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If it comes down to this, will Pak-Army kill its own people?

Will Pak Army shot & kill its own people?

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You can show whatever you want, middle finger , index finger, thumb or some other finger . It won't change the facts

I am sure, India Army will start to kill their own people in New Delhi and violence will increase soon after rapist cases, cast systems, Maoist complex, Sikhs issues, Tamils, and terrorisms. :)
Walk like a Pakistani?

Saturday, August 17, 2013
From Print Edition

In 2012, when Hillary Clinton visited Egypt, she was greeted by protesters waving banners that said ‘Egypt will never be like Pakistan’. At the time it seemed as if this was a derisive statement but recent events in Egypt have proved that it was really one of despair combined with envy. After seeing the horrific events unfolding on the streets of Cairo, I must say that it is an unfortunate loss for Egypt that it cannot be like Pakistan.

Pakistan suffered four military regimes but democracy bounced back with vigour each time. The previous government, despite being extremely unpopular, completed its full five-year term. The military, to its credit, refused to repeat its past mistakes and did not interfere in politics. The way thousands of peaceful demonstrators were massacred in Egypt is unimaginable. So with sympathy for the Egyptians, I must say: thank God Pakistan is not like Egypt.

Ahmed Zaheer

Walk like a Pakistani? - thenews.com.pk
Well PA have killed their own people in 1971 civil war, so yes its not only a possibility but a reality.
This is subjective. What does 'own people' mean? Does it not include the Baloch too? As per published historical records, in the 70s the Pak armed forces launched a massive operation employing the army and air force in Balochistan. According to some authors, the Pakistani military lost 300 to 400 soldiers during the conflict with the Balochi separatists, while between 7,300 and 9,000 Balochi militants and civilians were killed.

Now the question is: were all these people insurgents/terrorists from another nation or were they Pakistanis? Obviously the Balochis are Pakistanis and therefore it comes about that the PA killed its own people, hundreds of them civilians.

However, things have changed vastly and it would be naive to suggest that the PA would do what the Egyptians are doing. That is not an option for the army anymore. However, there will always be collateral damage during operations being conducted by the PA in NW Pakistan but that doesn't mean targeting civilians on purpose like the Egyptian army is doing today.
Walk like a Pakistani?

Saturday, August 17, 2013
From Print Edition

In 2012, when Hillary Clinton visited Egypt, she was greeted by protesters waving banners that said ‘Egypt will never be like Pakistan’. At the time it seemed as if this was a derisive statement but recent events in Egypt have proved that it was really one of despair combined with envy. After seeing the horrific events unfolding on the streets of Cairo, I must say that it is an unfortunate loss for Egypt that it cannot be like Pakistan.

Pakistan suffered four military regimes but democracy bounced back with vigour each time. The previous government, despite being extremely unpopular, completed its full five-year term. The military, to its credit, refused to repeat its past mistakes and did not interfere in politics. The way thousands of peaceful demonstrators were massacred in Egypt is unimaginable. So with sympathy for the Egyptians, I must say: thank God Pakistan is not like Egypt.

Ahmed Zaheer

Walk like a Pakistani? - thenews.com.pk

here is the thing, we have not faced a similar situation as Egypt is facing, we never reisisted coup, so the question remains what our army will do?

majority ofcourse believe it wont.
there is a criminal silence from our Taliban sympathizers crowd on Arab armies who open their sentence against the Pakistan army regarding its fight with the TTP

as far as the poll is concerned

the question is very innocent

the answer is

the army has taken the oath of protecting the country
so whoever threatens the state internal or external, it will fight it

but what it must not do is start doing the duties of the Police. (like in East Pakistan) its the job of the Police and civil administration.

lol... holier than thou. Have you ever read the Oath or tried to understand it? secondly did you ever see the oath taking ceremonies of Elected representatives and representatives of the state or are they just assumed to have bad intention?
lol... holier than thou. Have you ever read the Oath or tried to understand it? secondly did you ever see the oath taking ceremonies of Elected representatives and representatives of the state or are they just assumed to have bad intention?

goes without saying, oath and actions go in different tangents, while we are at it I hear that doctors also have some similar oath of serving the humanity.

, yes read the oath, recited it and understood it very well, oh by the way, talking about oath its down to the officer how he interprets it. so a commander decided to open fire in Tehrir square and he got the seal of approval from his KSA brothers that Egyptian army has served Islam, saved Egypt and the Arab ideology.

coming back to Pak army, its already in a fight with its own people who are not Indians, Israelis, Ugandan or Zimbabweans but have made a habit of turning schools into human slaughter houses so yes, as far as I know FATA and Sawat are also part of Pakistan so question is outdated, Pak army IS killing its own people whether it is doing the right thing or not depends on who you ask.
No they won't, simple example is the recent lawyer's movement. Some people are are using 71 as an example which obviously is dishonest on their part as there is a difference between armed separatist movement backed by one's enemies and a popular and peaceful protest for change in country's system.

