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Imran condemns indian army's brutality on Kashmiris

Hasn't India been doing that for the past decade or more ? :what:

And the Japanese of the '80s & the '90s like the Europeans of the '80s & the '90s or even before that weren't the same people who indulged in excesses during their Colonial Past....many of them did & most do now, own up to the wrongs committed in the Colonial Past.

And thats the reason why we continue to flock to their lands otherwise how many went to the States in the '60s & the '70s, especially in the Southern States, as compared with now ?

tell that to the Vietnamese... they are picking up the US bandwagon easy.
Pakistan just paid the serbs for arms..many of those were probably junior and under orders to cull muslims .. the very serbs who we spoke in such emotive manner for their massacre of Bosnian Muslims...
Heck the Indians themselves have no qualms trading with the Chinese whom they consider bogeymen... just as we Pakistanis flock to see Indian movies that contribute to their national exchequer in taxes .. taxes that buy arms for the very troops that murder and rape Kashmiris.

That's how you think.

But Indian troops have not murdered and raped your mother and sister.

When that happens, tell me how much you will need to forget it ever happened.

Did you lose your mother or sister? because you if you did not.. you cannot sympathize with it honestly either. The same way you cannot sympathize with someone who lost their father in the WTC, or in a drone attack.
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tell that to the Vietnamese... they are picking up the US bandwagon easy.
Pakistan just paid the serbs for arms..many of those were probably junior and under orders to cull muslims .. the very serbs who we spoke in such emotive manner for their massacre of Bosnian Muslims...
Heck the Indians themselves have no qualms trading with the Chinese whom they consider bogeymen... just as we Pakistanis flock to see Indian movies that contribute to their national exchequer in taxes .. taxes that buy arms for the very troops that murder and rape Kashmiris.

Youtube still banned ! :cray:

I hear you but you're painting everything with the same brush ! No one is denying the power of money but everything happens in a particular time & context; the Vietnamese who flock to the States have neither the scars of the past nor do the Americans display jingoism of such a nature & extent whereby they're shoving 'We invaded your country' in the facades of the Vietnamese who immigrated there ! In fact they like their European Counterparts are reevaluating & have reevaluated their past exploits including the Vietnam war !

As for the Serbs - We too have grown up to the realization that the Ummah is little more than a figment of our imagination & because of that, because we had little emotional baggage attached to the Bosnian War because it wasn't our sons & our daughters who were butchered there, we find it much easier to detach ourselves than say the Bosniaks, the Serbs or the Croats who lived & still live there - Kosovo being the latest manifestation of the lingering scars !
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I wasn't referring to the Mujahideen Attacks, the Indian Government has been pouring in money in Kashmir for a while now especially in the 2000s but the Kashmiris don't seem to be buying it otherwise the crack-downs & the incessant protests along with the shutter-downs wouldn't be happening !

True. A lot of protests their have to do with poor governance and infrastructure, AFSPA as well. As they gradually build up, Kashmiris at some point in time will start to forget about a merger with Pakistan or an independent country.
I was referring to a paradigmatic shift in those societies collective thinking - No one really asked for an apology !

At any rate there is a difference between one's attitude towards ones adopted country & one's homeland !

I am not so sure whether the mindset of those people have changed. They talk of high principles, but within they still think that by colonizing the uncivilized people, we did a lot of good to them. Try opening a thread in WAB and so regarding the British atrocities during colonial period and you would know what I mean.
True. A lot of protests their have to do with poor governance and infrastructure, AFSPA as well. As they gradually build up, Kashmiris at some point in time would will start to forget about a merger with Pakistan or an independent country.

Possible ! That appears to be the Indian attempts for a while....break their spirit on one hand & fill their bellies on the other ! But then again they tried this when Sheikh Abdullah was in power as well...didn't work out then...ended up starting an insurgency !

I am not so sure whether the mindset of those people have changed. They talk of high principles, but within they still think that by colonizing the uncivilized people, we did a lot of good to them. Try opening a thread in WAB and so regarding the British atrocities during colonial period and you would know what I mean.

I dunno, I've gone to a few places, I've got family in others - They seem to be happy & well treated ! :)
I've digged into couple of Resolutions and the Articles/Blog says that Pakistan would have Lost. That is the Reason they didn't hold Referendum. However, I'm unable to found any Official Pakistani Source. If you can provide any, I'll appreciate that :cray:

How would Pakistan have lost ? :blink:

Kashmir is 70-80% Muslim ! :lol:

Even the Pro-Independence ones say that a Referendum were to be decided between India & Pakistan...& no option of Independence were given...they'd stick with Pakistan !

