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Imran announces civil disobidience againt nawaz govt

I have just one question from PTI supporters, do you really think NS will step down as PM?

If you honestly answer yes then I say more power to you and keep on with your protest. However, talk to any logical person and with a little bit Pakistani Syaset know-how, they'll tell you you've lost your mind.

And that's my entire peeve with IK in regards to this march. That is his deadlock bearing demand of PM resignation. What was wrong with the earlier demands of recounts at certain seats and a more credible and rigging free election and voting system?

NS had agreed to meet all of those demands. But out of his stubbornness he went on with the march. And honestly, I think it's because he considers himself the blue-eyed boy of Pakistan. Who thinks everyone likes him, loves him, and he can do whatever he wants. A spoiled child if you will. Who's every demand is always full filled by his parents and he grows up to be a pain in the *** brat.

Being a parent and watching my kids grow up in front of my eyes, I can attest to this favorite child syndrome. Thats exactly who IK is. He's gotten much love in pakistan and has been adorned here all his life and now he feels he can anything he pleases cuz no matter what, ppl will always take him back.
Nawaz stepping down is as empty as Imran becoming PM. They think immi can become PM, so for them it's not hard to think Nawaz will step down.

I have just one question from PTI supporters, do you really think NS will step down as PM?

If you honestly answer yes then I say more power to you and keep on with your protest. However, talk to any logical person and with a little bit Pakistani Syaset know-how, they'll tell you you've lost your mind.

And that's my entire peeve with IK in regards to this march. That is his deadlock bearing demand of PM resignation. What was wrong with the earlier demands of recounts at certain seats and a more credible and rigging free election and voting system?

NS had agreed to meet all of those demands. But out of his stubbornness he went on with the march. And honestly, I think it's because he considers himself the blue-eyed boy of Pakistan. Who thinks everyone likes him, loves him, and he can do whatever he wants. A spoiled child if you will. Who's every demand is always full filled by his parents and he grows up to be a pain in the *** brat.

Being a parent and watching my kids grow up in front of my eyes, I can attest to this favorite child syndrome. Thats exactly who IK is. He's gotten much love in pakistan and has been adorned here all his life and now he feels he can anything he pleases cuz no matter what, ppl will always take him back.

This guy, @batmannow, says PM Nawaz Sharif decides to get Vote of Confidence from Parliament | Page 4 that "[entire PMLn parliament members] should be hanged publicly."

They think really out of this world.
How many people actually pay taxes, bills and such? Many are defaulters in this nation including Sharif brothers. This nation needs a serious wake-up call.

You keep saying "elected" government.

Do you even understand the purpose of protests in Islamabad?

Rigging in elections, PML(N) hired people to produce thousands of fake votes to win the elections. PTI lost many seats due to this matter during elections. Concerned officials recognized this but have been silenced. This is democracy?

EDIT: Peace talks with Taliban have been conducted by PPPP and PML(N) as well. In-fact, PTI refused to be party in peace talks between Taliban and PML(N).

Some statements of IK are for reasons other then actual implementation. Taliban is active in KPK and have inflicted lot destruction. Army have taken action recently. PTI was in a catch-22 situation earlier.

Rigging did take place, but to some extent. People did vote for Nawaz Sharif; majority of people in Punjab. The one i know, Pushtun family except one voted for Nawaz Sharif in Rawalpindi. PMLN would have been winner, Allahu Alim.

If PMLN term is completed, then next election would have belonged to PTI, Allahu Alim. PPP term is completed peacefully and now, PPP cannot even use the excuse of victim card anymore. If PMLN term is cut short due to interference, then PMLN can work on victim card to come back stronger in the future. That's what we cannot afford at this moment. Then again, noting the recent oddly behavior of PTI lately, PMLN has nothing to worry about now.

Nawaz Sharif is now PM of Pakistan and Pakistan along with the world have already accepted that. Toppling the gov't through the long march will set dangerous precedent in the future as the history will repeat to PTI when in power.

They did agree to peace negotiation due to public pressure which its mood has changed later after the recent attack on Karachi Airport just like PTI is losing its supporter quickly.

Nawaz Sharif is democratic elected government whether you admit this or not. Civil disobedience is not gonna fly with this one, especially when Imran Khan is holding Islamabad as hostage damaging Pakistan's economy, not to mention its tactics is deemed unconstitutional and illegal.

