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Imran announces civil disobidience againt nawaz govt

I just showed hypocrisy of n-league.

One party threatens to use that card, not do it. Even if opposition party calls that bluff, then that is the end. Even PMLN is aware of the consequences if announce civil disobedience, then it could put mark on democracy even though they just got democracy for very short period after Musharraf's resignation. Threatening to use and announcing this in pubic in not same; not even 1% perfect.

Imran Khan actually announced this card. He made this public; grabbed the world's attention. That was no longer threat anymore. He actually did it. There goes the theory of using it as pressure point now and what comes next is if Pakistan economy suffers, then PMLN can blame on PTI now which the nation is in agreement. Let's face it - PTI is the reason Pakistan's economy has suffered the most and still suffering; the very same reason the poor-class and the middle-class clubs left the long march dejected.

Followed by the civil obedience, don't pay the taxes except in Pukhtoonkhwa as they [PTI] can pay taxes in non-Pukhtoonkhwa given the latest revealation according to recent reports while urging the nation not to pay the taxes. That taxes is what keeps the nation stable for the time being.

You bet the nation will be in agreement if PMLN blame on PTI for what Pakistan economy has suffered and counting.
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He'z from MQM...these people keep changing sides tactically :P Despite being answered they just keep coming up with same thing.

Would you answer who is trying to get support of mqm? isn't this pmln :D
I am not hardcore supporter of mqm like you people. I critsized to them several times on their bad deeds and praised to their good works.
Today morning I was listening kh. saad rafique and he was praising to altaf hussain, GoS & haider rizvi :sarcastic:
Would you answer who is trying to get support of mqm? isn't this pmln :D
I am not hardcore supporter of mqm like you people. I critsized to them several times on their bad deeds and praised to their good works.
Today morning I was listening kh. saad rafique and he was praising to altaf hussain, GoS & haider rizvi :sarcastic:
Well MQM supports government but also meets Ch Serwer secretly in London and TuQ in closed container....These people always have their own agenda, like a hidden hand waiting to stab anyone's back....Like they say, Bicho majboori se nahi apni khaslat ke waja se dung marta hay.
One party threatens to use that card, not do it. Even if opposition party calls that bluff, then that is the end. Even PMLN is aware of the consequences if announce civil disobedience. Threaten to use and announce this card in pubic in not same; not even 1% perfect.

Imran Khan actually announced this card. That was no longer threat anymore. He actually did it. There goes the theory of using it as pressure point considering if Pakistan economy is badly affected, then PMLN can blame on PTI now. Let's face it - PTI is the reason Pakistan's economy is badly affected; the very same reason the poor-class and the middle-class clubs left the long march dejected.

I dont support this announcement of imran khan he infact did biggest blunder of his political career.

Well MQM supports government but also meets Ch Serwer secretly in London and TuQ in closed container....These people always have their own agenda, like a hidden hand waiting to stab anyone's back....Like they say, Bicho majboori se nahi apni khaslat ke waja se dung marta hay.

At this time mqm doesnt have to getting support by government by government does. But I dont know why mqm giving its support to nawaz sharif while imran khan is better than this moron....Like they say, Saan ko chahy kitna doodh pila do woh dasne se baaz nahi aata.
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I dont support this announcement of imran khan he infact did biggest blunder of his political career.

I can understand his policy regarding the reformative election systems. He was getting there. PMLN would have gave into the pressures. But PTI policy has been transitioned into anti-development of Pakistan which will undermine the overall the point of holding march.

The reason i am in favor of PMLN [i am not its supporter] is due to continuity of the government. If Imran khan succeeds with the tactics he used; illegal and unconstitutional while taking cities as hostage damaging Pakistan's economy into million dollars and counting, Allahu Alim, then, this will set the dangerous precedent in the future.

Now it has come to continuity of government vs dangerous precedent for future if PMLN gives in to the pressure which PMLN must not for the sake of possible new party to come who may change Pakistan into better uninterruptedly [with no interference from outside/inside], Allahu Alim.

Good times of Pakistan will come, Insha Allah, but until then, the continuity of government must be respected for the sake of new party to come with bright hope in the future, Allahu Alim.
At this time mqm doesnt have to getting support by government by government does. But I dont know why mqm giving its support to nawaz sharif while imran khan is better than this moron....Like they say, Saan ko chahy kitna doodh pila do woh dasne se baaz nahi aata.
Because this goes against MQM's policy of being in bed with the government explicitly or implicitly regardless of who holds the center of power.
Because this goes against MQM's policy of being in bed with the government explicitly or implicitly regardless of who holds the center of power.

