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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

So, the day Netanyahu is in California and is on a publicity tour on every American news network, is the day that Iranian weapons are "captured"......yeah we totally believe you Nuttyahoo.
so the missiles went from Syria to Iran to be transferred to Palestine? :coffee:

:hitwall: why would Syria give Iran missiles?


you keep denying the Syrian favor... even after Hamas betrayed Syria, Syria is still willing to help the Palestinians fight against Israel...

@Syrian Lion is right, apparently, the missiles have been produced by Syrian military industries, whether it has actually been transferred to Iran or not is another question. You do not simply trust Israelis in their propaganda campaign.

@Syrian Lion is right, apparently, the missiles have been produced by Syrian military industries, whether it has actually been transferred to Iran or not is another question. You do not simply trust Israelis in their propaganda campaign.
Israel is trying to fool the world, Israel is afraid of Iran right now, Iran is fully practicing its international right lawfully ( such as nuclear power) which the world can't do anything about it since it is legitimate, thus Israel plays some games to cry and complain with their cheap propaganda.....

now were those missiles intended for Hamas?
Who are you to say what will and won't help Palestine? You guys look at things from perspective of people's who live in a sovereign nation. Look at it from a perspective of from an occupied entity. These rockets I believe can hit miltary targets btw.

I can honestly not understand the predicament of Palestinians but these rockets cant do shit unless they're guided. If they were Israel would flatten half of Gaza. I still stand by my opinion of more education/stronger economy is the way forward.
I can honestly not understand the predicament of Palestinians but these rockets cant do shit unless they're guided. If they were Israel would flatten half of Gaza. I still stand by my opinion of more education/stronger economy is the way forward.

There is education, lol, you're talking about the economy go learn about the conflict then. Do I really have to teach you not to make such moronic comments?
There is education, lol, you're talking about the economy go learn about the conflict then. Do I really have to teach you not to make such moronic comments?

Education without intellectual depth is useless. Uni gradutes doesnt produce a nation, but rather change in societal thinking. Which by the likes of you is absent, now you can gargle on the Iranian penis I aint gonna stop and you're never gonna achieve anything. It's not you vs us, its you against your own betterment.
I don't know, this seem all too convenient. When Netanyahu is trying to persuade America to put more pressure on Iran, this cargo just appears out of nowhere.
Education without intellectual depth is useless. Uni gradutes doesnt produce a nation, but rather change in societal thinking. Which by the likes of you is absent, now you can gargle on the Iranian penis I aint gonna stop and you're never gonna achieve anything. It's not you vs us, its you against your own betterment.

Idiot, go back and read what I wrote. :lol:
The only "BS propaganda" is yours: never a source, lots of claims, and people who have to resort to street theatre to portray Israeli "crimes" because reality doesn't match the desired narrative.

You have a lot to be modest about, cheeky. I know my saying that makes you angry, or you dismiss it with a laugh. But the attitude you have, spread through society, ends up deceiving yourselves and holding you back from anything other than a tribal- or mafia-like social structure. It's long past time to support giving it up.
Not at all,what really makes me angry when Israeli's always plays the victim card and when you guys claim that 9/11 was not an inside job:D

That has nothing to do with freedom of expression, that's rehab.
Chill,he's banned :cheers:
Btw, whoever claims israel is justified to mercilessly attack Gaza over several 302mm rockets is a criminal coward. Hezbollah had hundreds of these before the 2006 war and today they have much more advanced missiles than any in Gaza yet that doesn't justify an Israel offensive against Lebanon and it especially doesn't against Gaza.

I agree with @Serpentine , I doubt Iran would attempt to smuggle these rockets anyways since they would be easy to detect and don't benefit Gaza much since they're producing their own rockets in Gaza and all tunnels are destroyed too. Hamas and PIJ have denied this rumor, I'm not buying it either since the timing just doesn't seem right.

so the missiles went from Syria to Iran to be transferred to Palestine? :coffee:

:hitwall: why would Syria give Iran missiles?


you keep denying the Syrian favor... even after Hamas betrayed Syria, Syria is still willing to help the Palestinians fight against Israel...

بدهمش حد عنجد يفكر انهم وصلو سلاح عا عزة خليك ساكت شويا ، غريب انهم طلبو من سوريا اتوصل صواريخ هاذي بذال يوصلوش من عندهم و حماس بتصنع صواريخ ام 75 اصلان ...بس ان شاء الله يضلهم يبعتو و المقاومة تقوا بذن الله
What does Iran hope to achieve to give Palestinians these weapons? Do they think one shipment will be enough for the Palestinians to defeat the IDF and liberate Palestine?

All this will create is unnecessary bloodshed. If Iran wants to help, maybe it should work as a mediator to negotiate a peace between Israel and Palestine.

There isnt going to be a peace between the israeli's and palestinians,,, israel is a colonial enterprise millions of non-middle eastern jews have turned up in the middle east to take the land and homes of the locals, what is their to negotiate...

Only continuous pressure on israel not allowing them a normal existence will result in forced concessions
Refrain from insults and name calling and learn how to handle a discussion.

Firing such useless unguided rockets will give Israel a legitimate reason to strike back . Innocents Palestinians will be the one who pay at the end.

They are already paying, they have been paying for over 50 years because white jews wanted a nation to call their own and holocaust guilt and racism towards arams prevented anyone stopping them......

For the amount of suffering the jews have heaped upon the Palestinians it is vital they fight on, Jerusalem alone is important enough for the resistence to go on

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