Just for the sake of hypothetical discussion, even if PMLN government is toppled, there is no way Imran khan is going to be PM of Pakistan. He doesn't has trust from Pakistan army, losing already support from nation as we speak. Given the history of establishment, Army takeover or Army installed-caretaker government in calibre of general is on the card. That's how much they don't have faith in PTI.
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Tell me, which of your father, brother, uncle been sold out there?
& what you think, noora can safe gurd you from that?
With his own Mayfair mansions in london, & all of his high investments in UK?
Wakeup, it's time to put some water on your patwari face?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

What a combination of tyrants?
That's called perfect Damocrazy, which will save us?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

First of all learn to have a debate. No need to be personal. Who from your family died in Model Town that you are going crazy over Shareef Govt _
First of all learn to have a debate. No need to be personal. Who from your family died in Model Town that you are going crazy over Shareef Govt _
So , are you teaching me , what & how to dance on the floor?
Papu, model town case is on, & the innocent people's died there , we're innocent pakistanis ?
Then sentence is death by hanging, which sooner or later these noora crooks will get, it's Thier destiny now!

Nawaz stepping down is as empty as Imran becoming PM. They think immi can become PM, so for them it's not hard to think Nawaz will step down.


This guy, @batmannow, says PM Nawaz Sharif decides to get Vote of Confidence from Parliament | Page 4 that "[entire PMLn parliament members] should be hanged publicly."

They think really out of this world.
Vote of confidence ?
To the accused killer ?
Come to this world , patwari genius?
After perusing large numbers of comments on this thread, there is very little that I can say that has not already been said. However, as an ordinary Pakistani, no more and no less, I can only add my deep disappointment with Imran Khan.

I have always considered Imran Khan a better overall person than Sharif bro’s, Chaudries of Gujarat, Altaf Bhai of MQM, JI leadership & Zardari and a better man than myself. Had it not been for his deep unexplained love of Taliban, who I consider scum of the earth, I would have been one of his ardent supports.

But this call is ridiculous. This means that KPK (a unit of the Federal Gov’t) PTI Gov’t will defy the State of Pakistan! This is a rebellion by any other name. In his lust to become the Prime Minister, Imran Khan wants to break up the Federation?
Rigging did take place, but to some extent. People did vote for Nawaz Sharif; majority of people in Punjab. The one i know, Pushtun family except one voted for Nawaz Sharif in Rawalpindi. PMLN would have been winner, Allahu Alim.
To some extent? Is this a justification for the rigging?

Earliest reports of rigging: http://www.dawn.com/news/1027132/rigging-49-polling-stations-received-over-100pc-turnout-across-Pakistan

Also, check the evidence compiled by PTI so far: http://dunyanews.tv/white_paper_on_massive_rigging_in_election_2013.pdf (PDF Warning)

PML(N) have large vote-bank in Punjab, not denying this, however, PTI also have large vote-bank in Punjab. Unfortunately, results of 2013 elections have been tilted in favor of PML(N) in Punjab via rigging on multiple positions. Some of these positions have decisive impact on outcome of elections.

Furthermore, PTI have legitimate vote-bank, not bribed vote-bank. PML(N) adopts bribing strategy to earn votes.

If PMLN term is completed, then next election would have belonged to PTI, Allahu Alim. PPP term is completed peacefully and now, PPP cannot even use the excuse of victim card anymore. If PMLN term is cut short due to interference, then PMLN can work on victim card to come back stronger in the future. That's what we cannot afford at this moment. Then again, noting the recent oddly behavior of PTI lately, PMLN has nothing to worry about now.
I really don't get the "complete term" argument at all. Are we expected to give terms to each political party? Is this supposed to be a loop?

PPPP -> PML(N) -> PTI -> PPPP -> PML(N) -> PTI? What is this?

A political party, which wins the elections in fair manner, performs well, maintains confidence of people, should dominate the election scene as expected in a proper democracy.

Recent odd behavior of PTI? I strongly recommend you to watch ARY programs. You will find excellent proofs of odd behaviors of PML(N) leaders in history. Some gems are dharna in Red Zone itself to oust Zardari at one point, intrusion in parliament at one point, attack on supreme court at one point, sending Chief Justice Sajjad Ahmed Khan home at one point. Are these constitutional events?

Nawaz Sharif is now PM of Pakistan and Pakistan along with the world have already accepted that. Toppling the gov't through the long march will set dangerous precedent in the future as the history will repeat to PTI when in power.
The world doesn't cares about issues of Pakistan, in-fact, enemies want Pakistan to become a failed state and remain poor undeveloped nation. The world will deal with any government of Pakistan, no other alternative to have diplomatic relations.

