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IDEAS 2014 - 8th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (1 - 4 Dec 2014)

IDEAS 2014 report: Part-1 – Armoured and Artillery Systems
By Najam Khan | December 8, 2014 | IDEAS 2014
Designation: SH1
Manufactured by: NORINCO China North Industries Corp.
Country: China
Type: Armoured / Artillery system
Name: Self-propelled howitzer

SH1 155mm self-propelled howitzer

SH1 155mm self-propelled howitzer, developed by China North Industries Group Corporation (NORINCO) was shelved in model form at IDEAS’14. The 22 tonnes artillery system has a maximum road speed of 90km and firing range of 53 km. The SH1 is fitted with a computerized fire control system, navigation, positioning, targeting, and communications systems. It receives target information from artillery command vehicle and is complemented by meteorological radar system and 6×6 wheeled reconnaissance vehicles. For local defense against close air/ground targets, a secondary 12.7-mm machine gun is also mounted on top of the roof. SH-1 is believed to be in service with Pakistan Army and Myanmar Army.

Designation: NORA-B52 K1
Manufactured by: Serbian Defence Company YugoImport
Country: Serbia
Type: Armoured / Artillery system
Name: Self-propelled howitzer

Nora B-52K1 155mm 52 caliber self-propelled howitzer

Nora B-52K1 155mm 52 caliber self-propelled howitzer is an upgraded version of NORA-B52 KE artillery system. The system is based on 8×8 Serbian made high mobility truck with armour cabin and crew compartment and is modernised with reinforced cabin for ballistic protection. As compared to its predecessor (NORA-B52 KE system), B-52K1 comes with improved fully automatic turret (52mm artillery system), improved radar, target acquisition and communication system. In secondary role/self-protection a 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm can be mounted at the top of the crew cabin. NORA B-52K1 comes with smoke grenade launcher and automated fire-suspension system with maximum range of 41.2 km

Designation: T5-52
Manufactured by: Denel Land Systems
Country: South Africa
Type: Armoured / Artillery system
Name: Self-propelled howitzer

Denel Land Systems T5-52 truck mounted gun-howitzer

First revealed in 2002, Denel Land Systems T5-52 truck mounted gun-howitzer is capable of firing 3 rounds/minute. The artillery system has range of 41km with base bleed projectile and 55km with Velocity-enhanced Long-range Artillery Projectile (V-LAP). The system is compatible with standard NATO 155-mm ammunition. Projectiles are fed automatically onto the rammer tray from the magazine. Charge loading is semi-automatic. T5-52 can simultaneously fire up to six rounds. It is operated by 4-member crew while the loading and preparation of ammunition requires 4 additional crew members.

Designation: SH5
Manufactured by: NORINCO China North Industries Corp.
Country: China
Type: Armoured / Artillery system
Name: Self-propelled howitzer

SH-5 105mm self-propelled Artillery System

SH-5 105mm self-propelled Artillery System is developed by NORINCO and is mounted on 6×6 truck. The truck has top speed of 100km/h and can reach over 800km. SH5 is armed with 105mm/37-calibre gun and with total capacity of carrying 40 rounds in ammunition containers. SH-5 comes with computerized fire-control system, communications system GPS navigation & targeting systems.

Designation: CS/SM2
Manufactured by: NORINCO China North Industries Corp.
Country: China
Type: Armoured / Artillery system
Name: self-propelled mortar (8×8 wheeled)

CS/SM2 120mm 8×8 wheeled self-propelled mortar

CS/SM2 120mm 8×8 wheeled self-propelled mortar developed by NORINCO. CS/SM2 provides quick reaction force to the battlegroup/command post/ground forces and is mainly used to support and compliment main battle tanks. In ordnance, CS/SM2 has 120mm gun-mortar, capable of firing 6-8 High Explosive rounds/min while employing its 360° moveable turret. The system only needs 4-persons crew and has cruising range of 600km. CS/SM2 mortar system can neutralise a target up to 9,500m with HE projectile and up to 8,500m with HE bomb.