Despite offering to join government mqm had refused ;)
Now this time mqm is trying to helping to government voluntarily. isn't it?
Despite offering to join government mqm had refused ;)
Now this time mqm is trying to helping to government voluntarily. isn't it?
And where does this leave Governor Ishrat? :P
Despite offering to join government mqm had refused ;)
Now this time mqm is trying to helping to government voluntarily. isn't it?
They are not helping govt they are trying for a peaceful solution of current crises, AH warns both IK and NS to avoid any foolish step which lead to a blood shed, they morally helping TuQ. IK policies make him alone and no any other opposition party Wana side with him.
This petiton fo reforming is being brought a year later now. Now is too late to announce election. Perhap, the reformative elective system is what PTI should concentrate for the next election in few years later.

Read this: http://tribune.com.pk/story/743813/ten-truths-about-electoral-rigging/

The world has already accepted PMLN government as PM of Pakistan now. Hence, too many billion-dollars energy projects from overseas including some approved IMF loans lately.
This is not a sound argument, World cannot bypass leadership/government of Pakistan in matters of diplomatic relations.

PTI should concentrate on the development of Pukhtoonkhwa and show the sample for the election to honor his promises.
Focusing on KPK would solve the core issues of corruption in this country? People perceive PTI to bring change in the country, it cannot do that by sitting idly and let corruption eat the country.

You really think that PTI can ever win elections in this country in a corrupt nizam? Stop dreaming.

- The electorate system is compromised politically and morally
- Judiciary is also compromised politically and morally
- PTI believed in fair elections, it doesn't bribes and conduct rigging to gather votes. Much of its vote-bank represents honest and hardworking people.

Except that Imran Khan is not waiting for election once reformative elective system is implemented. He is taking Islamabad as hostage damaging Pakistan's economy as well as threatening to resort to violence tactics if PM doesn't resign from PM. What kind of transparent and fair election is this?
Imran Khan wants PML(N) to step down and let a caretaker technocratic government take over. Under this government, all important institutions will be reformed before next major elections. PTI is not interested in Mid-Term elections.

People voted for PMLN, not the other way around. Now PTI is throwing the nation under bus by endorsing anti-tax policy while continue to endorse pro-taxes in Peshawar. Not to mention, using civil disobedience to blackmail the federal gov't in exchange for PM, not reformative election system which PTI was building on earlier has been transitioned to threatening to undermine the authority of the federal government.
You don't understand the ground realities of vote-bank of PML(N). Some of its votes are legitimate but some obtained through bribing the poor and some fake. Total vote count of PML(N) is FAKE.

PML(N) have been reluctant to cooperate with PTI in the matters of inquiry about rigging because its indiscretions will be exposed. PML(N) also went as far as to bribe officials in the institutions to cover its dark deeds and removed those from power who refused to be bribed. Institutes such as Electoral Commission, NADRA and Judiciary are compromised. After exploring all avenues for insaaf with lack of results, now that PTI have launched dharna campaign to change the system, suddenly PML(N) is ready to cooperate to some extent?

PML(N) needs to show greater responsibility and flexibility to resolve the political crises of the country, if it really cares about the well-being of this nation. The entire coalition of "corrupt" political parties need to understand that they cannot continue to operate without accountability in this nation. This is the intended purpose of this Azadi movement.

PTI went to new levels recently. This has never been this case in the history of PPP and PMLN. I don't remember them taking cities as hostage to implement blackmail tactics. This is new low from PTI.
I am amazed at your level of ignorance. PPPP tore this nation apart and PML(N) have history of extreme corruption and antagonizing even the military establishment several times. PML(N) does not cares about interest of Pakistan and its common people, Wake up.

B/W PML(N) have staged dharna at parliament, violated the sanctity of Supreme Court, send a honorable Chief Justice home unconstitutionally and lot more gems. PML(N) have abused constitution in ways unlike any other political party in history. And now it dares to lecture PTI about importance of constitution.

The world does care and that's why Pakistan is not sanctioned comparatively. Hence, the investment from foreign nations; mainly China and Arab nations including overseas Pakistani to continue stabilize Pakistan's economy. That means nothing to PTI anymore if PTI played the card, civil disobedience.
PML(N) is responsible for current situation of Pakistan, not PTI. If this nation ever had held the corrupt accountable, these type of developments have not have happened.

Not long ago, PTI wanted peace negotiation with TTP that was on hell bent of attacking sovereignty of Pakistan including damaging Pakistan's economy through attacking on Karachi Airport, attack on Islamabad five-star hotel turned into dust. I can go on, but PTI policy is starting to become anti-development of Pakistan now, Allahu Alim.
You don't understand the whole situation.

KPK have been suffering from War on Terror for a long time now, TTP have inflicted lot of destruction in this province. Military was not taking much action under leadership of General Kayani. Under these circumstances, PTI could not afford enmity of Taliban otherwise it would have suffered major attacks on its setup. Therefore, the "political stunt"of peace.

