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"If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

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There is no doubt in anyone mind that they have the most powerful photoshop army in the world along with their allies from North Korea.

Here is another gem. It gives "Special Forces" a whole new meaning.

The "superpower's" soldiers in action:


Did they not just lose 11 border guards in an open desert against barefooted militias armed with a few rifles this very week?

KSA/GCC/Arab word/USA/West/Israel/entire world should be really scared. Those Mullah's are to be taken very seriously.

When was the last time that they won a single war? For the past many centuries they have been humiliated time and time again just as they are being humiliated for the past 39 years for the entire world to see.

A little reminder of their humiliations:

Poorsia has been the doormat of almost every power and people in the region. When they wanted it they took it and ruled it. Soon more "visitors" will arrive. Hopefully KSA and other Arab countries will be involved once again one way or another. It has become a quite ancient tradition after all. Arabs, Greeks, Turks, Mongols, Russians, West etc.

Today Arabs (Shia Arab Mullah's) are ruling them again.
Iran has lost a lot of good will & support in the muslim world, by funding and arming a dictator like al-assad who gasses his own people, children to death.

Assad is based specifically because he gasses islamists, that's the only language they understand.

Hope he continues with his pest removal until all the rebel scum are gone.
why are you hosting millions of jews? If you are such anenemy of israel kick millions of jews out of iran or stfu .
In prophet's hadith that you are abusing for your interests, never mentioned that Dijjal will rise from Iran. But yes he is a Jew from Isfahan and he will rise from Israel.
The Jews leaving Iran to Israel are our sworn enemies but the ones who stand up against Israel and burn it's flag, are our countrymen.
Why do you let the Jews live in Pakistan? How silly you are man :disagree:
You pakis have lost literally every war you've fought since your independence, at this point I think even Nepal could take you :D

And I never supported Iran having nukes, it paints too big a target on it, I'd rather have conventional missiles that we could actually use in a regular conflict.

A few Shahab-3 armed with anthrax fired on Lahore is more than enough to give you pakis the message.
:omghaha:, i literally dont knw what to say to this...
listen you both. pakistan will never allow both of you to create proxy war either in iran or in saudi territory..
iran & saudia have childish mindset in geostrategic politics.. if you both will keep on ignoring to pak. then pak will definitely take care her own interests rather then so called muslim uummaah.
Yeah use of chemical weapon was planned by west too .

There is plenty of evidence that the chemical weapons were used by the "rebels".

firing missiles at makkah was planned by west too .

Not absolving the Iranians and Houthis from blame.

iran could easily help Lebanese army butinstead they choose to arm hizbollah . of course because of their sect . stop pmay saint you arnt one .

The Lebanese government and Army were in bed with Israel, and had no interest in safeguarding Lebanese territory, or the people. Which is why besides Shias, other Lebanese Sunni Muslims, Christians and other minorities support Hezbollah, and are also part of the Hezbollah organization.

Stop looking at things from a sectarian angle, and try to put Pakistan first.

I have criticized Iran for their stances as well, just look through some other threads. Ask the Iranian members here how I've debated them.

But you just have blind hatred against Iran along sectarian lines.

I am proud Pakistan didn't participate in the Yemen war before. I still support Raheel Sharif in Saudi Arabia, but I think he needs to be careful this doesn't turn out to be a sectarian war. I am sure he won't let it become one, or will resign from his position if it does.
Assad is based specifically because he gasses islamists, that's the only language they understand.

Hope he continues with his pest removal until all the rebel scum are gone.
So u consider islam n islamists to be pests, guys heres the verdict for u, these iranians really are exposing themselves...
why are you hosting millions of jews? If you are such anenemy of israel kick millions of jews out of iran or stfu .

We are not fanatic like you !

We love Jews ...

So u consider islam n islamists to be pests, guys here the verdict for u, these iranians really are exposing themselves...

Yes ... Deal with that !!!
Shhh dont tell him that Awans are the ancestors of Hazrat Ali let these stupid fks think we are the ancestors of Hindus :lol:
Lol, i only said it agitate this vermin, im proud of all former indians now pakistani muslims who are the last becon of hope for the muslim world...
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