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@Arya Desa 's hand disagrees :sarcastic:


Based on his hand, he can easily pass for hispanic
Well this is heartening, we've got our very own Indian origin skin head. :lol:
I would post my hand too but I'm afraid I've tanned a bit. Don't want anyone to be known as a darkie :fie:
But Arya Samaj was started by a Gujju, he cannot into white powaar :fie:

You sure his hand is white, maybe his hand has been whitened over the years through 'excessive' self inspection ;)
1. Proposed Khalistan consist of Pakistani Punjab with Lahore as it's capital.

2. Sikh are not exactly in love with Muslims and Islam.

Bullshit, the Sikhs make no claim to Lahore as their capital, albiet they do claim some parts of the greater Pakistani Punjab....
If you claim that the Sikhs dont have any love for Muslims or Islams then they have absolute hatred for Hindus and Hinduism because you have massacred, discriminated and abuse them under you government since independence....:coffee:
Idk m8, south Indians are porcelain skin tone.



Bullshit, the Sikhs make no claim to Lahore as their capital, albiet they do claim some parts of the greater Pakistani Punjab....
If you claim that the Sikhs dont have any love for Muslims or Islams then they have absolute hatred for Hindus and Hinduism because you have massacred, discriminated and abuse them under you government since independence....:coffee:

Calm down Rambo.

Let's not get into victim mongering here :coffee:
Why not stick to the topic and discredit it logically rather than trashing it. Just shows to prove that you have no logical explanation and take the easy way out..... :enjoy: :crazy: :P

As far as I know, majority Sikhs living in East Punjab don't want separate state or Punjab to be declared autonomous region.


South Indians are magnificently pale skinned. I mean Scandinavians born, breed, and died, in caves for generation are darker than South Indians.

Bullshit, the Sikhs make no claim to Lahore as their capital, albiet they do claim some parts of the greater Pakistani Punjab....
If you claim that the Sikhs dont have any love for Muslims or Islams then they have absolute hatred for Hindus and Hinduism because you have massacred, discriminated and abuse them under you government since independence....:coffee:

Your statement is ridiculous. Lahore is the noor to our eyes and you say we make no claims to it as our capital.
@Pakistanisage | Khalistan is against Pakistan's vital interests.

Indeed, as it includes both west and east Punjab.

''Like me, moderate Sikhs never supported 'Khalistan,''' says Pavitar Singh, a physician in Aurora, Ill. ''Now I have been pushed to the extreme.''

This is a dramatic shift for Sikhs outside of India, who until recently paid little attention to the separatists, observers say. The change was sparked in early June, when the Indian Army stormed the Golden Temple, the holiest Sikh shrine, to flush out armed Sikh militants whom it said were running a terrorist operation from the temple. In the process, hundreds of Sikhs were killed.

These reactions - in Sikh communities outside of India - are extremely important, says Professor La Brack. In the past, successful Sikh immigrants have funneled huge amounts of money back to relatives in the country. The World Sikh Organization has raised approximately $2 million to peacefully promote Sikh separatism, Mr. Bhullar says. At the temple in Palatine, about $60,000 has been raised for the families of Sikh victims in India. Individual donations have been substantial. Dr. Singh of Aurora has enrolled some 25 members in a Sikh professional group he is forming. Annual dues: $2,000.

Interesting in these highlighted, let's ignore Indian trolling here.

Article posted in 1984 being posted now?
Calm down Rambo.
Let's not get into victim mongering here

I am not victim mongering, I just just responding to the misinformation given by the guy I quoted, its a good thing I followed up with a google search otherwise I could have been embarrassed if I was discussing the Khalistan movement with some friends and gave the info the guy gave me....:coffee:
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