Type: Armoured Vehicles
Designation: CS/SM1
Manufactured by: NORINCO China North Industries Corp.
Country: China
Type: Armoured Vehicles
Name: self-propelled mortar (4×4 wheeled)

CS/SM1 is a 81mm self-propelled rapid mortar system

CS/SM1 is a 81mm self-propelled rapid mortar system developed for quick and rapid response operations. The system is mounted on 4×4 high mobility vehicle which complements the mortar system, which has high firing rate of 4 rounds / min. The vehicle has a cruising speed of 100 Km/hr and range of 6200 km/h. CS/SM1 is a lethal system for smaller battlefield primarily made to neutralise infantry troops, bunkers and enemy’s forward locations.

Designation: VN1A
Manufactured by: NORINCO China North Industries Corp.
Country: China
Type: Armoured Vehicles
Name: Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier (8×8 wheeled)

VN1A infantry personnel carrier vehicle

VN1A (export name for ZBL-09 APC) is an infantry personnel carrier vehicle designed to transport infantry personnel to the battlefield. VN1, publically revealed in 2009, comes with 7.62-mm machine gun or 30mm cannon. It can also be fitted with NORINCO Red Arrow HJ-73D anti-tank guided weapon. The vehicle has high armour steel protection providing effective protection to vehicle and sitting infantry troops in general. VN1 has maximum road speed of 100km/h and maximum road range of up to 800km.

Designation: WMA301
Manufactured by: NORINCO China North Industries Corp.
Country: China
Type: Armoured Vehicles
Name: Wheeled Tank destroying Vehicle (6×6 wheeled)

WMA301/PTL-02 Assaulter 105mm tank destroyer

WMA301/PTL-02 Assaulter 105mm tank destroyer is a 6×6 wheeled vehicle designed to engage armoured vehicles, bunkers and other stationary or moving targets. The vehicle carries 60 rounds and targets while employing light spot fire control system with IR night vision and laser rangefinder input. In secondary / self protection role a 12.7mm/50-calibre anti-aircraft machinegun is mounted on the top.

Designation: VN-12
Manufactured by: NORINCO China North Industries Corp.
Country: China
Type: Armoured Vehicles
Name: Tracked armoured infantry fighting vehicle

tracked armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)

NORINCO VN12 tracked armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) comes with strong armour protection, greater mobility and immense fire power. VN12 comes with one 30mm automatic cannon, one 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and two launchers for the Red Arrow 73D ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missile), one on each side of the turret. Six smoke grenade dischargers are mounted at the front of each side of turret. N12 IFV features excellent mobility and amphibious characteristics allowing it to perform in all types of terrains. N12 also has fire extinguishing/explosion suppression system, modern day navigation, positioning, electronic and laser warning sensors which enhance its battlefield survivability.

Designation: SR-5
Manufactured by: NORINCO China North Industries Corp.
Country: China
Type: Multiple launch rocket system
Name: Truck mounted Multiple Rocket Launcher multiple System (MLRS)

Truck mounted Multiple Rocket Launcher multiple System (MLRS)

NORINCO SR5 Truck-mounted Universal Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) employs two rocket pods on rear section. The SR5 can employ 220-mm and 122-mm rockets with different war heads (HE-FRAG, incendiary, smoke etc.). GPS guided rockets can also be employed for precision targeting. A standard 220-mm pod contains 6 rockets and has a range of up to 70 km. Whereas a 122-mm pod contains 20 rockets with range of up to 50 km. SR5 artillery system is a versatile combat ready system, which can employ 220-mm rocket pod and 122-mm rocket pods at same time.

Rocket pods reloading is done with the help of support crew available in nearby truck in combat zone. Each truck can carry 4 pods. Usually the unloading is carried out in place far from original firing position to avoid enemy fire.
I have been looking for some news about the SH-1 Self Propelled gun. It has taken years to see it come to light.
will have.

Not has.

Lets see how the plane takes the cannon vibration. Also astra mk1 is a few years away from IAF deployment. Still in testing phase also range is pretty bad (80km).