At any rate what do you need more Official than the fact that Pakistan's misgivings caused the subsequent amendments to the Resolutions - All of which Pakistan accepted ! :undecided:

Whatever Official Statement was there it would be in the UN Minutes Records....I'm not in possession of them !
Bold Part: That is the reason I asked you to Provide Official Pakistani Source and said I don't trust Blogs. Moreover, that is why I didn't mention the BOLD part in my 1st Post :omghaha: .On other Hand information about our stand is available. :cray:

I myself will Dig it and HURL AT YOU :moil::cuckoo: :closed: :yahoo: :omghaha:

What Official Pakistani Source do you need ? :what:

Pakistan already registered her concerns - Why do you think there were Revisions to the UN Resolutions ? :hitwall:

They - the guys at the UN - don't exactly of time to kill to keep on revising the Resolutions just for the heck of it ! :blink:

At any rate if you want to explore it more....you can check the book on the Statements of Feroze Khan Noon at the United Nations, in which he, as the Foreign Minister, talked at length on the Kashmir Issue or you could check the Statements of Zafarullah Khan, Pakistan's first foreign Minister & his statements at the UN - I'm not in possession of them nor do I need to know them owing to the fact what was Pakistan's position is conspicuously clear from the Resolutions themselves !
.Bold Part: That is the reason I asked you to Provide Official Pakistani Source and said I don't trust Blogs.

From wiki
Jammu and Kashmir has a Muslim majority population. Though Islam is practiced by about 67% of the population of the state and by 97% of the population of the Kashmir valley.

Census of India: District Profile

Choose J&K for the states and check the demographics for different districts.:police:
Kashmir has nothing to do with Pakistan's war against terrorists in the northwest sector. we shall see my friend. We shall see
Dude, I am talking about priority.
Post 2014, the Pakistan support to NATO will bring more troubles.

Lets SEE. ;)
That is NOT what I said Sir.

I am saying that trying to regain Kashmir while the rest of Pakistan is falling apart is going to be unsuccessful. We need to build Pakistan first before we have any hope of regaining Kashmir. Nowhere do I suggest forgetting about ti.

IK never said anything about regaining occupied Kashmir. He just condemned a human rights violation. You need to read his statement again.
I thought I can find any Video, News Links That would made my life easy, else one need to go through the Taxing Process of Reading UN Resolutions :help: :girl_wacko:. I know there were reservations from Pakistani side, that's why further, Resolutions were Passed.....:closed: I've found couple of articles of Mr. Feroze Khan and going through them :cray:

I think one doesn't need to make a lot of effort to connect the dots ! :blink:

Why do you think the subsequent resolutions talked about a simultaneous withdrawal ? *Hint - Because Pakistan had reservations against a Unilateral Withdrawal* ! :wave:
For me and my friends; YOUR Rants, denials and Constipatied Conspiracy Theories are Laughing stock/therapy which brings us college Students on PDF even when we are at college.:omghaha:. Your post is best example of it. :sarcastic:. When and how Pakistan snatched AJK and GB FROM THE JAWS OF India :omghaha:. History is Alien for Pakistanis :rofl:. How many inches Pakistan has snatched since 1948 :omghaha:

It is still funny. Because I know what history you have read back in School. As I said to another Bharati on this thread. Go and read events of 1948. When we captured Skardu? You guys are just dumb idiots. As I said whether you are inside your house or outside. Nothing sane and realistic is coming from you.
Dude, I am talking about priority.
Post 2014, the Pakistan support to NATO will bring more troubles.

Lets SEE. ;)

That statement is riddled with so many inconsistencies but they've been explored ad nauseum so why bother ! :kiss3:

So hows Aunty doing these days...is she feeling better ?

[MENTION=136877]Clearly, from the above 3 highlighted paras it is clear that both India and Pakistan didn't agree for the demilitarization and the blame is put on both due to their disagreement to certain points in 12-point proposal. So, both India and Pakistan are at fault for failure of this UNSC mandated resolutions and a long time has passed since that these resolutions are no longer applicable.

Thats one proposal superseded by many others ! :blink:
That statement is riddled with so many inconsistencies but they've been explored ad nauseum so why bother ! :kiss3:
So hows Aunty doing these days...is she feeling better ?
:lol: Well, same is this issue of Kashmir and numerous threads.

P.S. - She is fine.
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thts wht you guys were thinking when kargill happened? thn vajpai went crying to clintons?lol
khalistan was never a UN issue? wasnt right? but kashmir was & still is?lol

:lol: it was Nawaz Sharif (your present PM) who was summoned to washington (pathetic) and privately tongue whipped by Clinton...
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