Dude are you trolling or what?
You are trying so hard to prove that NE Indian states aren't landlocked by showing these incredible 1000 mile connections to Bihar and Myanmar, when in actual reality the markets for NE Indian agri/lumber/masonry products are within a hundred miles across the border to within Bangladesh in its factories. Today, NE India supplies clinker for our cement, timber and stone for construction, agri-products for a thriving Bangladeshi population.
However this also means that for now, NE India will remain a economically-captive hinterland for supplying simpler inputs for industrial export activity in Bangladesh.
In this way NE India will also remain economically dependent on Bangladesh and a convenient market for finished products, whether FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) such as, soap, shampoo, hair oil, fruit juice, soft drinks etc., or more sophisticated white goods appliance items like TVs, microwaves and refrigerators. The reason for this is simple - cost. Transport costs account a lot for these products, which will always be lower for Bangladeshi products within a few hundred miles of proximity and source. Compared to Indian factories 2000 miles away, Bangladeshi products can easily capture NE Indian markets, which although unsophisticated for now, will mature hopefully soon.
And the proclamations about Indian Navy training our Navy is simply a bunch of hot air. Ain't happening.