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Imran khan emerging as anti-Punjab politician

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Exactly that was the point but in harsh wording. Phuddu should behave like PM of Pakistan not PM of Punjab. All Matro cities including Karachi, Islamabad/Pindi, Quetta, Faisalabad, Multan and Peshawar must have metro train and sharting with Biggest cities i.e. Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad and all capitals of Province's

Actually we have Shahi Family ( sharif and bhutto family) democracy system and if someone come against it then our democracy is destabilized and he must be punish for destabilizing the system and as well as democracy.

First of all there is no comparsion between Bhuttos and Sharifs, Bhuttos are chronic corrupt feudals. Sharifs are NOT corrupt but one of the Sharif (nawaz sharif) is extremely foolish (phuddu in punjabi) and unintelligent person.
. All Matro cities including Karachi, Islamabad/Pindi, Quetta, Faisalabad, Multan and Peshawar must have metro train and sharting with Biggest cities i.e. Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad and all capitals of Province's
You have to take a start from somewhere. You cannot have everything everywhere at the same time. Is it possible to start metro train project in all major cities at the same time ? Good economy require heavy investment in education, in rule of law, in healthcare, along with rational fiscal and monetary policies . Most of our revenue go towards army and debt servicing then where the investment money would come from? You cannot have welfare state without cutting the spending for military and how you are going to attract the investors after considering the laws and order situation in KPK. Karachi or even all over Pakistan
Mianwali was given to punjab in 1970, before that it was part of NWFP so they are not completely absorbed into punjabi qaum. Half of the Mianwali district , the portion that lie west of Indus, which is dominated by Niazis, was alway part of Pakhtunkhwa. Due to this, Niazis consider themeselves pashtuns not punjabis. Niazis consider themeselves superior than jats and awans ,as these two qaums were subjugated by them in Mianwali, bhakkar and layyah. And before that they were rulers of entire punjab under haibat khan niazi.
Niazis of isa khel are bilingual in seraiki and pashto, they prefer to marry within their own community or with pakhtuns of adjacent districts.
Imran khan is a Niazi.
Mianwali was given to punjab in 1970, before that it was part of NWFP so they are not completely absorbed into punjabi qaum. Half of the Mianwali district , the portion that lie west of Indus, which is dominated by Niazis, was alway part of Pakhtunkhwa. Due to this, Niazis consider themeselves pashtuns not punjabis. Niazis consider themeselves superior than jats and awans ,as these two qaums were subjugated by them in Mianwali, bhakkar and layyah. And before that they were rulers of entire punjab under haibat khan niazi.
Niazis of isa khel are bilingual in seraiki and pashto, they prefer to marry within their own community or with pakhtuns of adjacent districts.
Imran khan is a Niazi.

I told you before many times , you are fake pashtun because all lohanis have indian origin from hindu lohana nomadic merchants of sindh enganged in indo-central asian trade when Muhammad Bin Qasam attacked Sindh, now go home and weep for your entire life or better commit suicide that you are progeny of hindus.

" A significant number of these Muslim Multanis were most likely Indo Afghan merchants belonging to the largely nomadic tribe known as the Lohani (Lohana, Loharni). There is some confusion regarding the Lohani ethnicity. While some authors refer to the Lohani as Muslim Pashtun Powinda tribe, others recognize the designation as a reference to a sedentary Hindu Merchant caste or conglomeration of castes of Sindh engaged in Indo Central Asian commerce. "

" While the subject certainly merits further investigation, it seems reasonable to suggest that the Lohani underwent a process of bifurcation since the eighth century Arab conquests. That is to say over the centuries some of the Lohani in Sindh settled, adopted a commercial economy and maintained a version of their ancestral religion, while others continued their pastoral economy and eventually became associated with Islam. "

Reference : Global Indian Diasporas: Exploring Trajectories of Migration and Theory By Gijsbert Oonk Published by Amsterdam University Press, 2008 Page 41 ISBN 90-5356-035-1, ISBN 978-90-5356-035-8
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I told you before many times , you are fake pashtun because all lohanis have indian origin from hindu lohana nomadic merchants of sindh enganged in indo-central asian trade when Muhammad Bin Qasam attacked Sindh, now go home and weep for your entire life or better commit suicide that you are progeny of hindus.

" A significant number of these Muslim Multanis were most likely Indo Afghan merchants belonging to the largely nomadic tribe known as the Lohani (Lohana, Loharni). There is some confusion regarding the Lohani ethnicity. While some authors refer to the Lohani as Muslim Pashtun Powinda tribe, others recognize the designation as a reference to a sedentary Hindu Merchant caste or conglomeration of castes of Sindh engaged in Indo Central Asian commerce. "

" While the subject certainly merits further investigation, it seems reasonable to suggest that the Lohani underwent a process of bifurcation since the eighth century Arab conquests. That is to say over the centuries some of the Lohani in Sindh settled, adopted a commercial economy and maintained a version of their ancestral religion, while others continued their pastoral economy and eventually became associated with Islam. "

Reference : Global Indian Diasporas: Exploring Trajectories of Migration and Theory By Gijsbert Oonk Published by Amsterdam University Press, 2008 Page 41 ISBN 90-5356-035-1, ISBN 978-90-5356-035-8
ghadar-e-punjab, lol. What a funny name for khan sahab.
Mianwali belongs to pakhtunkhwa.
You have to take a start from somewhere. You cannot have everything everywhere at the same time. Is it possible to start metro train project in all major cities at the same time ? Good economy require heavy investment in education, in rule of law, in healthcare, along with rational fiscal and monetary policies . Most of our revenue go towards army and debt servicing then where the investment money would come from? You cannot have welfare state without cutting the spending for military and how you are going to attract the investors after considering the laws and order situation in KPK. Karachi or even all over Pakistan

So for Lahore everything is OK and rest of Pakistan everything is a mess, Excellent. For your info Japan offer Metro Train for Karachi and still they didn't approved that and they offer Build, run and handover basis and after 15 year's they will transfer 100% their share to Pakistan. Now asked Nura to approved that

First of all there is no comparsion between Bhuttos and Sharifs, Bhuttos are chronic corrupt feudals. Sharifs are NOT corrupt but one of the Sharif (nawaz sharif) is extremely foolish (phuddu in punjabi) and unintelligent person.

