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Imran khan emerging as anti-Punjab politician

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Imran and PTI are done with in punjab, no one talks about breaking Pakistan and lives to see the post of PM

This is a very nice logic, since other provinces are doing zero developments Punjab should not either. Since Sind govt doesnt give shit about their infrastructure, punjab should not do it either.

Yeah but railway minister is a federal minister and not a provincial one.
New tatics played by Media .. he is not anti punjab .. he is pro Pakistan .. speaking against all the money spend on lahore instead of punjab. makes u anti Punjab??

I am from punjab not from lahore and there is development in each and every city of punjab, the roads have improved , the new bridges have been constructed, many old schools have been renovated everywhere in punjab. Yes Lahore is getting more projects because Sharifs are from lahore, and lahore is by far much much bigger city than any other city in punjab and caters the needs (advanced medical facilities) for the people all over punjab, however the situation in all other cities is also gradually improving, we are proud of Shahbaz sharif, he is the leader of punjab, he has done so much for our province. I by the way dont have same opinion about Nawaz sharif, for me vote in punjab was due to the work of Shehbaz sharif government between 2008-2013, however he has respect for his eleder brother (a punjabi cultural trait) that he is letting his phuddu elder brother to reap the fruits of his development work to become prime minister of pakistan.

I'm not a big fan of IK and dislike y(C)outhias from the depth of my heart, but he's right this time. PML-N needs to develop other cities like Karachi too. Like there's literally no point in making a metro train system in Lahore as of yet. Karachi deserves it more.

With that being said, I believe people also have a responsibility to make their province better. One rich person, Aga Khan has transformed GB into one of the most livable and educated places in Pakistan. But look at the filthy rich Baloch and Sindhi waderas. I have never heard of a wadera ever making even a simple school in their areas. Another example are the chinioti sheikhs, who have created thousands of jobs for average Punjabis. The need of the hour is to integrate Fata into KPK and make police stations and stuff over there. It has long been an "ilaqa ghair", being a blight on the map of Pakistan. Even before terrorism, hundreds of criminals and murderers would go there to avoid police.

As far as N.Waziristanis are concerned; well if they prefer hosting terrorists and threaten secession in case of an operation against there, then they can always F off. The "civilians" killed in air strikes were mostly family members of terrorists. Why should we spare their families when they wont spare ours? They are equally deserving of a death as the terrorists. Also this IK has a soft corner for terrorists. He's celebrating a "reduction" in attacks on Peshawar, but doesn't give a rat's *** when Pakistan army soldiers get killed in IEDS.

Imran khan has soft corner for terrorists of FATA only because they are pashtuns, have you ever seen him showing any concerns about civilian casualities in balochistan , why because terrorists in FATA are pashtuns and he worships pashtunism. If FATA was a punjabi speaking area , this guy imran khan would have no interest in any civilians etc.
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Not sure about PMLN, but punjabis will break the teeth of anyone who will badmouth punjab or pakistan, Mr. or Ms. posh area dweller.
haha now we are gunna get open threats for speaking against PMLN....

@LoveIcon bro these ones above i was talking about that you asked about here in ur post....just read his posts on this thread from page 1 to onward and see how he is behaving ...his language and tone!

so its like God Forbid a Holy Crime to say anything against PMLN here? right!:disagree:

go tell your noora friends... we roll by the power of truth and Allah is on our side, their gods aint no match !
:bad::bad: :suicide:i have non:wacko: bunch of weirdoz!
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haha now we are gunna get open threats for speaking against PMLN....

@LoveIcon bro these ones above i was talking about that you asked about here in ur post....just read his posts on this thread from page 1 to onward and see how he is behaving ...his language and tone!

so its like God Forbid a Holy Crime to say anything against PMLN here? right!:disagree:

:bad::bad: :suicide:i have non:wacko: bunch of weirdoz!

My tone is the true representation of common people of punjab, come out of your den and face the reality. Respect is only for those who respect us, not respect for ones who disrespect our people.
My tone is the true representation of common people of punjab, come out of your den and face the reality. Respect is only for those who respect us, not respect for ones who disrespect our people.
who the hell are your people? being a citizen Of Pak,everyone has a right to critisize the policies of whoever is running the Government anywhere....people talk against PTI all the time....who are you to stop people from critisizing PMLN's policies? anyway you seem a very batameeez person so i wont quote you again...dare say anything threatenning or weird again n next im gunna report your post....the last one i ignored! weirdo!
who the hell are your people? being a citizen Of Pak,everyone has a right to critisize the policies of whoever is running the Government anywhere....people talk against PTI all the time....who are you to stop people from critisizing PMLN's policies? anyway you seem a very batameeez person so i wont quote you again...dare say anything threatenning or weird again n next im gunna report your post....the last one i ignored! weirdo!