Yes, PML(N) actually set this precedent much earlier in history. People have the tendency to forget and many are not aware.

Dharna gains popularity when it is performed for a just cause, it doesn't works for propaganda and baseless agenda. PTI and PAT have a valid agenda.

They did agree to peace negotiation due to public pressure which its mood has changed later after the recent attack on Karachi Airport just like PTI is losing its supporter quickly.
Brother, Pakistani awaam ko politics ki koi samaj nahin hai, har koi apne aap ko expert samaj raha hai aaj kaal. This nation have been psychologically divided by several political parties throughout history.

- PML(N) dominates Punjab
- PPPP dominates Sindh
- MQM dominates Karachi
- Balochistan is neglected
- KPK is the only province so far in which some accountability exists. However, Jamiat have always attempted to maintain foot-hold in KPK, Maulana Diesel works with just anybody, he have no sense of honor.

Many political parties including PML(N), PPPP, MQM, ANP and Jamiat, have collectively established a status-quo and business-oriented political climate and setup in the country, a system which favors all of these parties in various matters. These political parties have formulated an coalition on back-end but continue to fool the masses on the front-end that each is dudh-ki-dhuli hui and would bring prosperity to the nation.


Front-end: PML(N) or any political party yeh or who
Back-end: Tum hamare interests ko protect karo, hum tumhare interests ko protect karein gain.

Now PTI is a major thorn in the "insert word here" of this status-quo driven system but how to challenge it? Most institutions of the nation are politically and morally compromised including Judiciary, the culture of bribing and corruption prevails.

Pakistan is trapped under the web of corruption, how to destroy this web?

Nawaz Sharif is democratic elected government whether you admit this or not. Civil disobedience is not gonna fly with this one, especially when Imran Khan is holding Islamabad as hostage damaging Pakistan's economy, not to mention its tactics is deemed unconstitutional and illegal.
Civil Disobedience card is just a political stunt to scare international investors to put additional pressure on the government to come to terms with demands of PTI and PAT. This strategy worked.

However, IK is not "forcing" people to practice Civil Disobedience.

Waise bhi Pakistan mein defaulters ki kami nahin hai, Sharif brothers themselves are among the biggest defaulters of this nation.
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IK is explaining his yesterday bull$hit announcement ...........
So , are you teaching me , what & how to dance on the floor?
Papu, model town case is on, & the innocent people's died there , we're innocent pakistanis ?
Then sentence is death by hanging, which sooner or later these noora crooks will get, it's Thier destiny now!

No I am not teaching you anything because you can teach to someone who has brain to understand it and you lack it. I was also talking about the innocent pakistanis who are sold by corrupt generals. If you think as a Pakstani and for Pakistanis then you should refrain talking about political leadership and take death caused by Generals into account.
No I am not teaching you anything because you can teach to someone who has brain to understand it and you lack it. I was also talking about the innocent pakistanis who are sold by corrupt generals. If you think as a Pakstani and for Pakistanis then you should refrain talking about political leadership and take death caused by Generals into account.
You are about to feel a joy ride with batmannow!
I don't think that, pakistan genrls have done a major birth operation during your arrival on earth?

Now all of pre-musharaf era propagands are done?
and as like lal masjid, s fake killings as proven with the instructed investigations stands no where?
There wasn't a single pakistani, citizen took or send in USA , s custody anywhere in pakistan, who wasn't was conected with proven terrorists network called alqeada?
Whole dam story you are trying, put badly is just a prapoganda done PMLN & JI togather at the times of musharaf, down fall?
Now get over it, stick to topic or, be a victim of batmannow, the deadliest beast on PDF ?
Lets see what he has to say tomorrow. Army itself is ready to take the security of Islamabad in their hands. Imran could just be bluffing to gain more ground in negotiations as i honestly dont believe he will stand there and take the dandas of the police.
You are about to feel a joy ride with batmannow!
I don't think that, pakistan genrls have done a major birth operation during your arrival on earth?
Now all of pre-musharaf era propagands are done?
and as like lal masjid, s fake killings as proven with the instructed investigations stands no where?
There wasn't a single pakistani, citizen took or send in USA , s custody anywhere in pakistan, who wasn't was conected with proven terrorists network called alqeada?
Whole dam story you are trying, put badly is just a prapoganda done PMLN & JI togather at the times of musharaf, down fall?
Now get over it, stick to topic or, be a victim of batmannow, the deadliest beast on PDF ?

