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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

There is no occupation, but the despicable 'palestinians' are such a lying, devious, malicious entity and have been all of their miserable existence.

The snivelling little shits whinge and whine to the world about their 'misery'. They cry about how they aren't allowed cement into Gaza - so Israel decides that building materials will be allowed in. Maybe the despicable entity have changed? ...but no.

What do these despicable people do with the building materials? build a multi-million dollar tunnel into Israel. That's right, these poor little 'palestinians' spending Millions of dollars on a terrorist tunnel into Israel.

So Israel restricts materials again.

The despicable entity then whinge & whine again to the international community about lack of building materials - and they have the audacity to hide their terrorist weapons under the pretence of building materials.

So not only are they using the materials for terrorism, they're hiding their weapons in them too.

So from now on, I don't want to see a grain of sand let alone any cement heading to the entity. Let them build with spit and mud.

The only thing that can go through is some dry bread. That's it.


Of course their is a occupation,, turning up in the middle east claming to be more middle eastern then the middle easterners is a atrocious act of colonialism

It was only because of holocaust guilt you got away with it,

It took over 100 years for muslims to defeat and kick out the crusaders,,, so dont you worry your little jew head about it,,

Your actions, your crimes will ensure we hate your guts and keep at you until the Palestinians are free
He has to do this because gulf nations and Israel/US are demanding it from him. When he gets elected he will slowly cut down on it. The Egyptian people and military stand with Palestinians, they soon will see who these gulf countries are and realize what they want out of Egypt.
first of all the relations with the US are getting worse everyone can see this they choose the brotherhood they lose
gulf countries are good friends i as Egyptian cant ask for more they backed us in every way they can while we were looking for friends and found none
every country tried to make Egypt another syria will pay the US turkey qatar and their friends
the Egyptian people and military are on the side of Egypt we have problems everywhere economy political unrest the dam problem with ethiopia
first of all the relations with the US are getting worse everyone can see this they choose the brotherhood they lose
gulf countries are good friends i as Egyptian cant ask for more they backed us in every way they can while we were looking for friends and found none
every country tried to make Egypt another syria will pay the US turkey qatar and their friends
the Egyptian people and military are on the side of Egypt we have problems everywhere economy political unrest the dam problem with ethiopia
I think relations with the US will repair themselves after Obama leaves.

Israel lobbied for the US not to support MB and not to stop aid to Egypt.

Obama is useless on foreign policy and just couldn't make up his mind.

I can only hope that Egypt decides to get closer to Jordan and Israel in the coming years as it's obvious Iran's intentions are not for the good of Egypt and neither is Hamas.
first of all the relations with the US are getting worse everyone can see this they choose the brotherhood they lose
gulf countries are good friends i as Egyptian cant ask for more they backed us in every way they can while we were looking for friends and found none
every country tried to make Egypt another syria will pay the US turkey qatar and their friends
the Egyptian people and military are on the side of Egypt we have problems everywhere economy political unrest the dam problem with ethiopia


You would have never gotten that money had the US not approved of it, and already went to corrupt Egyptian military leadership. The money hasn't went in the economy at all. A Kuwait parliament member stated this on live tv and your military leadership was vacationing in London.
first of all the relations with the US are getting worse everyone can see this they choose the brotherhood they lose
gulf countries are good friends i as Egyptian cant ask for more they backed us in every way they can while we were looking for friends and found none
every country tried to make Egypt another syria will pay the US turkey qatar and their friends
the Egyptian people and military are on the side of Egypt we have problems everywhere economy political unrest the dam problem with ethiopia

Your in a mess because your idiots,,, the same people who have been ruling egypt for half a century instigated a coup and continue to rule you today, like kings.. The GCC also rule their people like kings hence the affinity with Al-Sisi

Your going to continue being in a mess until you stop being idiots

I can only hope that Egypt decides to get closer to Jordan and Israel in the coming years as it's obvious Iran's intentions are not for the good of Egypt and neither is Hamas.

This is a old jew mistake that they have paid for many times in the past,, picking and supporting a side that oppresses its people because its beneficial for the jews,, millions of your kind have been wiped out because of mistakes such as these
Wait, you're from Pakistan?

The country where the citizens blow themselves up amongst their own people? :lol:
No from a country where they kill innocent women and children and whine when the kids throw just a stone at them..oh no wait..that's where you're from!:D

Noones buying it,so don't waste your time with this BS propaganda!
This doesn't make sense that Iran would import weapons made in Syria back to Iran and make it stop at Iraq. Iran has a working military industry, they could just produce the weapons there and send them straight to Sudan to save time and effort. This is not how Iran would arm the Palestinian resistance fighters. Sounds more like a group in Syria was selling weapons but not sure how it could reach Gaza either since most tunnels are destroyed and there's a siege and naval blockade. Doesn't sound like an Iranian operation to me.

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