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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

Iran has history of exporting terrorism. Nothing new here, state of haters.
All i want to know, how Israel got the such perfect intelligence?

Seriously? Palestinians fight for their independence, not to terrorize a random ethnicity.

US gave them this intelligence how else moron?
At least when you make a duplicate account, choose a different flag so no one would suspect in first minute.
Please let him stay. He is funny and every forum needs one troll.


I'm reading a report in Arabic claiming it was destined for PIJ and not Hamas. They've denied it though.
Is Iran trying to play off Hamas vs Islamic Jihad? I hope not, and think we don't have that capability anyway. Whatever goes through the tunnels is for all of the resistance.
Seriously? Palestinians fight for their independence, not to terrorize a random ethnicity.

US gave them this intelligence how else moron?

What does Iran got to do with it?`and what about Syrian fight of independence?
If you consider that random ethnicity worth to bomb than why do it like thieves? go with your troops and win them freedom!
The smuggling route through Sudan is actually a well known one. Israel have hit a few times.

If it is well known than why Iran is so stupid to use it ? It does not seem a random bust!
Actionable intelligence, must have come from reliable source? BTW, will Israel not count it as an hostile act? What response should we expect? or you both states are making this world a fool?
Of course, i don't blame you... it is top level drama!
If it is well known than why Iran is so stupid to use it ? It does not seem a random bust!
Actionable intelligence, must have come from reliable source? BTW, will Israel not count it as an hostile act? What response should we expect? or you both states are making this world a fool?
Of course, i don't blame you... it is top level drama!
Netanyahu is visiting America for 5 days, there is a chance the Israelis engineered this "capture" to win hearts and minds with their friends in the US, and to extract more shekels from Uncle Sam.
Please let him stay. He is funny and every forum needs one troll.

Is Iran trying to play off Hamas vs Islamic Jihad? I hope not, and think we don't have that capability anyway. Whatever goes through the tunnels is for all of the resistance.

I don't think it's reliable there's no way Islamic jihad has smuggling networks. It's definitely to Hamas, for some reason Israel is trying to claim that. But, either way you're right Hamas shares with them they both cooperate militarily.
Netanyahu is visiting America for 5 days, there is a chance the Israelis engineered this "capture" to win hearts and minds with their friends in the US, and to extract more shekels from Uncle Sam.

Fine, but than why Iranians and their Pakistan loyalists are defending and owning this bust?
If it is well known than why Iran is so stupid to use it ? It does not seem a random bust!
Actionable intelligence, must have come from reliable source? BTW, will Israel not count it as an hostile act? What response should we expect? or you both states are making this world a fool?
Of course, i don't blame you... it is top level drama!

What brought Syria in this dude!? Palestinians in Gaza try to acquire weapons to defend theirselves, we're under an occupation and it's only time before there's another uprising in the West Bank. They must do everything they can to protect theirselves, I doubt you deny that right of theirs!?
What brought Syria in this dude!? Palestinians in Gaza try to acquire weapons to defend theirselves, we're under an occupation and it's only time before there's another uprising in the West Bank. They must do everything they can to protect theirselves, I doubt you deny that right of theirs!?

You guess wrong, i do not deny any rights, i just ask... since Iran has self contracted this job to itself, than why do these failed attempts for years and if Iran truly believes in military solution, than why not sent few trained soldiers, with the ship to use the weapons in effective manner?
Syria is mentioned as an argument sake.... where people are dying more in numbers, and Iran revolution guards are leading indiscriminate bombardment. Why can't they just cross the border and help Palestinians, why is it that Gaza border is Iran's preferred help point?
@500 ,
To me it does look like a hollywood enactment. It always near Soudani water, it always an Iranian ship, russian missile that you have plenty of. It looks like a Duck to me, or Iranian military chiefs must have been born under the "stupidity" moon..
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You guess wrong, i do not deny any rights, i just ask... since Iran has self contracted this job to itself, than why do these failed attempts for years and if Iran truly believes in military solution, than why not sent few trained soldiers, with the ship to use the weapons in effective manner?
Syria is mentioned as an argument sake.... where people are dying more in numbers, and Iran revolution guards are leading indiscriminate bombardment. Why can't they just cross the border and help Palestinians, why is it that Gaza border is Iran's preferred help point?

It's not easy at all, Egypt doesn't have relations with Iran and they can't come in through Israel. If they could smuggle better weapons they would but it's difficult, Egypt controls the area all of this is done in secret and underground. Iran does have members of its military in Gaza they help with training in several aspects.
@500 ,
To me it does look like a hollywood enactment. It always near Soudani water, it always an Iranian ship, russian missile that you have plenty of. It looks like a Duck to me, or Iranian military chiefs must have been born under the "stupidity" moon..
These rockets are not Russian but Syrian.

Why Sudan? Tell me how else u are going to transfer rockets from Iran to Gaza.
Why is Israeli media saying it was destined for Islamic jihad?
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