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You are most probably talking to a flase flag Pakistani, cause I have never seen a Jew Hating Indian, let alone a jew hating sikh. :lol:

Check out his anti Hindu tirade in the other thread, and you call yourself a Brahman o_O
you cant possibly know minds of every sikh, why generalize. 'Hindu hating' sikh or punjabi feeling racially superior is not really impossible, is it?
besides one should not call others false flag just like that. I have been called pakistani, muslim and what not. :p:
you cant possibly know minds of every sikh, why generalize. 'Hindu hating' sikh or punjabi feeling racially superior is not really impossible, is it?
besides one should not call others false flag just like that. I have been called pakistani, muslim and what not. :p:

Almost all pro Khalistani crap here on PDF is posted by Pakistani or false flag Pakistani, so I have reasons for my doubt, that plus his hate for Hindus.
you cant possibly know minds of every sikh, why generalize. 'Hindu hating' sikh or punjabi feeling racially superior is not really impossible, is it?
besides one should not call others false flag just like that. I have been called pakistani, muslim and what not. :p:

Aren't you a Bihari? He hates your kind
<--- This picture right here is a play on anti-semites and not an expression of antisemitism. I understand complex thoughts are a bit too difficult for you but please not resort to calling someone a "jew hating sikh". Even more insulting is your failure to capitalize Sikh, perhaps it is you that harbours negative feelings towards a particular community?

If I was like you I would start abusing Sikhs in retaliation for your anti Hindu tirades.
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If I was cunt like you I would start abusing Sikhs in retaliation for your anti Hindu tirades, but as I said, am not a cunt like you.

Enjoy that ban. Some of you fellas are very insecure about your beliefs and have massive projections. Please retaliate, the last time you did you cause the Muslims to create their own country and for us Sikhs to lose our Lahore.
You dark skinned monkey, Punjabi sounds much better than ure dravid hindi-tamil filth. I don't understand why a dark skin is even here, shame on you.
You don't know India very well my friend. If you are talking about skin and color a large number of Sikhs are black also and compare yourself with Haryana and Rajasthan if you want to. But you don't know about India, You don't know about Punjab and you don't know about even festivals.
Aren't you a Bihari? He hates your kind
well all I can say is sikhs might have contempt for fellow hindus and some chose to say it openly and some dont.
that does not make him pakistani.
Enjoy that ban. Some of you fellas are very insecure about your beliefs and have massive projections. Please retaliate, the last time you did you cause the Muslims to create their own country and for us Sikhs to lose our Lahore.

Says the guy who comes here with racist crap, calling Indian/Hindus "Dark Skinned Monkeys", only to step out on the streets of Canada to be racially abused :rofl:
Almost all pro Khalistani crap here on PDF is posted by Pakistani or false flag Pakistani, so I have reasons for my doubt, that plus his hate for Hindus.
he hates muslims equally that will make him a pakistani sikh then?
Says the guy who comes here with racist crap, calling Indians darkies, only to step out on the streets of Canada to be racially abused :rofl:

You are dark and I am fair. I get no racism in Canada, but as a darkskin you must get plenty in Australia
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I want Khalistan.......:D:D
people of the place has every right to decide where they belong.....:sniper:
You are dark and I am fair. I get no racism in Canada, but as a darkskin you must get plenty in Australia

PS that's my hand:

congrats on your fair skin. you got a bit girly hand though.. :lol:
Says the guy who comes here with racist crap, calling Indian/Hindus "Dark Skinned Monkeys", only to step out on the streets of Canada to be racially abused :rofl:

Punjabis have a lot of hangups about skin colour for some reason. This is equally true for both indian and pakistani punjabis. Dogras, Kashmiris, himachalis don't even think about it. Weird.
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