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India treated Nawaz like a schoolboy, says Imran

His words are politically motivated.
I know, and that makes me more credible because my words are motivated by none other than the Holy Spirit
seems to be ture ... not even a moderate wellcome .. and indian establishment started leaking the summary of what they discussed then ... finally we have to come with a press release as well .. btw we expect from the prime minsiter of a muslim state to not share the same stage with the mass murderer of muslims
I think the overall impression of the meeting was positive. It would make our case stronger in case Modi does want to do what he says against Pakistan. It will be easier for us to claim international support in case the powerful Nations wanted to side with India.

From my heart, I didn't want Nawaz to go to India but in my humble opinion it was politically a wise decision.
Hence proved, your heart is not humble bro.
Hence proved, your heart is not humble bro.
The reason why I didn't want him to travel is because your ex-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had refused to attend the ceremony of Nawaz Sharif. On top of that Modi is a extremist, I may have not said it if Congress had won the elections in India once again.
When Imran aka Fasaadi was in India, few years ago, he said he wants the kashmir issue on the back burner, lets look ahead and lets move forward, and now that when NS went to India on a mere swear in ceremony of the new PM, Imran complained that NS did not raise the issue of Kashmir lol. What an amateur
Here imranu fraudia seems to have got it right, nawaja was indeed treated like a school boy by indians, his meetings to indian actors were part of school boy attitude only, no self-respecting person holding the office of the prime minister of pakistan would have done it.
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Well, IK maybe a moron, however, the biggest arsewipe that Pakistan has ever seen is Nawaz. By the way, the elections were fixed throughout Punjab, as it is the province that makes or breaks elections. We know it. You know it. Now do the honorable thing and keep your trap shut for a few days.

What a moron, IK. Cant stop whining like a sore loser about the election. Thinks everyone in the state is conspiring against him because he has a right to rule. His ego is so big that he can't bear to accept defeat. If the election was fixed, how did PTI win in KPK? Why is he obsessed with rigging now?
Let us declare Imran khan offcially as Imranu fraudia, and nawaz sharif as Nawaja phuddu, these are the best titles for the two.
Treated like a schoolboy rofl :lol:

But seriously, how else would Pakistan expect Nawaz to be treated like, not only in India but anywhere outside Pakistan?

Pakistanis dont respect him, why should anyone else.
IK thinks he can still reverse swing, poor guy should understand that ball tempering is a bigger offence than it used to be.

hanuman your kind couldn't produce single good fast bowler let alone anyone comparable to great IK. next time think before opening your shitty mouth.
hanuman your kind couldn't produce single good fast bowler let alone anyone comparable to great IK. next time think before opening your shitty mouth.
Come back with that sikh ID, it was fun :lol:
Treated like a schoolboy rofl :lol:

But seriously, how else would Pakistan expect Nawaz to be treated like, not only in India but anywhere outside Pakistan?

Pakistanis dont respect him, why should anyone else.

We also dont respect your modi taili terrorist trash
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