I have seen enough twats of your kind. Before spurting shit with me make a note and that too bold not to mess with me. If you mess with me then I will splash you like a tomato right down under my boot.
To some extent? Is this a justification for the rigging?

Earliest reports of rigging: http://www.dawn.com/news/1027132/rigging-49-polling-stations-received-over-100pc-turnout-across-Pakistan

Also, check the evidence compiled by PTI so far: http://dunyanews.tv/white_paper_on_massive_rigging_in_election_2013.pdf (PDF Warning)
PML(N) have large vote-bank in Punjab, not denying this, however, PTI also have large vote-bank in Punjab. Unfortunately, results of 2013 elections have been tilted in favor of PML(N) in Punjab via rigging on multiple positions. Some of these positions have decisive impact on outcome of elections.

Furthermore, PTI have legitimate vote-bank, not bribed vote-bank. PML(N) adopts bribing strategy to earn votes.

I really don't get the "complete term" argument at all. Are we expected to give terms to each political party? Is this supposed to be a loop?

PPPP -> PML(N) -> PTI -> PPPP -> PML(N) -> PTI? What is this?

This petiton fo reforming is being brought a year later now. Now is too late to announce election. Perhap, the reformative elective system is what PTI should concentrate for the next election in few years later.

The world has already accepted PMLN government as PM of Pakistan now. Hence, too many billion-dollars energy projects from overseas including some approved IMF loans lately.

PTI should concentrate on the development of Pukhtoonkhwa and show the sample for the election to honor his promises.

A political party, which wins the elections in fair manner, performs well, maintains confidence of people, should dominate the election scene as expected in a proper democracy.

Except that Imran Khan is not waiting for election once reformative elective system is implemented. He is taking Islamabad as hostage damaging Pakistan's economy as well as threatening to resort to violence tactics if PM doesn't resign from PM. What kind of transparent and fair election is this?

People voted for PMLN, not the other way around. Now PTI is throwing the nation under bus by endorsing anti-tax policy while continue to endorse pro-taxes in Peshawar. Not to mention, using civil disobedience to blackmail the federal gov't in exchange for PM, not reformative election system which PTI was building on earlier has been transitioned to threatening to undermine the authority of the federal government.

Recent odd behavior of PTI? I strongly recommend you to watch ARY programs. You will find excellent proofs of odd behaviors of PML(N) leaders in history. Some gems are dharna in Red Zone itself to oust Zardari at one point, intrusion in parliament at one point, attack on supreme court at one point, sending Chief Justice Sajjad Ahmed Khan home at one point. Are these constitutional events?

PTI went to new levels recently. This has never been this case in the history of PPP and PMLN. I don't remember them taking cities as hostage to implement blackmail tactics. This is new low from PTI.

The world doesn't cares about issues of Pakistan, in-fact, enemies want Pakistan to become a failed state and remain poor undeveloped nation. The world will deal with any government of Pakistan, no other alternative to have diplomatic relations.

The world does care and that's why Pakistan is not sanctioned comparatively. Hence, the investment from foreign nations; mainly China and Arab nations including overseas Pakistani to continue stabilize Pakistan's economy. That means nothing to PTI anymore if PTI played the card, civil disobedience.

Not long ago, PTI wanted peace negotiation with TTP that was on hell bent of attacking sovereignty of Pakistan including damaging Pakistan's economy through attacking on Karachi Airport, attack on Islamabad five-star hotel turned into dust. I can go on, but PTI policy is starting to become anti-development of Pakistan now, Allahu Alim.

Yes, PML(N) actually set this precedent much earlier in history. People have the tendency to forget and many are not aware.

Dharna gains popularity when it is performed for a just cause, it doesn't works for propaganda and baseless agenda. PTI and PAT have a valid agenda.

Dharna has been part of Pakistan. That's not what Pakistan is against at. PMLN didn't want PTI to continue with dharna because of the consequence for Pakistan if the situation goes out of control. But PTI gave its promise ensuring that holding march will be peace. Therefore, PMLN has taken confidence from Pakistan general to allow dharna in some conditions that dharna must go peacefully.


