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South Indians are magnificently pale skinned. I mean Scandinavians born, breed, and died, in caves for generation are darker than South Indians.

Your statement is ridiculous. Lahore is the noor to our eyes and you say we make no claims to it as our capital.

I am a South Indian. And I know many other South Indians as well :rofl:

alright mate. I will leave you to it.
I am a South Indian. And I know many other South Indians as well :rofl:

alright mate. I will leave you to it.

I really should end my statements with an inverted question mark.

Thats not what google said, all the maps of the Khalistan movement end their claimed border well outside Lahore.....

Google is not a Sikh, I am. Khalistanis, even moderates, desire Lahore.
I am not victim mongering, I just just responding to the misinformation given by the guy I quoted, its a good thing I followed up with a google search otherwise I could have been embarrassed if I was discussing the Khalistan movement with some friends and gave the info the guy gave me....:coffee:

The fact is, Hindus/Indians aren't a special kind of evil. Same as with Pakistanis.

Humans are really good at giving pretexts or justification for their atrocities. Whether they be Hindu or a Muslim.

It's not like if Hindus were happy under Hindus as well. Dalits and other lower castes were discriminated against as well. Even worse than Muslims and other religions.
Such, such nonsense it really is. Literally the ONLY place i see the idea of Khalistan alive is on PDF and other PAKISTANI based sites. Okay after 1984 I could see the Khalistani cause gaining fresh momentum as the riots in Delhi were utterly utterly despicable but now in 2014? No a fat NO. The Sikhs who want Khalistan are either dead or in some other country but in India itself? Nope. I mean Sikhs are famed for their warrior spirit, do you really think that Punjab would be entirely at peace as it is today if the idea of Khalistan was still alive in the hearts of so many Sikhs? You don't think there'd be some sort of violence being committed by these "Khalistanis" in India? If some tribals in the jungles can do it surely Sikhs can? How many people have "Khalistanis" killed in India this year? or the year before? or this decade? Hmmm exactly 0.

Despite all this hatred for India in the Sikh community how many Sikhs visit India every year? How many Sikhs swell the Indian Military ranks? I won't reiterate the achiemvents of Indian Sikhs IN INDIA to date as i've done this soooo many times it is futile but let no one be under the impression 99% of Sikhs around the world consider India their homeland.

Certain Pakistani members- I would stop dreaming about "Khalistan", I guarantee it will NEVER happen, not in a million years.

The expert named @Pakistanisage wont reply to your post.
The fact is, Hindus/Indians aren't a special kind of evil. Same as with Pakistanis.

Humans are really good at giving pretexts or justification for their atrocities. Whether they be Hindu or a Muslim.

It's not like if Hindus were happy under Hindus as well. Dalits and other lower castes were discriminated against as well. Even worse than Muslims and other religions.

BS, British evil swine!
Went thru the whole thread and dint find 1 single logical argument. What a fucking waste of tym. :tsk:
hmm.. I am sure even if such a thing happens, the Sikhs would want Nankana Sahib and Lahore to be under their control..Who knows what will follow next.
South of Punjab= South India. Next your going to tell me Madrassi is an inappropriate term?

Yes. Because Madras no longer exists, and the Madras state was an amalgalm of the four Southern Indian states of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil nadu and Karnataka, each with their own distinct language, food and culture.

I fully expect your retort will be racial in nature as well.
I have a dream.

I have a dream that one day, PDf Forumites will be judged on their content of their character, not the colour of their skin.
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