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Imran announces civil disobidience againt nawaz govt

By the way I am little confused,Was the 2 day ultimatum part of the speech or was forced by supporters?On social networks there is debate going on about it...
Can someone tell me where ik spends his 18 years of politics. No brain. I love this guy so what should I do after this political choas. Noon league are kanjars. They are above the law. They are elite. They are god. They are brahmins of pakistan. Agencies. Judiciary. Media. Police. Bearucracy all of them are in their pockets.
our country is full of retards man


A man leaves his marriage and comes to Azadi march: first civil disobedience :

@Syed.Ali.Haider l He should quit. This nation deserves Sharifs, Bhuttos and Zardaris. What a waste of 18 years.

@Syed.Ali.Haider l He should quit. This nation deserves Sharifs, Bhuttos and Zardaris. What a waste of 18 years.

There is much good he can still do, in cancer treatment hospitals, and helping with education on many levels. His heart is in the right place, pity he did not have a brain to match.
@F.O.X @Syed.Ali.Haider

Lets do a fatiha for IK.
Why loose Hope ? , if it is not IK there will be someone else , if not him someone else , but there will definitely be someone who will change the system , if you want to change the system you have to do it by staying inside the system, like Quaid-e-Azam did .
He has just lost all the support from at least 40% of his fan base in my opinion

This was the most ridiculous speech I have ever heard from a politician. You incite people towards anarchy, civil obedience and tell options of further damaging the country that is already worthless to mention. He has set new standards of disobedience and used the language that politicians always refrain.. I am very disheartened and finally cleared my last element of support for this party.

It was a sad day in the history of Pakistan when the leader of the party who remains the only leader in Pakistan to have openly expressed his lust to become the Prime Minister for hundreds of times in different speeches has finally gone nuts and wants to take every measure to fulfil his desire. Not so easy my friend

Its a 'well calculated master stroke' ..... most people are analysing it in isolation .....

Just for hint analysis this step on the basis of timing, message, recipient & reaction

Remember at this stage IK & NS gov. is involved in a psychological war & no civil disobedience movement could get effective within 48 hours .....
Please someone confirm me but this is Azadi march or lets f*ck Pakistan march?

All greats have taken an aar ya paar decisions in their lives. He's making a last stand, if he fails at the zero hour, you can kiss him goodbye!

Then it would be a level playing field for Noon, Zardari and even Altaaf bhai. If people really do reject him even when he's fighting for their cause, he should do the honorable thing and leave Pakistan. Maybe cheng can find him an apartment in NYC.
Whatever, it is the sad state of affair if it is true. People should not come to streets if they dønt pay taxes.They dønt want to change themselves and expecting a change. You cannot expect such kind of things from a person who is willing to be a Prime Minister of a country.

Where is my smorrebrod ? :what:

You were supposed to make some for me as my Danish Pakistani sister ! :cray:

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