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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

Nice work IDF keep it up.

الله ينطقم منك ي بقارة لعنت الله عليك يهودي ابن قريش اطلع برة بلاد الرسول! سنودمركوم نحن المسلمين ي باني قريش!
الله ينطقم منك ي بقارة لعنت الله عليك يهودي ابن قريش اطلع برة بلاد الرسول! سنودمركوم نحن المسلمين ي باني قريش!

The most hypocritical person on PDF a title should be written on top of your user ID.
Nice work IDF keep it up.

ينعن شكلك متخلف بتسواش تعريفي بتحكي عن حالك عربي انتي قطا زي البنات الصغار ي كلب ابن كلب اطلع برة بلاد الرسول ي امعفن أصلي صلاة اتقي الله بأساليب انت أصلان ي كافر بعدين بتحكيلنا انك مع المعاضة السورية

ينعن شبابك حمار عندكاش شرف صائر اتعيش تحت كندرا امريكا خصلة شعر من عمر ابن خطاب أحسن من كل شعبك البخيل المنافق

Were you raised in barney land bro? Sissiest Arab I've seen in my life no wonder you have no friends.

The most hypocritical person on PDF a title should be written on top of your user ID.

الكلب اشرف منك!
ينعن شكلك متخلف بتسواش تعريفي بتحكي عن حالك عربي انتي قطا زي البنات الصغار ي كلب ابن كلب اطلع برة بلاد الرسول ي امعفن أصلي صلاة اتقي الله بأساليب انت أصلان ي كافر بعدين بتحكيلنا انك مع المعاضة السورية

ينعن شبابك حمار عندكاش شرف صائر اتعيش تحت كندرا امريكا خصلة شعر من عمر ابن خطاب أحسن من كل شعبك البخيل المنافق

Were you raised in barney land bro? Sissiest Arab I've seen in my life no wonder you have no friends.

الكلب اشرف منك!

Restoring to personal insults will not take you any further. Try to be civil for once. The terrorist mullah regime and the terrorist militants of Gaza will not have my support even verbally so get over it.

I'll be your friend Arabian Legend.

The honor is mine. ;)
Restoring to personal insults will not take you any further. Try to be civil for once. The terrorist mullah regime and the terrorist militants of Gaza will not have my support even verbally so get over it.

بتتكلم عن الشيعي ونص بنات السعودية برنو بهبل عا ضاعين ي مشركين الله ولرسلول منطقكم منكوم

اصلحو انفسكوم كل اغلب بناتكو بنات زنا و قرف بتتكلم عن إخوانك المظلومين ارهبين!

بسترجي تحكي هيك قدام ربك!؟ كل هاد عشان السياسة حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل عليكو
بتتكلم عن الشيعي ونص بنات السعودية برنو بهبل عا ضاعين ي مشركين الله ولرسلول منطقكم منكوم

اصلحو انفسكوم كل اغلب بناتكو بنات زنا و قرف بتتكلم عن إخوانك المظلومين ارهبين!

بسترجي تحكي هيك قدام ربك!؟ كل هاد عشان السياسة حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل عليكو
Calm down these Saudis are the sons of khaybar and yethrib Jews and quraish
Listen to this rap he describe the Saudis like they are he but them in their right place:lol: :rofl:
بتتكلم عن الشيعي ونص بنات السعودية برنو بهبل عا ضاعين ي مشركين الله ولرسلول منطقكم منكوم

اصلحو انفسكوم كل اغلب بناتكو بنات زنا و قرف بتتكلم عن إخوانك المظلومين ارهبين!

بسترجي تحكي هيك قدام ربك!؟ كل هاد عشان السياسة حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل عليكو

من السبع الموبقات رمي المحصنات بالزنا يا اللي عامل حالك مسلم.

That what happens when a person is confronted and left speechless switching to defensive mode.
One has to admire the Israel's spy network. Kidding aside, these rockets dont help Palestine.

From what little Arabic I understand, not so nice things to say @Hazzy997

Who are you to say what will and won't help Palestine? You guys look at things from perspective of people's who live in a sovereign nation. Look at it from a perspective of from an occupied entity. These rockets I believe can hit miltary targets btw.

You are a bravest armchair fighter I've ever seen. U bravely call Palestinians to fight for Iranian interests while sitting in Zionist America.

Nothing's about Iranian interests, it's about the plight of the Palestinian people you Nazi.

من السبع الموبقات رمي المحصنات بالزنا يا اللي عامل حالك مسلم.

That what happens when a person is confronted and left speechless switching to defensive mode.

انا زاني من وقتيش؟ عل اقل مسلم اكثر منك انت
What does Iran hope to achieve to give Palestinians these weapons? Do they think one shipment will be enough for the Palestinians to defeat the IDF and liberate Palestine?

All this will create is unnecessary bloodshed. If Iran wants to help, maybe it should work as a mediator to negotiate a peace between Israel and Palestine.
What does Iran hope to achieve to give Palestinians these weapons? Do they think one shipment will be enough for the Palestinians to defeat the IDF and liberate Palestine?

All this will create is unnecessary bloodshed. If Iran wants to help, maybe it should work as a mediator to negotiate a peace between Israel and Palestine.