PTI went back on its own words now. Threatening PMLN by saying PTI cannot control the aggitated crowds and blackmailing PMLN to resign in exchange for not furthering aggravated situation. PTI has been breaking promises repeatedly and crossed all the lines that has never been in the history of Pakistan.
Brother, Pakistani awaam ko politics ki koi samaj nahin hai, har koi apne aap ko expert samaj raha hai aaj kaal. This nation have been psychologically divided by several political parties throughout history.

- PML(N) dominates Punjab
- PPPP dominates Sindh
- MQM dominates Karachi
- Balochistan is neglected
- KPK is the only province so far in which some accountability exists. However, Jamiat have always attempted to maintain foot-hold in KPK, Maulana Diesel works with just anybody, he have no sense of honor.

I agree with those points, but that doesn't justify what PTI is doing right now. Each parties are strong in their own dens due to strong support they gather. That cannot be denied.

Many political parties including PML(N), PPPP, MQM, ANP and Jamiat, have collectively established a status-quo and business-oriented political climate and setup in the country, a system which favors all of these parties in various matters. These political parties have formulated an coalition on back-end but continue to fool the masses on the front-end that each is dudh-ki-dhuli hui and would bring prosperity to the nation.

Again, people did come to Islamabad in support for Imran Khan. Why is people going back? The very same reason that they are leaving as you have mentioned above.

Civil disobedience is disaster for poor-class including midle-class clubs. They didn't come for civil disobedience only to cause more difficult in their lives than it already is.

They have been fooled into thinking they were supporting for reformative elective system to ensure transparent and fair system to be implemented in the next election. Instead, they went home with civil disobedience to make do with nothing. Without taxes, they cannot survive which they already are in the worst conditions, Allahu Alim.


Front-end: PML(N) or any political party yeh or who
Back-end: Tum hamare interests ko protect karo, hum tumhare interests ko protect karein gain.

Now PTI is a major thorn in the "insert word here" of this status-quo driven system but how to challenge it? Most institutions of the nation are politically and morally compromised including Judiciary, the culture of bribing and corruption prevails.

Pakistan is trapped under the web of corruption, how to destroy this web?
Civil Disobedience card is just a political stunt to scare international investors to put additional pressure on the government to come to terms with demands of PTI and PAT. This strategy worked.

However, IK is not "forcing" people to practice Civil Disobedience.

Waise bhi Pakistan mein defaulters ki kami nahin hai, Sharif brothers themselves are among the biggest defaulters of this nation.

PMLN threatened to use the card, civil obedience, but it did as it was aware of its consequence. Fortunately, that did trick. That's how you use as pressure tactic. Not by announcing civil disobedience which later become international headlines scaring international investors from investing on Pakistan including those who have already invested on Pakistan must be feeling heat of loss for their businesses.

IMF was going to approve billion-dollars loans for more investment towards billion-dollars projects has been stalled thank to PTI who was supposed to threaten to use that card, not to actually use in public by scaring international investors including not giving confidence those who have already invested in the interest of Pakistan. Not to mention, poor-class and middle-class are shaken by civil disobedience. If PTI plan of civil disobedience works, then it is going to hit them very hard [poor-class and middle-class].

There is different between threatening to use and announcing in public. Now, the damage is done thank to PTI; even though it is not enough that it already took Islamabad as hostage damaging Pakistan's economy while endorsing anti-taxes to cause instability of the environment - never mind its history with TTP responsible for killing more than 50,000 civilians and several attacks including on Karachi Airport caused million dollars loss which has taken heavy toll on Pakistan's economy.

Yes, PML(N) actually set this precedent much earlier in history. People have the tendency to forget and many are not aware.

Besides, the other precedent i am talking is that once this is encouraged, in the future this will be used as weapon to undermine the authority of Pakistan. All you have to do is that taking cities as hostage, change the intention fo peace to violence tactics, declare civil disobedience by announcing [not threatening to use, but actually using it] and telling what the nation wants to hear that could compromise the stability of Pakistan' economy including the continuity of Pakistan's government.
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What does that has to do with on-going situation in Pakistan? That is gonna your excuse everytime you cannot handle the debate. One party threatens to lauch due to legit reason. The party already announced civil obedience on democratic elected government while taking Pakistan as hostage damaging Pakistan's economy badly.

Not long ago, Pakistan has suffered great deal due to PTI's peace negotiation with TTP attack on Karachi Airport in global level.

Not the same sceneario; not even one percent remotely same.

I just showed hypocrisy of n-league.
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