Another fact is taking out a rebellion or militant group is not as same as taking out its own people. my point of question was with reference to a situation created in Egypt, that an elected government is overthrown by military and people of egypt are resisting the coup... God forbid if same happens in Pakistan, and people go out on streets to restore their elected representative (unlike 99 coup and others), will our army open fire like Sissi is doing?
As per Muhammad Abu Zahra (18981974) an Egyptian public intellectual, scholar of Islamic law, and author who also served as a member of al-Azhar's Academy of Islamic Research, Al-Sisi's current rule in Egypt fulfils the conditions of Ahl-sunnah Wal Jama rule of law and is the legitimate Muslim Ruler. The MB opposing the current rule are basically equivalent to khawarijs and the ones dying are dying a death of Jahil which basically means are dying as kafirs.
In line with the Islamic Sharia and Ahl-sunnah was Jama prospective. Muhammad Abu Zahra's stand is in line with Sheikh Ahmed Ibn Taymiah and Imam Ibn Hanbal's (and the majority of Ulema's) stand point.
Islamic Paksitan's situation is no different. No so called muslim has a rigth to take up arms and fight against the government of Paksitan and the Paksitan Army. Any muslim and specially Ahle-Sunnat and Jamat, be it ahl-hadees, brailve, deobandi, quranees, wahabi, salafi, if they adhere to the philosophy of the sheikhs of Islam as referenced above can claim to fight the pakistan army and the government in power (be it civilian or military). Take a lesson from Egypt, any one using 'Muslims' using arms, terrorism or violence (TTP and the terrorist in Blauchistan, Sindh and elsewhere) are to be checked by the Paksitan Army and these 'Muslims' will die 'Jahil's and 'kafirs'.
So save Pakistani assets, people and their properties. Do not take up arms unless you want to die as infidels. Each and every Pakistani be it muslim, christan, hindu or belonging to another religion, minority has equal right in Pakistan.
Current law and order situation in Pakistan is government's responsibility and any degradation of law and order situation does not justify arms struggle and is deemed unislamic. Peaceful protest without any form of violence by people (even down to blocking roads, tyre burnings on the roads let alone arms struggle) needs to be checked by the paksitan armay and the violent protestors/arms groups who die in the process confronting the Pakistan Army/authorities will die Jahils and kafirs as per Islamic Jurisprudence.