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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

There's a lot of bizarre kids in Gaza with bizarre haircuts, I could post dozens of pictures, get lost loon.


Al-Sisi meets congressional delegation in Egypt - Daily News Egypt

Their relationship is actually perfectly fine, and they get further support from Gulf nations who are very anti-Hamas for some odd reason.
The sanctions are still on. In fact America and the west backed off when they realized how determined Egyptians and other Arabs to protect Egypt. Look out the news plz.
You should wake up and be realistic, the US did support the MB, it hadn't even criticized any move by Morsi to seize all legislative power, including the ones that limit women or press freedom, while they used to criticize everything Mubarak or Sisi do. They reduced cooperation with Egypt, and cut off their arm aid. They tried to isolate Egypt and impose much tougher sanctions on Egypt if it wasn't for the GCC and other Arabs who strongly stood up for them.

Here we go with this again, Morsi never seized all power, otherwise this military coup wouldn't have happened, and that's the only reason he would get legislative power. You're ignoring that the parliament which approves all legislation was majority liberals/other non MB representatives. Meanwhile, there weren't restrictions on women or press freedom, I was in Egypt and nothing changed at all. LOL! What sanctions are you talking?! :lol:

Egypt wasn't isolated at all, the gulf is completely hand in hand with the US, had the US been against the military coup they would prevent the gulf from giving military aid and tens of billions which was all taken by corrupt Egyptian military leadership. :lol:

As I said, the US should has to appear as an honest broker in front of the international world, same way they tell the world they're honest broker in I/P conflict yet completely destroying the Palestinian cause at the same time!

Do you want me to show you what US sources, people's, and Israeli leaders have said about Sisi? They love him!
Here we go with this again, Morsi never seized all power, otherwise this military coup wouldn't have happened, and that's the only reason he would get legislative power. You're ignoring that the parliament which approves all legislation was majority liberals/other non MB representatives. Meanwhile, there weren't restrictions on women or press freedom, I was in Egypt and nothing changed at all. LOL! What sanctions are you talking?! :lol:

Egypt wasn't isolated at all, the gulf is completely hand in hand with the US, had the US been against the military coup they would prevent the gulf from giving military aid and tens of billions which was all taken by corrupt Egyptian military leadership. :lol:

As I said, the US should has to appear as an honest broker in front of the international world, same way they tell the world they're honest broker in I/P conflict yet completely destroying the Palestinian cause at the same time!

Do you want me to show you what US sources, people's, and Israeli leaders have said about Sisi? They love him!
As you like, I'm too lazy to get you sanctions-related news because I know you are as stubborn as the mule, we've a lot of them in Jordan.o_O

No offense to you my friend hazzy، disagreement doesn't damage goodwill :cheers:
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As you like, I'm too lazy to get you sanctions-related news because I know you are as stubborn as the mule, we've a lot of them in Jordan.o_O

There's no sanctions cousin, they just temporarily delayed half of the military deliveries which have been resumed already a couple months back. :lol:
Give me the source..:pop:

I just did, lol, our defense secretary just did this a few months ago...

You're closer to me than you think, Jordanians, Syrians, Palestinians and Egyptians are closer together than with gulf. I don't get why all this tension, it's because ruling monarchies feel threatened by popular MB movements, the 'terrorism' thing doesn't exist. MB can be successful in many places because they're message is popular and they fight corruption. So this mans solution is to start killing hundreds of people in cold blood and arrest anyone protesting in streets and give them penalty of 'terrorism'. This is a joke man, I've been to Egypt while I was in the airport all the televisions were displaying government media with 'fighting terrorism' 24/7 headline. Even me, some Egyptians were staring me at me because I had a beard and shaved mustache. :lol:

At a luxury hotel too. :D

Some people are really dumb, or maybe they thought I was handsome. :D

I know you aren't this overboard with arguments people try to make, you know yourself we're closer to each other than gulf Arabs. Average Egyptian soldiers are fine btw, but they take orders of leadership. Every single Palestinian was pulled over at checkpoint in Egypt including me and any American Palestinian. They target them in Al-Arish it's ridiculous and me and my father went to joke around with them they gave us tea and we sat next to them and they themselves even said we don't know what's going on. They wished luck for both our people's.

The region is being re-drawn and 'palestinians' in Gaza are finding their only friend is an Iranian regime that cares not how many of them are killed.

Meanwhile, even those 'palestinians' in Judea & Samaria are finding it hard to care for Gazans any longer.

What a monumental miscalculation by Hamas :lol: imagine if Iran was not so obsessed with Israel, they would have dropped you too for fighting against Assad.

You literally just get banned! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:

Remember this guy? :D

You see? I'm closer to you than you think. I used to listen to him but as I became more religious I stopped listening to music. :P
He wasn't implying Palestinians will use them to attack Israel, it's the opposite. You don't commit further aggression then there's no need to use Israeli weapons. There was never a case where Israel was defending itself. It goes on the offensive and US funding encourages Israel to attack it's neighbors because they give them an advantage.
You are talking like Gaza is some kind of Monaco that everyone wants to capture. But its nothing but useless place crowded with extremist population.

Israel captured Gaza in 1956 and Egypt did not want to take it back. So we pulled out voluntarily.

We again captured it in 1967 and when we signed peace with Egypt in 1977 they again did not want to take it back.

All we want from Gaza is that they wont fire rockets at us.

Back to topic.
Israel must stop being a colonial power. Bunch of barbarians.
You are talking like Gaza is some kind of Monaco that everyone wants to capture. But its nothing but useless place crowded with extremist population.