Pak military--if it is ordered to do a job----must do that job. Rioters, saboteurs, anti state elements, those who destroy state property, they all need to be taken out.

Pakistan desperately needs a blue start like operation.
Speaking from a professionalism standpoint -- Egyptian Fauj is in a very difficult place between a rock and a hard place; a lot of the people here in Pakistan who blindly rally behind their Muslim Brotherhood brothers dont realize that not all those "protesters" have been peaceful

many regular jawans and even officers (including 2 Cols and a Maj Gen last week) have been killed by violent mobs; in some cases their dead bodies stripped naked and kicked around (HARAM)

but despite all that - the use of lethal force i think has been too heavy handed and many cases where it was not justified (based at least on videos i've seen on YouTube, none of us knows full picture). I know if I were a soldier in a situation like that and a mob were throwing rocks at me or fellow soldiers and in some cases firing live ammunition, i'd either show my rifle and posture ---or if needed, kill the bastard before he killed me. That's just instinct, nothing less!

if --God forbid -- we found ourself in that situation and the most difficult decision (Emergency Rule or Martial Law) was made --- then there would be curfews, any armed individuals would be targeted. Those attacking holy places of worship (including Churches or Shrines) would be shot. Those waving al qaeda black flags would be arrested and/or killed if need be.

That's just the way it is. When and where possible, they should be using non-lethal force. In the west they have shotguns that fire bean-bag bullets, those are very effective. They hurt but they dont kill (though they can kill if they hit you in the wrong place). If someone is clearly un-armed and just in a crowd of people, using bird-shot or sniper ammo on him is excessive.

I hope saner councils prevail in Egypt. The blood-shedding is extremely a heart-breaker. Especially for someone like me who has visited and spent a short time in Egypt (Qahhira and Eskendreyya) and has many friends over there.

Bottom line --> my answer to this thread is "yes"

please change the thread title to "Would Pakistan Kill Its Own People In an Egypt-like Anarchy Situation"

the title at the moment is deceiving and would only invite annoying flies (trolls)
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People of Pakistan loves it's Army and Army loves people of Pakistan

that's true...and no soldier -- any real soldier -- would fire on his own people

it's his worst feeling and worst nightmare if he is forced to do that. But if given the order --based on the premise that:

--his life or safety is in danger

--his fellow soldier's life is in danger

--anti-state activity is taking place and there's no other way to end it

then its of course justified (to kill them--even if its people he swore to protect)

but these are just wild hypothetical situations......Pakistan Army is with the people because it is made from the people of Pakistan. No such thing will ever happen in Pakistan -- EVER.

OP is assuming Pak army is a monolith.It is not....no army is....it constitutes of many people who think differently.If Pak turns out to be like Egypt some members of the army will kill its own people some will refrain and some will revolt!

With all due respect -- we saw it in Bangladesh but it would never happen in Pakistan Army.

And Pakistan Army is not so stupid that it would get into such a predicament; despite Pakistan's ills - dictatorships always met an eventual demise, whether they were civilian or military. Given that the institutions are becoming stronger, we have no need for violent revolutions.
just a poll to get an idea.

if Egypt like situation comes to Pakistan, will Pakistan Army do the same?


Its a public poll.

opinions are also welcome

i dont think so.....i have few reasons for this....

1-Pak Army is already engaged in no of wars and threats on borders with India then Afghanistan then USA etc

2- Believe it or not but Pakistani ppl and society is much more educated,vocal and independent than that present in many arab countries...no offence but just visit their lands and see and compare our Media,society etc....you will see a difference! i was even told that its nearly impossible for their Media to report anything against Da Royals!...no liberty there!

3- We already had many Marshal Laws and ppl saw the results so i dont think so our society will ever support it again....

4- Pak Army would never do that to their ppl :no: not atleast the present one!

5- and lastly our Army dont need to do that cus our politicians are already doing it with the public indirectly or directly...i.e economically,politically,socially etc etc:tongue:

actually egyptians should take page out of pakistan's history, army turning guns on it's own people never ends well for the army...

4- Pak Army would never do that to their ppl :no: not atleast the present one!
They did it in esat pakistan, what mes you think the "present" are any better!
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