Tejas currently having 45km radar range and it is only expected that when quartz comes it might increase to 80km so expect a 65-70km FOC range.

So worst and most expensive in its class

Discuss this in the LCA thread, let them post pics here.
Pakistan Seeks To Prop Up Exports, Boost Industry

KARACHI — Pakistan aims to deepen existing partnerships, attract new partners and build equipment at home, despite economic instability and insecurity.

That drive was on display last week at Pakistan’s biennial defense show, the International Defence Exhibition And Seminar (IDEAS2014).

IDEAS2014 seemed somewhat reduced, since no missile systems or mobility programs were on display. Furthermore, some large contractors, from Western Europe in particular, were absent.

Yet Zaheer Ahmad, vice president of Kestral, representing a range of primarily North American contractors such as L-3 Communications, Lockheed Martin, and Sikorsky, said IDEAS2014 was comparable to any other large exhibition in terms of the variety of attendees and exhibitors.

A number of key smaller exhibitors were present for the first time.

ByField Optics, a developer of surveillance and security products and manufacturer of leading edge ultraviolet/kinetic eye protection and optics, came from Australia. Czech manufacturer Inflatech showcased its inflatable decoys that reflect radar energy and can simulate infrared signatures. Lithuania’s Helisota promoted its helicopter maintenance, overhaul and upgrade expertise. Yugoimport, Serbia’s arms export agency, was also a major presence.

With local industry the largest presence, the bulk of the remainder came from China, Turkey and the US.

The Sino-Pakistani Karakorum K-8 trainer was notable for being displayed armed for the first time with two AIM-9P Sidewinders, practice bombs and a 23mm gun pod in recognition that it now serves in the advanced jet trainer role.

Most eyes were on the JF-17, Pakistan’s flagship defense project, and Nigeria is reported to be in the final stages of negotiations to equip up to two squadrons.

“So far, there are 11 countries talking to us; so far we have not actually signed any deal,” said Air Commodore Khalid Mahmood, by Info" style="outline: 0px; color: rgb(0, 66, 118); text-decoration: underline !important; border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; float: none !important; height: auto !important; margin-right: 0px !important; margin-left: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding-right: 0px !important; padding-left: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important;">DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING for the JF-17.

He outlined a wide range of improvements and weapons integrated with the aircraft. Weaponry now includes the CM-102 air-launched supersonic anti-radiation missile and GB-6 air-launched standoff submunition dispenser, which were unveiled at China’s Zhuhai Airshow last month.

Mahmood said Pakistan is “open to all suppliers” for advanced short-range air-to-air missiles, and dispelled rumors the active/passive SD-10A long-range missile was not fully operational.

He stressed the program continues to evolve and potential customers are being offered a partnership, not just an aircraft.

The expected deals for Chinese submarines and Russian Mi-35M helicopter gunships were not signed.

Russian Helicopters representatives said only that the deal is “for more than five.” Pakistan’s Minister for Defence Production Rana Tanvir Hussain also declined to directly address the issue, but did say Pakistan is also considering the Mi-28NE Havoc.

Similarly, Chinese and Pakistan Navy officials would not discuss the submarine contract, but Cmdr. Hasnain Ali of Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW) said they would likely mostly be built in Pakistan.

Other deals have been quietly signed, including those for the third and fourth stealth missile boats being built at KSEW. The remaining pair have yet to be contracted.

Three batteries of the China Aerospace Long-March International LY-80 surface-to-air missile system have been purchased for nearly US $226 million, with eight units of the IBIS-150 air defense surveillance radar for $40 million.

A model of an LY-80 battery was displayed, but little further information was forthcoming.

Analyst Haris Khan of the Pakistan Military Consortium think tank, who attended IDEAS2014, said the LY-80 was a “good system that looks like it will be very effective,” but does not yet know if it will be produced locally as speculated.

NORINCO displayed its SH-1 155mm wheeled artillery system, but Khan said its worn appearance proved it had at least been trialed by Pakistan’s Army, though officials would not comment on this.

