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Imran announces civil disobidience againt nawaz govt


Do you know what IMF, WB and others who fill NS's begging bowl going to think about CDM?

The CDM is and will remain a symbolic pressure building tactic.

If the IK is the IK everyone knows than he'll stand for what he believes even if he stands alone, let alone thousands or millions of followeres.
Come on man , I know you are more rational then this ,

IMF/WB do not deal with the government , they deal with SBP , which is a complete different entity , it would only be a pressure tactic if say 70% of the people stop paying bills or taxes , but 80% of PTI followers are youth those who do not have a job & live of their parents money , do you think those parents will do this ?

PMLN knows this , they know what blunder IK has made , what if tomorrow they say fine go ahead do CDM , what will IK do then? did you see the flocks of people leaving his march after this stupidity of his ?

When a leader like IK have fallen so low that he has to take pointers from the likes of Sheikh Rasheed , then you should read the writing on the wall .
Well , I am all about for the justice, 14 killed people's in model town?
Calling ex-army chief , traitor?
Putting him under, article 6, for the trail?
If all that, can happen surly noora, s can be given a right full , death sentence by any court of Thier proved crimes?
Now, do you have a problem with that?

Where was your innocence-Justice when our Pakistani brethrens were being sold out to CIA for the sake of few dollars ?
Given the fact ik is an educated guy as compared to nz n co how else you would have expected him to vent his frustration over the stubbornness of gov't . We all know rigging was done the only question is how much?

Ik knows very well that these politicians (nz ,zardari etc)will only try to beat around the hush and will try their best to conduct next election too in the same way where the one having more money will easily win.
All he wants is to make sure next elections are done in a transparent manner.
Don't we all want that?

People calling him power hungry should take it that way.we all have gone through this at least in our childhood when during daily evening match some looser is given batting who is missing balls and you while waiting for your turn are getting impatient just getting restless knowing had you been there how many sixes you would have hit .he just that guy at the moment so forgive him for his restlessness . It reflects he's clean at heart n loves the flag he always fought to be the winner

His capabilities will be known only when he is given the bat.

And I personally he deserves at least one knock as we know pretty well the stamina and abilities of nz and co given the performance of their two innings at federal level and three at provincial level.

I'm no supporter of pti just a neutral observer.
One last question to pmln guys how just is this that elder bro is pm n younger is cm of largest province this alone explains the democracy within pmln and in Pakistan.
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Disappointed...but the silver lining is that he at least did not go and march towards PM house. That would have been martial law for sure.

Now, if he had indeed waited the 5 years and kept up the pressure within assemblies, he would have been the next PM of Pakistan definitely.

Now they should just focus on KPK and try to get back their fan base.

Bhai zindagi maut ka koi bharosa nahin to itna lamba inteezar kaun karay :D

Hence the fatiha and await till Maryam Nawaz is PM and Hamza is CM, while Biloo Zardari as the opposition leader.
Where was your innocence-Justice when our Pakistani brethrens were being sold out to CIA for the sake of few dollars ?
Tell me, which of your father, brother, uncle been sold out there?
& what you think, noora can safe gurd you from that?
With his own Mayfair mansions in london, & all of his high investments in UK?
Wakeup, it's time to put some water on your patwari face?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:


Hence the fatiha and await till Maryam Nawaz is PM and Hamza is CM, while Biloo Zardari as the opposition leader.
What a combination of tyrants?
That's called perfect Damocrazy, which will save us?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Hence the fatiha and await till Maryam Nawaz is PM and Hamza is CM, while Biloo Zardari as the opposition leader.
People choose , People Get .

it is very simple , if people dont want billo , or Junior Ganja they will never come into power . you cannot Rig the collective decision of the people , that is simply not possible .
No he focused on the bills part. He knows that with this crap he can end this Azadi march. You see if he wanted to break the laws the people shouted they wanted to attack the parliament and he stopped them again and again. He is not going taliban or french revolution style. He is going unheard of never working dont pay bills method. Imran khan has failed here big time and No he will never announce the ransacking of the parliament. He told them to make sure they wont hurt the people and not to pay taxes and bills. First time in history somebody put restriction in a CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT.
Is IK forcing people to practice CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE?

This is just a pressure tactic. The threat to invade Parliament is also a pressure tactic.

For how long do you think the crowd can be kept on streets? Something have to be done, and fast.

You are making it sound like, those standing up for Pakistan who have little personal gain and no personal loss from its progress or it remaining a shithole, are nutbags. :D

As long as Siasatdaans instead of leaders win, the awam would remain losers. But our awam deserves this. You can bring a horse to the water, but can't make him drink!
Is IK forcing people to practice CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE?

This is just a pressure tactic. The threat to invade Parliament is also a pressure tactic.

For how long do you think the crowd can be kept on streets? Something have to be done, and fast.

Off Topic:
He has just lost all the support from at least 40% of his fan base in my opinion

This was the most ridiculous speech I have ever heard from a politician. You incite people towards anarchy, civil obedience and tell options of further damaging the country that is already worthless to mention. He has set new standards of disobedience and used the language that politicians always refrain.. I am very disheartened and finally cleared my last element of support for this party.

