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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

I dont know why the gulfies complain about Iran using Hamas. Iran is not using anyone. We have an alliance, because we share the same goals. And the goals are to eradicate the Zionist state and make Zionism unsustainable.
If it is of such great concern to gulfies, why dont you arm the Palestinians yourselves and cut Iran off from the equation?
The answer is simple and two fold.
1: You dont produce weapons yourselves. You are supplied by America (and pay overprice as ****)
2: If you give weapons made from the US, they would cut you off.

Furthermore, Iran has military tactics and strategists. They can look at previous experiences and revise their strategies.
This is something KSA/GCC is NOT capable of. Period.
I have said this 1000 times before. KSA is an entirely different entity than Iran and it can never be a strategic substitute for the Palestinians, if Iran wasnt there.
Its simple. Iran is the only strategic depth Palestinian resistance fighters can rely on.

They say that 'use Gaza' thing to make us feel worse about ourselves. :lol:

In reality it's nonsense because I just gave one of them a statistic in 2013 which he's yet to respond to. They don't want us being able to defend ourselves.

Not just that btw, even though Iran hasn't been in a major urban war(very densely populated), they train Hamas and close combat urban warfare and they're very good at it. This time Hamas learned Israel's strategy in ground invasion(Fire shells, missiles, bullets anywhere towards source of fire even if it kills a whole other family or destroys a home far away they stay hundreds of meters away like cowards and kill civilians.), so next time Hamas is prepared to give them heavy fire and many ambushes. If Israelis entered Gaza they wouldn't know what hit them it's like beavers that pop out of their little holes that's what they will encounter. :lol: :P
It's time for Israel to tighten the blockade of Gaza.

Make it a choking blockade.
It's time for Israel to tighten the blockade of Gaza.

Make it a choking blockade.

Israel still occupies Gaza and prevents the economy from functioning. There's no way weapons could be smuggled through border crossings, so why does Israel close them? They did it before Hamas was democratically elected. Because they want Palestinians to live a miserable life until all of them decide to pack their bags and leave their land and that won't ever happen you coward.
It's time for Israel to tighten the blockade of Gaza.

Make it a choking blockade.

Yes, you also need a soloution for what israel calls the "Palestinian problem"..

You need a soloution,...... a final soloution
Hamas on seizure of Iranian arms ship: Silly joke - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Israeli navy seized a ship in the Red Sea on Wednesday that was carrying dozens of advanced Iranian-supplied rockets made in Syria and intended for Palestinian guerrillas in the Gaza Strip, the military said. Hamas dismissed the Israeli announcement as a "silly joke".

"This is a new Israeli lie aimed to justify and prolong the blockade of Gaza," said Taher Al-Nono, an advisor of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. (Reuters)

Israel still occupies Gaza and prevents the economy from functioning. There's no way weapons could be smuggled through border crossings, so why does Israel close them? They did it before Hamas was democratically elected. Because they want Palestinians to live a miserable life until all of them decide to pack their bags and leave their land and that won't ever happen you coward.
There is no occupation, but the despicable 'palestinians' are such a lying, devious, malicious entity and have been all of their miserable existence.

The snivelling little shits whinge and whine to the world about their 'misery'. They cry about how they aren't allowed cement into Gaza - so Israel decides that building materials will be allowed in. Maybe the despicable entity have changed? ...but no.

What do these despicable people do with the building materials? build a multi-million dollar tunnel into Israel. That's right, these poor little 'palestinians' spending Millions of dollars on a terrorist tunnel into Israel.

So Israel restricts materials again.

The despicable entity then whinge & whine again to the international community about lack of building materials - and they have the audacity to hide their terrorist weapons under the pretence of building materials.

So not only are they using the materials for terrorism, they're hiding their weapons in them too.

So from now on, I don't want to see a grain of sand let alone any cement heading to the entity. Let them build with spit and mud.

The only thing that can go through is some dry bread. That's it.

Yes, you also need a soloution for what israel calls the "Palestinian problem"..

You need a soloution,...... a final soloution

You're going to get yourself banned once again. :lol:
Once again, thanks for harassing me just for stating my personal opinion :smart:
Kid, it's getting old, these weapons serve as an deterrent to protect Palestinian citizens from any future Israeli aggression. I already told you more people were killed in the West Bank than in Gaza during 2013. What does that mean? That means you're a pathetic fucking hater and liar.

He has to do this because gulf nations and Israel/US are demanding it from him. When he gets elected he will slowly cut down on it. The Egyptian people and military stand with Palestinians, they soon will see who these gulf countries are and realize what they want out of Egypt.

Couldn't agree more, Palestinians won't accept another massacre as the one in 2009 which was by definition and unjustified massacre after Israel broke the cease fire. They are absolutely entitled to acquire weapons to serve as a deterrence. They can't get high quality defensive weapons because those would be attacked long before they reach Gaza because Israel doesn't strictly want to 'defend' itself, it wants to go on the aggression and test weapons and use Gaza as it's political field and Palestinians won't accept these brutal attacks.
Once again, thanks for harassing me just for stating my personal opinion :smart:

There's no harassment here, I'm speaking the reality you're speaking gibberish. You weren't stating an 'opinion', go learn what an opinion is doofus.
Hazzy can't comprehend that not everyone shares his gay-hanging, terrorism against civilians point of view.
Hazzy can't comprehend that not everyone shares his gay-hanging, terrorism against civilians point of view.

You're so childish, country which spends over 6% of GDP(not to mention $3 billion military aid annually) to kill defenseless Palestinians wants to lecture people on morality. I support freedom to occupied people's, every God loving human on this earth does.
I'm wondering if a message to Iran needs to be sent.

Perhaps retiring some more nuclear scientists.

He wasn't implying Palestinians will use them to attack Israel, it's the opposite. You don't commit further aggression then there's no need to use Israeli weapons. There was never a case where Israel was defending itself. It goes on the offensive and US funding encourages Israel to attack it's neighbors because they give them an advantage.

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