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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

Keep trying iran,,,

Gaza must be given the ability to fight back and defend itself...

The biggest problem has always been that israel could attack the Gaza or the Palestinians with impunity knowing that at most it would face an unguided rockets or two that would be lucky to hit a important target..

Hezbollah, Hamas need weaponery to hurt israel, if during an israeli attack israeli cities are put under siege the cost to them may out way the benfit of any war

In the mean time keep increasing the muslim.arab population in israel/gaza and west bank
Hussain sucking on the teat of Iran and the Shia. ^^^^

Why are they doomed? What did they do wrong? Give weapons to their ally? This isn't the first time they've supported Palestine.

How many more examples do you need to see that God is not on your side?
Has the Dolphin sub taken any part in this operation?
I guess they were used in gathering intelligence.

Off topic, I heard you guys are ordering more? Is that true? How much does it cost anyway?
We have currently 3 Dolphins.

2 Dolphins with AIP are going to enter service this year.
1 more Dolphin is ordered.

Israel payed 847 million $ for 2 subs and 644 million $ for 6th sub.

Iran doesn't give a fuzz about Hamas. They are using it is a geo-political strategic asset to keep Israel in check. I just feel sorry for the average Palestinian citizens as well as the Israelis. They're the only ones paying for this.
Iran uses Hamas to increase popularity in Arab world. But after Syria all that is gone.
Iran doesn't give a fuzz about Hamas. They are using it is a geo-political strategic asset to keep Israel in check. I just feel sorry for the average Palestinian citizens as well as the Israelis. They're the only ones paying for this.

Kid, it's getting old, these weapons serve as an deterrent to protect Palestinian citizens from any future Israeli aggression. I already told you more people were killed in the West Bank than in Gaza during 2013. What does that mean? That means you're a pathetic fucking hater and liar.

I think Sisi will crack down on Hamas, and force them to accept Israel's demands. Egypt has already banned Hamas. Things are not looking good.

He has to do this because gulf nations and Israel/US are demanding it from him. When he gets elected he will slowly cut down on it. The Egyptian people and military stand with Palestinians, they soon will see who these gulf countries are and realize what they want out of Egypt.

Keep trying iran,,,

Gaza must be given the ability to fight back and defend itself...

The biggest problem has always been that israel could attack the Gaza or the Palestinians with impunity knowing that at most it would face an unguided rockets or two that would be lucky to hit a important target..

Hezbollah, Hamas need weaponery to hurt israel, if during an israeli attack israeli cities are put under siege the cost to them may out way the benfit of any war

In the mean time keep increasing the muslim.arab population in israel/gaza and west bank

Couldn't agree more, Palestinians won't accept another massacre as the one in 2009 which was by definition and unjustified massacre after Israel broke the cease fire. They are absolutely entitled to acquire weapons to serve as a deterrence. They can't get high quality defensive weapons because those would be attacked long before they reach Gaza because Israel doesn't strictly want to 'defend' itself, it wants to go on the aggression and test weapons and use Gaza as it's political field and Palestinians won't accept these brutal attacks.
God must really hate the 'palestinians'
I just asked do you personally see the God?
That is just a simple question and the answer is also as simple as yes or no.
What about the weapons transfers Israel DOESNT capture? ;)
Thats the important thing.

For every one batch of weapons caught, others get through..

For every set back, other avenues will be found to resist

Muslims dont/wont back down, the jew occupation of jerusalem and Palestine is unacceptable
Hussain sucking on the teat of Iran and the Shia. ^^^^

How many more examples do you need to see that God is not on your side?

If the slaughter of millions of your people in the holocaust wasnt able to convince you that you are a dammned people then nothing will
I just asked do you personally see the God?
That is just a simple question and the answer is also as simple as yes or no.
Personally, no.

But when the so-called 'palestinians' and their Iranian masters invoke God all the time - you have to ask, why has God fucked over the 'palestinians' every time?

Why did the Arabs never defeat Israel even when all logic dictated they should defeat Israel?

You've got to ask, is God on your side?

I think the answer is clear.

If the slaughter of millions of your people in the holocaust wasnt able to convince you that you are a dammned people then nothing will
How many of your people are being annihilated by Iran every day in Syria?

Hamas is getting close to the 1,000 mark for rockets over 75km, does that mean God loves them then? :lol:

Thanks of the support Iran once again. Your efforts are appreciated. :wave:

@Yzd Khalifa

If you cared about Palestinian citizens you would have made a no fly zone over Gaza and demanded Israel end it's occupation.
I dont know why the gulfies complain about Iran using Hamas. Iran is not using anyone. We have an alliance, because we share the same goals. And the goals are to eradicate the Zionist state and make Zionism unsustainable.
If it is of such great concern to gulfies, why dont you arm the Palestinians yourselves and cut Iran off from the equation?
The answer is simple and two fold.
1: You dont produce weapons yourselves. You are supplied by America (and pay overprice as ****)
2: If you give weapons made from the US, they would cut you off.

Furthermore, Iran has military tactics and strategists. They can look at previous experiences and revise their strategies.
This is something KSA/GCC is NOT capable of. Period.
I have said this 1000 times before. KSA is an entirely different entity than Iran and it can never be a strategic substitute for the Palestinians, if Iran wasnt there.
Its simple. Iran is the only strategic depth Palestinian resistance fighters can rely on.
Personally, no.

But when the so-called 'palestinians' and their Iranian masters invoke God all the time - you have to ask, why has God fucked over the 'palestinians' every time?

Why did the Arabs never defeat Israel even when all logic dictated they should defeat Israel?

You've got to ask, is God on your side?

I think the answer is clear.

How many of your people are being annihilated by Iran every day in Syria?

There are 1.7 billion muslims now son,,, more people die from traffic accidents then what die in syria or even iraq at the height of the war.

The world muslim population is surging ahead and will hit 2 billion soon enough

A large percentage of jews were simply wiped off the face of the earth,,, I once read a article that if it wasent for the holocaust and various pogroms against jews (mostly carried out by white christian people) then jews would number in the hundreds of millions

Your arrogance has led you down this path, not learning from your past you have allied yourselves with the same people responsible for your slaughter to oppress muslims in Palestine.

The world goes around in circles, power comes and goes and soon enough the massive world muslim body will have power coming back to it, combined with a growing muslim/arab population in israel/the world you better hope we are on better terms by then
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