It was a sad day in the history of Pakistan when the leader of the party who remains the only leader in Pakistan to have openly expressed his lust to become the Prime Minister for hundreds of times in different speeches has finally gone nuts and wants to take every measure to fulfil his desire. Not so easy my friend

This clown announced this movement 3rd time ... Earlier 2 times in Musharraf's regime but nobody had listened him ..........
Also, there is a Tweet from Shireen Mazari at Dawn from a few minutes ago in which she is implicitly threatening to march on the parliament unless taken 'seriously' but the govt. She is a very senior PTI leader and that's so low of a leader of her stature to incite violence.

This clown announced this movement 3rd time ... Earlier 2 times in Musharraf's regime but nobody had listened him ..........

And what is hilarious is that, if my memory is correct, Imran Khan jumped over his house walls to escape from Musharraf's security forces and stayed in hiding to help the anti-govt efforts, only to be caught and man-handled by some (Punjab?) University Jamaati students and ended up in custody. And then he made a coaltion govt. with Jamaatis in KPK!

A political clown indeed.
People choose , People Get .

it is very simple , if people dont want billo , or Junior Ganja they will never come into power . you cannot Rig the collective decision of the people , that is simply not possible .
Oh you can, pretty much. Everything is possible in Pakistan where everyone has a price. You pay the right price, and you get it. How much would it take to buy a presiding officer whose salary is less than 15K? You think he will refuse an offer of 150K, ten months of his salary?
CIVIL Disobedience in Georgia- How it worked and led to success??


This is very important to understand to which results a civil disobedience could lead. Does it means only electricity bills or gas Bills???

Amazing similarity in Rose Revolution Georgia and Azadi March.
Following is a report on Civil disobedience movement in Georgia. The so called Rose revolution.

Very similar situation as we have now in Pakistan. Check the timing when they announced and impacts.

The same day, opposition leaders Mikheil Saakashvili, Nino Burjanadze, and Zurab
Zhvania met with Shevardnadze. Their brief talks produced no tangible results, and the
president commented pointedly:

“I do not intend to resign at the demand of individual
politicians and a few dozen young people waving flags. If there were at least a million
people, it would have been different.

Within just a few days, national petitions contained

1 million signatures demanding Shevardnadze’s resignation and calling for the
election results to be overturned

Protesters in front of the parliament building maintained their positions in shifts
throughout the day and night. Promising to “paralyze Shevardnadze’s government,”
Saakashvili soon called for civil disobedience.

The process started slowly, but the

opposition managed to gain public attention through a few successful incidents of
civil disobedience in state institutions, such as schools, throughout the country.
Groups of well-known artists, writers, and poets started campaigning in various public
establishments—primarily universities—urging people to join the protest. These efforts
bore fruit as disobedience committees began popping up in universities throughout the
country, aided by Kmara activists who often were students themselves.

On November 17 more than 50,000 gathered at Freedom Square in central Tbilisi, and
3,000 held hands to form a human chain around the state chancellery. Many in the crowd
wanted to push forward and try to go in, but the apparent readiness of special forces
units to use force, as well as the absence of a “critical mass,” forced the leaders to call
off the rally and go to the regions to mobilize more supporters. Rallies were suspended
for the next two days, allowing Saakashvili and other opposition leaders to gather as
many followers as possible throughout the country. Meanwhile government employees
from Adjara took over the space in front of the parliament to express support for the
fraudulent results. These protests were not taken very seriously, since many of the participants attended only because they had been threatened with job termination and other sanctions should they refuse to go.

On the evening of November 20, a convoy of cars stretching for kilometers and carrying
thousands of people arrived from western Georgia. The next day more than 100,000
gathered in Freedom Square to pressure all the opposition parties with more than 7 percent
of the votes not to enter parliament. This effort was not successful, and protesters
had to consider other ways to disrupt the illegitimate parliament’s first session. During
the afternoon, protesters moved toward the chancellery, towing buses with heavy trucks
to block the way and facing riot troops along the route. Overwhelmed by the number of
people, troops stood by and took no action as the protesters passed them.

Troops also stood at the rear entrance of parliament, while the front was occupied
by Revival Union supporters unaware of what was happening in back. Demonstrators
began entering parliament from the rear in the middle of Shevardnadze’s speech
. His
guards promptly removed him from the podium and evacuated him.
After escaping to his
Krtsanisi residence, Shevardnadze announced a state of emergency in Georgia and ordered
the use of force to stop the protests. But the loyalty of the troops went increasingly to
Nino Burjanadze, who had declared herself acting president. The order for violent repression
was never carried out. Bereft of all other options, Eduard Shevardnadze resigned the
evening of November 23.

Opposition groups, including Kmara, did not anticipate a 2003 election victory that
would result in Shevardnadze stepping down.

When they started their activities, they hoped only to influence the presidential elections of 2005, when Shevardnadze’s term would legally expire.

However, a number of factors accelerated Shevardnadze’s exit:

blatant electoral fraud, especially in the results from Adjara; the government’s stubborn
refusal to consider even minor compromises; and opposition groups’ discipline and organization,
which included their ability to project nonviolent power.
Three actors played a crucial role in making the Rose Revolution possible: the youth
movement Kmara; the opposition parties, especially Mikheil Saakashvili’s National Movement;
and Rustavi-2, the most prominent independent-media outlet. Each played a distinctive
role in making the Rose Revolution successful and nonviolent.

Read complete Report here:

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