You quoted me first , I also have no interest in mummy daddy background people.
Here comes another slap on the face of PTI....

PML-N's own members complained to Shahbaz Sharif that Nawaz Sharif is always seen with PPP's CM and MQM's governor and he is so reconsiliatory that he even ignores the members of PML-N
Here comes another slap on the face of PTI....

PML-N's own members complained to Shahbaz Sharif that Nawaz Sharif is always seen with PPP's CM and MQM's governor and he is so reconsiliatory that he even ignores the members of PML-N

This phuddu nawaz sharif is ruining all the hard work and effort done by Shahbaz sharif in the last six years due to his kid like phuddu behaviour.
This phuddu nawaz sharif is ruining all the hard work and effort done by Shahbaz sharif in the last six years due to his kid like phuddu behaviour.
You have to know that you are in federation where at two provinces will be ever ready to play provincialism card. Ever remember how PTI zananies made a strom out of thin air when Telli Pehlwan wasn't seen in Chinese visit only to be facepalmed by the news that he himself excused the visit. NS is playing very safe in federation. Shahbaz on the other hand is cementing the PML-N's performance.
haha now we are gunna get open threats for speaking against PMLN....

@LoveIcon bro these ones above i was talking about that you asked about here in ur post....just read his posts on this thread from page 1 to onward and see how he is behaving ...his language and tone!

so its like God Forbid a Holy Crime to say anything against PMLN here? right!:disagree:

:bad::bad: :suicide:i have non:wacko: bunch of weirdoz!

lucky... :tup:
You have to know that you are in federation where at two provinces will be ever ready to play provincialism card. Ever remember how PTI zananies made a strom out of thin air when Telli Pehlwan wasn't seen in Chinese visit only to be facepalmed by the news that he himself excused the visit. NS is playing very safe in federation. Shahbaz on the other hand is cementing the PML-N's performance.

Just bring down PTI government in kpk with the help of jamiat ulma e islam and jamat e islami. PTI did not get simple majority in KPK they have no right to rule there, their rule in kpk is giving them unnecessary media projection. When a party is out of power no one cares about them because they are not in lime light. Also Nawaz sharif phuddu should know that he was also made by establishment before showing too much teeth to the same establishment.
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So criticizing PML(N) and Nawaz Sharif for their Punjab centric policies means you are anti-Punjab. Lol great logic OP.
Just bring down PTI government in kpk with the help of jamiat ulma e islam and jamat e islami. PTI did not get simple majority in KPK they have no right to rule there, their rule in kpk is giving them unnecessary media projection. When a party is out of power no one cares about them because they are not in lime light. Also Nawaz sharif phuddu should know that he was also made by establishment before showing too much teeth to the same establishment.
This will give PTI an excuse, if they don't perform then they will be in a similar position as that of PPP. Its better to give them no escape route until the next elections.
This will give PTI an excuse, if they don't perform then they will be in a similar position as that of PPP. Its better to give them no escape route until the next elections.

This means that the modern PMLN lot has become the biggest beghairat in the history of pakistan, behaving cowardly and expecting everything will get in order automatically just to save the a** of pathetic phuddu nawaz sharif's coward personality, he should die with shame.
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So criticizing PML(N) and Nawaz Sharif for their Punjab centric policies means you are anti-Punjab. Lol great logic OP.
Every leader start development in those areas first where they get votes from and that's first priority of any political leader to come on expectation of those people or provinces who gave them mandate and why Nawaz and Shabaz should be exception? Would KPK minister do development in Sindh and Baluchistan ? Would they not concentrate more in areas where their MNA/PMA elected from? People should stop this attitude of jealousy that why train is running in lahore and not n peshawar or karachi and why motorway started from Punjab and then went to Peshawar . We should happy that these politician are doing something for public at least instead of putting money in their swiss bank. Its job of local minister to do work in Areas where people appointed him and its his job to bring issue of his people in national assemblies and there is no point of doing street politics to create enmity among people of different provinces by giving such public statements
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