After reading that i welcome you to real world (i have so many reference's but it will eat lot of bytes so send me your email and i will forward you)

BBC Documentry on Nawaz Sharif’s Corruption | Tune.pk
Raymond Baker’s book on dirty money highlights Nawaz Sharif’s corruption
$418m corruption by Nawaz during his stints as PM: Book | Pakistan Today
Nawaz sharif Corruption Exposed by Kashif Abbasi
Nawaz Sharif Scandals
List of corruption scandals by Nawaz & Shahbaz Shareef ( Wake up people before it is too late )
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So for Lahore everything is OK and rest of Pakistan everything is a mess, Excellent. For your info Japan offer Metro Train for Karachi and still they didn't approved that and they offer Build, run and handover basis and after 15 year's they will transfer 100% their share to Pakistan. Now asked Nura to approved that

After reading that i welcome you to real world (i have so many reference's but it will eat lot of bytes so send me your email and i will forward you)

BBC Documentry on Nawaz Sharif’s Corruption | Tune.pk
Raymond Baker’s book on dirty money highlights Nawaz Sharif’s corruption
$418m corruption by Nawaz during his stints as PM: Book | Pakistan Today
Nawaz sharif Corruption Exposed by Kashif Abbasi
Nawaz Sharif Scandals
List of corruption scandals by Nawaz & Shahbaz Shareef ( Wake up people before it is too late )

I dont need your so-called "references" , I am from punjab and know the ground reality there and no one considers sharif brothers as "corrupt" here but everyone considers bhutto/zardari as chronically corrupt and "incompetent. I have seen a tendency here on part of some of the posters to paint sharifs with the same corruption brush as they do for Bhutto/Zardari, most of these people (including) you are most probably outside of punjab where sharifs never have ruled on provincial level.
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I dont need your so-called "references" , I am from punjab and know the ground reality there.

Then you must level your ground reality and buildup again and if a person is from Punjab doesn't make him angel and inform Mr. Sharrif that you are not PM of Punjab and you are PM of Pakistan and be Pakistani and by Pakistani. Everyone in sindh know that he destroy the whole ship breaking industries (World number breaking industries) and all raw material were shifted forcefully to Itifaq Foundries and they didn't inverters the price of raw materials. Also asked him about necklace case. They all are shitty people
Hello everyone,

I have been a lurker here for quite some time and this is my first post here.

Guys, IMO this is a classic case of people being divided by politicians. IK is simply doing "criticism for the sake of criticism" here. I am not a big fan of PMLN government, but IK is wrong here. We, the people of Pakistan, need to think beyond this provincialism.
I am sure behind the rage on this thread, every Pakistani cares about each corner of Pakistan.

Then you must level your ground reality and buildup again and if a person is from Punjab doesn't make him angel and inform Mr. Sharrif that you are not PM of Punjab and you are PM of Pakistan and be Pakistani and by Pakistani. Everyone in sindh know that he destroy the whole ship breaking industries (World number breaking industries) and all raw material were shifted forcefully to Itifaq Foundries and they didn't inverters the price of raw materials. Also asked him about necklace case. They all are shitty people

Make you rants about real corrupt governments in other provinces with the same zeal and zest as you are doing against sharifs, especially PPP Bhutto/zaradari/MQM tola ruling your karachi and sindh for last 30 years.
First of all there is no comparsion between Bhuttos and Sharifs, Bhuttos are chronic corrupt feudals. Sharifs are NOT corrupt but one of the Sharif (nawaz sharif) is extremely foolish (phuddu in punjabi) and unintelligent person.

that is right
So for Lahore everything is OK and rest of Pakistan everything is a mess, Excellent. For your info Japan offer Metro Train for Karachi and still they didn't approved that and they offer Build, run and handover basis and after 15 year's they will transfer 100% their share to Pakistan. Now asked Nura to approved that

Its a provincial project not a federal government project. So it is better to ask the same question to Mr Qaim Ali Shah who is running the Sindh Government. After the 18th amendment Sindh per capita share is bigger than Punjab but it is going into the pockets of Sindhi wadairas. It is an utter failure of Sindhi/MQM politicians if they have failed to launch any such mega project of mass transit in their province.

MQM will never let PML-N do anything of substance in Karachi because such things will create popularity or vote bank for PML(N) which they would not appreciate . Karcahite voted for MQM, KPK voted for PTI, Baluchi voted for Sardars/BNP but they all expect from shabaz sharif to come to their door and do work for their province lol

You cannot blame Punjab for the shortcomings of the Sindh/Baluchistan/KPK Government. You guys should stop barking at PML(N) when everyone else is same if not worse politician
Imran khan can not change his pashtun nature, why its bothering you?

"Pashtun nature" and imran khan, he is 2 number person , his life is filled with illicit sexual relationships, is that "pashtun nature".
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