On top of everything, PML(N) led government was actually serious about having peace with TTP. However, PTI refused to act as an intermediary between TTP and the government. Other political parties in KPK acted as intermediary instead. However, when Karachi airport incident occurred, General Raheel came in to action and launched operation Zarb-e-Azab in contrast to wishes of PML(N). PTI fully supports this military operation.

Clear now?

PTI is pushing for reforms in this country, combating corruption. Only the naïve don't understand this. Keep one thing in mind: Pakistan mein ghee terhi ungli sei nikalta hai.

Dharna has been part of Pakistan. That's not what Pakistan is against at. PMLN didn't want PTI to continue with dharna because of the consequence for Pakistan if the situation goes out of control. But PTI gave its promise ensuring that holding march will be peace. Therefore, PMLN has taken confidence from Pakistan general to allow dharna in some conditions that dharna must go peacefully.


PTI went back on its own words now. Threatening PMLN by saying PTI cannot control the aggitated crowds and blackmailing PMLN to resign in exchange for not furthering aggravated situation. PTI has been breaking promises repeatedly and crossed all the lines that has never been in the history of Pakistan.
Imran Khan is:

1. Being realistic
2. Putting pressure on the government to exercise flexibility in its stance, realize the grievances of the masses
3. Trying to control the jazbaat of the crowd

What PML(N) is doing in response? Not showing enough flexibility, publicly ridiculing PTI on all fronts, not letting justice take course. Entire opposition have noted this, not just PTI. As an example: why FIR is not being registered against concerned government officials for Model Town incident even after court orders? Issue is that government officials want to get away with every wrongdoing and not face accountability. Why some people do not understand this ground reality?

I agree with those points, but that doesn't justify what PTI is doing right now. Each parties are strong in their own dens due to strong support they gather. That cannot be denied.
When elections will be conducted fairly, we will see the difference then only.

Again, people did come to Islamabad in support for Imran Khan. Why is people going back? The very same reason that they are leaving as you have mentioned above.
Not everybody can endure hardships for prolonged periods. IK fully understands this. In addition, government is doing its best to prevent additional arrivals in Islamabad, behind-the-scenes.

Civil disobedience is disaster for poor-class including midle-class clubs. They didn't come for civil disobedience only to cause more difficult in their lives than it already is.
How many times I have to explain to you that "Civil Disobedience" is a political stunt to build international pressure on the government and ruin its reputation abroad?

Who is stopping you or the masses from being obedient? You stay the course.

They have been fooled into thinking they were supporting for reformative elective system to ensure transparent and fair system to be implemented in the next election. Instead, they went home with civil disobedience to make do with nothing. Without taxes, they cannot survive which they already are in the worst conditions, Allahu Alim.
PTI fully understands that Electorate Commission will never be reformed under PML(N) government.

PMLN threatened to use the card, civil obedience, but it did as it was aware of its consequence. Fortunately, that did trick. That's how you use as pressure tactic. Not by announcing civil disobedience which later become international headlines scaring international investors from investing on Pakistan including those who have already invested on Pakistan must be feeling heat of loss for their businesses.

IMF was going to approve billion-dollars loans for more investment towards billion-dollars projects has been stalled thank to PTI who was supposed to threaten to use that card, not to actually use in public by scaring international investors including not giving confidence those who have already invested in the interest of Pakistan. Not to mention, poor-class and middle-class are shaken by civil disobedience. If PTI plan of civil disobedience works, then it is going to hit them very hard [poor-class and middle-class].

There is different between threatening to use and announcing in public. Now, the damage is done thank to PTI; even though it is not enough that it already took Islamabad as hostage damaging Pakistan's economy while endorsing anti-taxes to cause instability of the environment - never mind its history with TTP responsible for killing more than 50,000 civilians and several attacks including on Karachi Airport caused million dollars loss which has taken heavy toll on Pakistan's economy.
There is no relief for poor and middle-class in this nation under any circumstance, not under PML(N) government. This government should be held accountable for its corruption.

I will not get involved in discussions involving reactions of IMF and international community, not interested. Core issue is accountability of corruption and criminal mindset.

Nuqsaan to hona hi hai, issi tara sahi.

BREAKING RUMOR: Government stopped nephew of General Raheel from participating in the PTI rally on the road.

Good, more blunders from PML(N). This government is digging its own grave.

Besides, the other precedent i am talking is that once this is encouraged, in the future this will be used as weapon to undermine the authority of Pakistan. All you have to do is that taking cities as hostage, change the intention fo peace to violence tactics, declare civil disobedience by announcing [not threatening to use, but actually using it] and telling what the nation wants to hear that could compromise the stability of Pakistan' economy including the continuity of Pakistan's government.
No, this nation have had enough with lack of accountability of corruption. This matter have to be addressed, now or never situation.
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Pakistanis are eternal optimists but they are also people with no patience whatsoever; they want instant results.
LAHORI FAMILY: See What Happens When A Family Refuses To Pay At Toll Plaza Civil Disobedience Rule:

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