I would make the Army flee from KPK. If a guy like me has the strategy to do this, then something is wrong with IK, either he is a complete jack-arse or IK is just a CHARACTER whose strings are being pulled by someone.
I now strongly suspect that Mir Bajwa was also receiving bribes from India, and that Balakot Strike was done, after taking him into confidence.

I would be the least bit suprised if true. Bastard Bajwa was on a money making spree the past 6 years.
Are you telling me that despite having governments in KPK and Punjab, he cannot do jack-shit?? That's just a really cowardly excuse. Ok let's just even put Punjab aside since there are so many excuse of Pervaiz Elahai and others. Let's take KPK where THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING IK. What is the EXCUSE IN KPK??

To defeat the Army, you need to employ army tactics. If God gave me KPK for 6-months, I would make the lives of Army, Federal Agencies and other federal institutes a living hell in KPK and I would make the Army flee from KPK. If a guy like me has the strategy to do this, then something is wrong with IK, either he is a complete jack-arse or IK is just a CHARACTER whose strings are being pulled by someone.
Lmao make the army flee from KPK? First of all, how would you do that? How do you make a wholeass army flee unless you have an army of your own and you wage war on them?

Secondly, why would you want the army out of KPK? You'd be letting the TTP run rampant even more than they already are.
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