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Imran announces civil disobidience againt nawaz govt

Quote="Armstrong, post: 6069394, member: 136877"]Where is my smorrebrod ? :what:

You were supposed to make some for me as my Danish Pakistani sister ! :cray:[/quote]

Make a plan to come to Denmark then I will serve you all kind of smorrebrod.

All greats have taken an aar ya paar decisions in their lives. He's making a last stand, if he fails at the zero hour, you can kiss him goodbye!

Then it would be a level playing field for Noon, Zardari and even Altaaf bhai. If people really do reject him even when he's fighting for their cause, he should do the honorable thing and leave Pakistan. Maybe cheng can find him an apartment in NYC.
He has failed , If you Announce that you will bring 1 million but fail to bring even 50,000 he should have realized then that he failed. that was the time he should have thought of a contingency & a way out to fight another day .

If you want to die even though you could fight , then you are an idiot , and not fit to be a leader .
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so this is not end of world..Stop being so judgmental
He has failed , If you Announce that you will bring 1 million but fail to bring even 50,000 he should have realized then that he failed. that was the time he should have though of a contingency & a way out to fight another day .

If you want to die even though you could fight , then you are an idiot , and not fit to be a leader .
Politics is a strange game , which can make a losser a king, & a king a losser? Keep watching please, within 3 days , if noora govt went to attack the marchs , then this time there will be public hangings of Noora, s ?
Politics is a strange game , which can make a losser a king, & a king a losser? Keep watching please, within 3 days , if noora govt went to attack the marchs , then this time there will be public hangings of Noora, s ?
I would say wake up from your dream , but there is no cure for Day dreaming .

Do you know what IMF, WB and others who fill NS's begging bowl going to think about CDM?

The CDM is and will remain a symbolic pressure building tactic.

If the IK is the IK everyone knows than he'll stand for what he believes even if he stands alone, let alone thousands or millions of followeres.
I would say wake up from your dream , but there is no cure for Day dreaming .
I am not going to counter your, rant but you are following the, media more then the minds & hearts of the oppressed, cheated, killed, made poor pakistani common people's?
Our history, has a lot of lessons to learn from!

Do you know what IMF, WB and others who fill NS's begging bowl going to think about CDM?

The CDM is and will remain a symbolic pressure building tactic.

If the IK is the IK everyone knows than he'll stand for what he believes even if he stands alone, let alone thousands or millions of followeres.

Sir, what exactly is this CDM? Nothing will happen. Nothing at all.

As if NS had turned us into the stalwart economy of Asia which is being lost by people asking for reforms.

Pakistan was ranked among top 5 countries facing a default, way before the people marched on the streets.
Politics is a strange game , which can make a losser a king, & a king a losser? Keep watching please, within 3 days , if noora govt went to attack the marchs , then this time there will be public hangings of Noora, s ?
please spare him, you are after nooraøs life.This is the your sixth statment I am reading today.

Such a serious reply ? :o:

Loosen up kiddo....I was just joking ! :unsure:

Sorry, Feeling drowzy :azn:

As if NS had turned us into the stalwart economy of Asia which is being lost by people asking for reforms.

Pakistan was ranked among top 5 countries facing a default, way before the people marched on the streets.
Meri jaan baki sab choro sirf ye socho kai agar sirf foreign investment loray lag gai tou ye chawal admi mulk ka kitna bara nuksakan kar jai ga !!!

Pardon my french ..... not in a very good mood.
please spare him, you are after nooraøs life.This is the your sixth statment I am reading today.
Well , I am all about for the justice, 14 killed people's in model town?
Calling ex-army chief , traitor?
Putting him under, article 6, for the trail?
If all that, can happen surly noora, s can be given a right full , death sentence by any court of Thier proved crimes?
Now, do you have a problem with that?

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