Israel captured Gaza in 1956 and Egypt did not want to take it back. So we pulled out voluntarily.

We again captured it in 1967 and when we signed peace with Egypt in 1977 they again did not want to take it back.

All we want from Gaza is that they wont fire rockets at us.

Back to topic.

Egypt isn't the occupier of Gaza, it's not going to give Israel a free pass. Israel attacks Gaza for political gains since it's right wing survives off violence and more and more settlements. Otherwise there would have been liberals in power if Israel cannot remind its population there's a threat from Gaza.

Gaza doesn't have extremists, maybe a couple thousand that's all who don't get say in the Palestinian society and everybody else is moderate. Striving for independence doesn't make you am extremist.
You would have never gotten that money had the US not approved of it, and already went to corrupt Egyptian military leadership. The money hasn't went in the economy at all. A Kuwait parliament member stated this on live tv and your military leadership was vacationing in London.

Sometimes you're just incredibly silly..........

As for Qatar, they're also incredibly silly.

Egypt's FOREX rise to $17.3bn in February - Economy - Business - Ahram Online

Egyptian pound value rises following influx of aid from Gulf - Economy - Business - Ahram Online

Buoyed by Gulf aid, Egypt current account hits surplus - Daily News Egypt

Gulf funds push foreign reserves to highest levels since November 2011 - Daily News Egypt

Nothing's silly about it. :D

The Army and the Economy in Egypt

Should the production of pasta, mineral water, butane gas cylinders, and gas station services qualify as classified military secrets? And does discussing these enterprises in public pass as a crime of high treason? The leaders of the Egyptian Armed Forces believe the answer is “yes.”

Until this very day, the role of the military establishment in the economy remains one of the major taboos in Egyptian politics. Over the past thirty years, the army has insisted on concealing information about its enormous interests in the economy and thereby keeping them out of reach of public transparency and accountability. The Egyptian Armed Forces owns a massive segment of Egypt’s economy—twenty-five to forty percent, according to some estimates. In charge of managing these enterprises are the army’s generals and colonels, notwithstanding the fact that they lack the relevant experience, training, or qualifications for this task.

The military’s economic interests encompass a diverse range of revenue-generating activities, including the selling and buying of real estate on behalf of the government, domestic cleaning services, running cafeterias, managing gas stations, farming livestock, producing food products, and manufacturing plastic table covers. All this information is readily available on the websites of relevant companies and factories, which publicly and proudly disclose that they belong to the army. Yet for some reason the military establishment insists on outlawing any public mention of these activities.

Why is the budget of the Egyptian army above public transparency and accountability? Is it because it is exclusively concerned with national defense and thus must remain classified? Not really.

It is certainly true that one part of the Egyptian army’s budget is concerned with defense-related activities, such as the procurement or co-production of weaponry. These activities, however, hardly have anything to do with the “classified” part of the army’s budget. As a matter of fact, information about many of these budgetary items is readily available in public records. That is because such items are mainly concerned with Egypt’s joint endeavors with a foreign partner that is legally obligated to disclose to its own citizens a full account of its activities, including military aid and arms deals (or co-production of military equipment) with countries like Egypt. This partner is, of course, the United States government, which grants the Egyptian army an annual 1.3 billion USD in aid through its Foreign Military Financing program. Reports on official US government websites, such as that of the Government Accountability Office, Department of State, Department of Defense, and Congress, provide data on US arms sales to Egypt and military equipment that the United States helped produce in Egyptian military factories.

The part of the military’s budget that is kept secret has little to do with national defense and more with the huge profits the army accrues from the production of non-military goods and services. In other words, these budgetary items have to do with: how many bags of pasta and bottled water were sold last month; how much money “Wataniyya”, the military’s gas station, generated last year; how many houses “Queen”, the military’s cleaning services company, attended to this month and how many nurseries the same company is in charge of running; how many truckloads of fresh beef have the military’s high-tech slaughterhouses in East Uwaynat sold this year; how many cabins they managed to rent out in the north coast Sidi Crir resort last summer; and how many apartments they sold in Kuliyyat al-Banat residential buildings and at what price? All these items together make up the “classified” part of the army’s budget, which the military establishment insistently keeps off the public record and out of the reach of parliamentary and public deliberation as well as oversight. Attempting to discuss the army’s so-called classified activities in public could result in military prosecution and trial, because these are, supposedly, “national security secrets” that Egypt’s rivals—like Israel—must not find out about.

This article examines the hidden role of the military in Egypt’s economy and how it tends to take on the form of economic activities for which the army is unfit and that steer the military establishment away from its principal obligations, namely advancing national defense and protecting the country’s borders. Of greater concern is how many of the army’s leaders have entered into networks of corruption and unlawful partnerships with private capital. The discussion that follows does not rely on classified sources, and is based on public information available in the news media, and the websites of the military-owned companies along with the job and marketing ads they publish.

Egypt isn't the occupier of Gaza, it's not going to give Israel a free pass. Israel attacks Gaza for political gains since it's right wing survives off violence and more and more settlements. Otherwise there would have been liberals in power if Israel cannot remind its population there's a threat from Gaza.

Gaza doesn't have extremists, maybe a couple thousand that's all who don't get say in the Palestinian society and everybody else is moderate. Striving for independence doesn't make you am extremist.
Egypt occupied Gaza till 1967 and they dont want it back. Israel also gave up Gaza voluntarily twise since no one wants to take it: in 1957 and in 2005. We dont wont it back even if u pay us.

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