There's definitely more than one shipment and why do automatically assume this will cause bloodshed? You're denying the Palestinian right to security which the international world will not give us and it's in our hands. Nobody says anything when 'unnecessary bloodshed' is caused by any other entity. Besides, did you think Palestinians would just start randomly firing these? Absolutely not, they serve as a deterrence, it will be rare to see such high powered rockets being used unless Israel launches a massive offensive against Gaza. Nothing justified their offensives, we are entitled to weapons regardless of what the extorting oppressive globalist international world says about. They hold a scary double standard and only care for money and interests.

And about peace, where have you been the past 7 years? What 'peace' are you talking about? Israel annexing our land!? So where that got the PA which has no arms! You guys seriously believe Israel genuinely wants peace!? They don't! They want what they consider their land as if we don't even exist. Give me one development on the ground that indicates Israel wants peace!
People tell us Palestinians cannot acquire a couple dozen missiles while US is increasing Israel's massive stockpile of weapons and shockingly Israel has a relationship no other ally has with the United States. Golly Jee, I wonder why ....:rolleyes:

And for those saying this would have created violence, not it wouldn't, Palestinians are entitled to rightfully arm themselves. Had Israel began attacking Gaza then that would be an act of aggression which of course the world would support.

US House declares Israel a 'major strategic partner' | The Times of Israel

The bill names Israel a “major strategic partner” of the US — no other nation has the status — and includes measures that would expand cooperation on areas such as missile development, homeland security, energy and agriculture.

The measure also calls for expanding the reserve of US weapons stockpiled in Israel and asks the secretary of state to look into whether Israel has satisfied requirements to join the US Visa Waiver Program, which would allow for unfettered travel between the countries.

The final vote was 410-1, and the legislation now moves to the US Senate, where a similar bill is already being formulated.

AIPAC said in a statement that the House bill would “dramatically strengthen the relationship between the two allies as they work to confront new threats and challenges in the Middle East.”

“Today, the House once again reaffirmed its commitment to an unbreakable US-Israel relationship and Israel’s right to defend itself by itself,” Republican Congressman Peter Roskam said in a statement.

“From Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons to the civil war in Syria and political turmoil in Egypt, ongoing volatility in the Middle East underscores the importance of a secure and stable Jewish State of Israel,” he said. ”I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to send this long overdue bill to the President’s desk.”


These criminals want to interfere and influence the whole region based off of the stand point of Israel security. This means they want to shape political leadership, economy, freedom(economical political) and probably limit it at the expense of all people of the region only to serve Israel's interest. That's what you call hegemony and the people of the region want to free themselves from this. And I thought 'God protects Israel'.
Even after Hamas betrayed Iran and deep economical crisis, crazy mullah regime still spend billions to support terrorists. But all in vain.

IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

Cargo of Iranian made long-range missiles were captured en route to Sudan in daring open sea operation, in which elite navy unit raided the vessel

Yoav Zitun
Published: 03.05.14, 13:30 / Israel News

Israel seized an Iranian ship carrying advanced weapons destined for Gaza on Tuesday night and towed it to Eilat port, the IDF said Wednesday. Elite troops from the Israel Navy's Shayetet 13 unit boarded the ship in open waters on the maritime border of Sudan and Eritrea, some 1,500 km south of Israel.

The Klos C Iranian vessel was sailing under a Panamanian flag, making its way to Sudan from Iran carrying a cargo of advanced rockets capable of reaching distances of up to 200 km.

The ship was supposed to reach port in Sudan on Thursday, some 10 days after it left Iran. An initial inventory by Israel revealed a large supply of rockets, including the Iranian-made 302m, which hit Haifa during the 2006 Second Lebanon War.

The rockets originated in Syria, the IDF said, where Iran is known to store large arsenals. The rockets were flown from Syria to Iran, where they were loaded on the ship that then departed for Iraq where the arms concealed in boxes of cement.

From the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr it sailed into the Red Sea around the Port of Oman, bound for Sudan. The ship's progress was closely tracked by the IDF as it sailed.

"There is clear evidence from the ship that these are rockets for which Iran is responsible," a senior IDF source said Wednesday. "The rockets were ... intended for terror groups in Gaza."

The interception operation was conducted under the real-time supervision of IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, bith of whom were present at an IDF command center.

Arms transfer

Israel has long claimed that Iran is transferring arms to terror groups around the world, namely Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, through Sudan and Yemen.

Last April, the Egyptian navy seized a vessel carrying a large arms shipment near the Sinai Peninsula's southern coast. The Anatolia Turkish News Agency reported the ship is an Iranian fishing vessel named "Sawit 1," and reported that 62,283 firearms were found in its cargo, including sniper-rifles, AK-47s, RPGs and large quantities of ammunition.

In 2009, the navy's commando force stopped and boarded the Francop, a ship planning to dock in Syria containing massive amounts of Iranian arms indented for Hezbollah.

The most famous such operation was the interception of the Karin-A ship in the Red Sea in 2002. On board tons of munitions were captured en route from Iran to Gaza.

IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews


iran ain't no joke lol. they really won't give up their support for hamas no matter what lol.
so much for the sunni shia divide lol.

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