State-owned armored fighting vehicle manufacturer Heavy Industries Taxilia (HIT) has been busy. Spokesman Lt. Col. Amer Ahmed Khan said it will partner with Belgian engineering firm and licensee Duma Engineering to produce General Dynamics’ Dragoon four-wheel-drive armored fighting vehicle (AFV).

Of the initial 15, the Airport Security Force will take 10, with HIT retaining five. It is being promoted to the civilian and paramilitary security services, and for export to Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.

Khan confirmed HIT’s plans to produce the Chinese VN1 eight-wheel-drive AFV are “under process,” but development of HIT’s Burraq MRAP vehicle had been abandoned after the US supplied the MaxxPro.

Though the latest variant of the Al Khalid main battle tank was absent, the most modern Mohafiz internal security vehicle was present. It can resist the armor-piercing rounds that penetrated earlier versions.

Also evident was considerable work done in replacing foreign content of the Al Khalid and T-80UD tanks with indigenous equipment to make the systems more affordable and supportable. Similarly, more radical approaches such as a common turret for the main tank types had been discussed, but no action has been taken.

The increasing number of simulators was also aimed at reducing operational costs.

Soft Innovative Systems (SIS) is Pakistan’s largest supplier and has partnered with the Military Vehicle and Research Development Establishment to produce shooting simulators and the surface-to-air weapon simulator to train personnel to operate man-portable air-defense systems.

Speaking for SIS, Muzaffar Hassan said that knowing it could match quality but undercut the Western vendors, SIS is keen to secure business with developing nations, especially those in Africa.

However, a real leap appears to have been made with the Air Force Simulation Environment.

Squadron Leader Abid Ali Khan said it started out as an air defense simulator evolving to simultaneously train pilots, air traffic controllers and radar operators.

“All are linked, so use of the aircraft sim will allow the training of multiple personnel without a single aircraft being flown,” he said. “It is very cost effective and we have also sold one to Jordan.”

Similarly, indigenous UAV firms continue to improve and export widely. Although the Global Industrial and Defence Solutions conglomerate showcased its UAV range, the most notable was perhaps Pak Business Aviation’s Enduro.

Design head Usman Habib said it was the second such all-electric UAV by Info" style="outline: 0px; color: rgb(0, 66, 118); text-decoration: underline !important; border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; float: none !important; height: auto !important; margin-right: 0px !important; margin-left: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding-right: 0px !important; padding-left: 0px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important;">ON THE MARKET. Fully autonomous, the man-portable Enduro has a range of 20 kilometers and an endurance of up to three hours.

Though HIT makes an armored Toyota Corolla sedan, there has been a considerable increase in private firms offering the same services due to Pakistan’s security situation.

First time exhibitor Streit Group displayed a wide range of military, law enforcement, and civilian/discreet vehicles, and has opened a small factory near Karachi that has modified many civilian vehicles for international clients based in Pakistan.

Also chasing the same clientele were Pak Armouring and UAE-based International Armored Group, with the latter along with Thai firm Chaiseri also offering tactical security vehicles.

Not to be displaced by their Chinese counterparts, Turkish defense firms are working hard to deepen their partnership with Pakistan. Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) continues to heavily promote its T-129 attack helicopter. A memorandum of understanding was recently signed between TAI and the Pakistani government, but details are unavailable.

In the future, TAI also hopes to promote its Hurkus turboprop trainer, but along with software and electronics firms Aselsan and Havelsan, hopes to upgrade the Pakistan Navy’s ATR-72 patrol aircraft.

Long time collaborator Yonca-Onuk is also hoping to deepen its relationship with the Navy by offering its MRTP-34 and perhaps MRTP-45 vessels, and hopes to build its MRTP-64 at KSEW under a wide-ranging transfer of technology deal. ■

Email: uansari@defensenews.com.

Pakistan Seeks To Prop Up Exports, Boost Industry | Defense News | defensenews.com
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